Führerhauptquartier ´Wolfsschlucht 2´ Margival
The defence and HQ is split into many defined areas, these are the bunkers that come under "Margival - Ma".
R504 gun garage.
R622 twin group bunker.
108A/SK ammunition bunker.
Führerhauptquartier ´Wolfsschlucht 2´ Margival
Führerhauptquartier ´Wolfsschlucht 2´ Margival "Margival - Ma".
"Margival - Ma" Village found.
Ma734 - R504 Gun garage Ma734.
Ma598 - R112A Ammunitions bunker.
Ma557 - R502 Unterstand.
Ma393 - R501 Unterstand.
Ma598 - R112A Ammunitions bunker.
Ma393 - R501 Unterstand.
Ma388 - SK MG casemate.
Ma ? ---- 108A type ammunition shelter.
Ma386 -- 99A stand mit Drelschartenturm.
Ma387 -- R501 group shelter.
To be found: -
1 x 108A/SK ammunition bunker.
3 x R98a Machine gun bunker.
2 x SK 3-Schatenturm bunker.
1 x Tobruk.
2 x R621 Group shelter.
1 x R622 twin group bunker Ma558.
1 x R608 Battalion & Regimental headquarters and more.
Visited marked in red dots.
R608 Battalion & Regimental headquarters.
3P7 on an SK 3-Schatenturm bunker.
R98a Machine gun bunker.
Führerhauptquartier ´Wolfsschlucht 2´
Margival Ma734 an R504 Anti-tank gun bunker
R504 Anti-tank gun bunker with roof canopy made of two sheets of steel plating is situated in the forecourt of a workshop just off the Soissons road.
They can also be
designate R504's as a&b.
a - Tobruk on left.
b - Tobruk on right.
R504 with steel plate.
R601 with the steel plate removed for scrap. Kermorvan, Brittany.
Führerhauptquartier ´Wolfsschlucht 2´
Margival Ma734 an R504b Anti-tank gun bunker
The gun could be wheeled out of the garage and placed in a ready made emplacement to cover the road from Soissons on the left top corner of the picture.
The small pyramidal piece of concrete it an aerial fitting and the other lump of concrete is a machine gun ringstand
Ringstand observer.
Bunker aerial.
3.7cm A/T gun in position on a road.
The view the gun covered.
Führerhauptquartier ´Wolfsschlucht 2´
Margival Ma734 an R504b Anti-tank gun bunker
The view into the gun room showing the long bolts to bolt down the steel roof..
R504 with the steel plate removed for scrap. Kermorvan, Brittany.
Führerhauptquartier ´Wolfsschlucht 2´
Margival Ma734 an R504b Anti-tank gun bunker
The steel door and the hole for the ammunition room below.
Führerhauptquartier ´Wolfsschlucht 2´
Margival Ma734 an R504b Anti-tank gun bunker
Two bolts, the vertical one is to hold down the roof plate and the horizontal one is to hold the front door frame in place.
494P2 type of door may have been used here.
Führerhauptquartier ´Wolfsschlucht 2´
Margival's church.
Führerhauptquartier ´Wolfsschlucht 2´
Margival's War Memorial.
Margival's war memorial also has seven Victimes Civiles who died in the war..
Führerhauptquartier ´Wolfsschlucht 2´
Margival Ma598 an R112A Ammunitions bunker.
R607 type (R112A) ammunitions bunker.
Führerhauptquartier ´Wolfsschlucht 2´
Ma557 an R502 Unterstand.
R502 twin group bunker could hold 12 men arranged around the walls in three tiers of bunks that hang from the wall when not in use and then by chains from hooks on the roof.
R502 twin group bunker.
Führerhauptquartier ´Wolfsschlucht 2´
Ma557 an R502 Unterstand.
Heated by a coke fire, safe from a gas attack by having an anti - gas filter system.
Führerhauptquartier ´Wolfsschlucht 2´
Ma557 an R502 Unterstand.
The crew could be an anti-aircraft guns crew or ammunition supply and delivery troops from the large ammunition bunker near by. Or defence troops.
Führerhauptquartier ´Wolfsschlucht 2´
Ma393 R501 Unterstand..
Now a little walk down the railway line.
Führerhauptquartier ´Wolfsschlucht 2´
Ma393 R501 Unterstand.
MKB team leaders.
On the left --- MKB's Health and safety officer.
On the right - MKB's Advance reconnaissance Officer.
Führerhauptquartier ´Wolfsschlucht 2´
Ma393 R501 Unterstand.
Arriving at the bunkers entrance.
Führerhauptquartier ´Wolfsschlucht 2´
Ma393 R501 Unterstand.
Entrance 491P2 Gittertür.
Entrance 491P2 Gittertür.
R501 plan.
Führerhauptquartier ´Wolfsschlucht 2´
Ma393 R501 Unterstand.
Entrance steps into the bunker with a small niche for a light switch or communications into the bunker.
Führerhauptquartier ´Wolfsschlucht 2´
Ma393 R501 Unterstand.
Entrance close combat embrasure covering the entrance steps.
Führerhauptquartier ´Wolfsschlucht 2´
Ma393 R501 Unterstand.
Anti gas instructions.
Bei Gasgefahr ------------ At risk of gas
sowie berm Luften ------- as well as berm airs
sind die ---------------------- are the mil
I think it says: - The red ring on a door donates that it is an anti gas door and when shut is sealed.
Führerhauptquartier ´Wolfsschlucht 2´
Ma393 R501 Unterstand.
Bunker drain, always watch where you are stepping.
Führerhauptquartier ´Wolfsschlucht 2´
Ma393 R501 Unterstand.
A very nice 434PO1 door, splits in two so that if the door will not open due to battle damage or rubble in the way, the top half can open and you can climb out.
Führerhauptquartier ´Wolfsschlucht 2´
Ma393 R501 Unterstand.
Air lock.
Führerhauptquartier ´Wolfsschlucht 2´
Ma393 R501 Unterstand.
Inner 19P7 inner door. A thin sheet steel door with a small glass window to see what is on the other side. A gas tight rubber seal.
19P7 door.
Führerhauptquartier ´Wolfsschlucht 2´
Ma393 R501 Unterstand.
Crew room with the supports for bunk beds still in place.
Plan of bunks.
Führerhauptquartier ´Wolfsschlucht 2´
Ma393 R501 Unterstand.
The 19P7 inner door and a bracket low down to hold spare filters and above the bracket fittings for the anti gas apparatus. To the right are cables incoming from ground level going up the wall.
Stored filters.
Filter pump.
Cabling on the wall may have liked up to a phone.
Führerhauptquartier ´Wolfsschlucht 2´
Ma393 R501 Unterstand.
Filter storage bracket and also you can just see the Thermo plastic tiles on the floor.
Führerhauptquartier ´Wolfsschlucht 2´
Ma393 R501 Unterstand.
On the floor are the cable inlets through three pipes.
How it may have looked.
Führerhauptquartier ´Wolfsschlucht 2´
Ma393 R501 Unterstand.
Bunk bed post still in place.
Plan of a bunk bed.
Führerhauptquartier ´Wolfsschlucht 2´
Ma393 R501 Unterstand.
bei brennendem Licht ------------ in burning light.
Scharte schliessen ---------------- Close Scharte.
48P8 Close combat embrasure.
48P8 close combat embrasure.
48P8 close combat embrasure.
Führerhauptquartier ´Wolfsschlucht 2´
Ma393 R501 Unterstand.
In the corner is the escape, a small tunnel that goes out horizontally to the outside of the bunker and then runs up vertically to an opening to escape.
410P9 door.
Führerhauptquartier ´Wolfsschlucht 2´
Ma393 R501 Unterstand.
Looking into the escape tunnel.
A large
I beam to hold back the gravel used to fill up the vertical shaft.
Shutters in place.
Escape shafts.
Führerhauptquartier ´Wolfsschlucht 2´
Ma393 R501 Unterstand.
Pascal holding an I beam that has been taken out by others and several more on the floor.
Führerhauptquartier ´Wolfsschlucht 2´
Ma393 R501 Unterstand.
393 the bunker number.
Führerhauptquartier ´Wolfsschlucht 2´
Ma393 R501 Unterstand.
The steps out.
Führerhauptquartier ´Wolfsschlucht 2´
Ma393 R501 Unterstand.
A galvanised vent of some kind all that can be seen of the bunker from the top.
Führerhauptquartier ´Wolfsschlucht 2´
Margival Ma558 R622 twin group bunker.
Now back to nearly the railway bridge..
Führerhauptquartier ´Wolfsschlucht 2´
Margival Ma558 R622 twin group bunker.
Ma558 - R622 twin group bunker situated in the village and a new drive and wall has been built along side it. An accommodation bunker for about 18 men and a defence Tobruk on the left side.
R622 twin group bunker.
Führerhauptquartier ´Wolfsschlucht 2´
Margival Ma558 R622 twin group bunker.
Left entrance.
Führerhauptquartier ´Wolfsschlucht 2´
Margival Ma558 R622 twin group bunker.
Right entrance with what looks like the original 491P2 Gittertür (Screen Door).
491P2 Gittertür (Screen Door).
Führerhauptquartier ´Wolfsschlucht 2´
Margival Ma558 R622 twin group bunker.
Four 20cm air vents in the side.
20cm heavy vent. Stahlrost.
20cm grill type.
Inside was a hand operated fan that sucks in air from outside that may be gas or smoke filled and the air is pushed through a filter (the round centre) and then blow the cleaned air around the bunker in pipes.
Führerhauptquartier ´Wolfsschlucht 2´ Margival
Junction off the Turny-Sorny road turn right and along the German military road.
Führerhauptquartier ´Wolfsschlucht 2´ Margival
Driving down the road.
Führerhauptquartier ´Wolfsschlucht 2´
Margival Ma388 SK MG casemate
Just up off the road is Ma388 an SK MG casemate machine gun casemate.
SK MG casemate machine gun casemate.
Führerhauptquartier ´Wolfsschlucht 2´
Margival Ma388 SK MG casemate
Just up off the road is Ma388 an SK MG casemate machine gun casemate.
SK MG casemate machine gun casemate.
Führerhauptquartier ´Wolfsschlucht 2´
Margival Ma388 SK MG casemate
Getting closer to the bunker you can see the yellow camouflage wall..
Führerhauptquartier ´Wolfsschlucht 2´
Margival Ma388 SK MG casemate
Embrasure of the close combat defence covering the rear entrance..
Close combat...
491P2 Gittertür (Screen Door) would have closed off the entrance.
Führerhauptquartier ´Wolfsschlucht 2´
Margival Ma388 SK MG casemate
A close up of the embrasure steel.
Führerhauptquartier ´Wolfsschlucht 2´
Margival Ma388 SK MG casemate
A two pin cable connection for a land line phone into the bunker. (Kableanschlussstelle 2 paarig)
Relay box.
Führerhauptquartier ´Wolfsschlucht 2´
Margival Ma388 SK MG casemate
The corridor in with another close combat embrasure covering the passage..
Führerhauptquartier ´Wolfsschlucht 2´
Margival Ma388 SK MG casemate
At gas hazard gas alarm -------------------- Bei Gasgefahr gas alarm
as well as when airing and shooting ----- sowie beim luften und Schiessen
are those with red ring ----------------------- sind die mit rotem Ring
marked doors ---------------------------------- gekennzeichnete Turen
to close ------------------------------------------- zurschliessen
Führerhauptquartier ´Wolfsschlucht 2´
Margival Ma388 SK MG casemate
A 434P01 double door. If rubble stopped the door from opening at least the top door can and you just climbed over it, something I have done many times.
434P01 double door.
Führerhauptquartier ´Wolfsschlucht 2´
Margival Ma388 SK MG casemate
Bunker numbers, I am not too sure of the No.58 but I do know it is called No.388.
Führerhauptquartier ´Wolfsschlucht 2´
Margival Ma388 SK MG casemate
This is a standard radio aerial fitting, I feel with these if there are no earth taps fitted, no aerials would have been used. There are none here.
Earth fittings on a bunker that may have had an aerial..
Aerial fitted into a slot..
Führerhauptquartier ´Wolfsschlucht 2´
Margival Ma388 SK MG casemate
Continuing on into the bunker.
Führerhauptquartier ´Wolfsschlucht 2´
Margival Ma388 SK MG casemate
Close combat defence room with another 434P01 double door.
Führerhauptquartier ´Wolfsschlucht 2´
Margival Ma388 SK MG casemate
Close combat defence embrasure.
48P8 embrasure.
4ML01 equalising valve showing the colours still painted on them.
Führerhauptquartier ´Wolfsschlucht 2´
Margival Ma388 SK MG casemate
Close combat defence room with a square in the floor for the base of a periscope fitting.
Periscope fitted in a bunker..
Führerhauptquartier ´Wolfsschlucht 2´
Margival Ma388 SK MG casemate
There is a fitting in the roof to close off the hole when a periscope is not fitted.
Führerhauptquartier ´Wolfsschlucht 2´
Margival Ma388 SK MG casemate
Outside on the roof is a 947S6 Antennenführungsrohr. Antenna guide tube cover.
This would need to be unscrewed to allow the periscope into the bunker.
Führerhauptquartier ´Wolfsschlucht 2´
Margival Ma388 SK MG casemate
Equalising valve to equal the inside and outside pressure when there is a local explosion.
Führerhauptquartier ´Wolfsschlucht 2´
Margival Ma388 SK MG casemate
Crew room.
Drawing of a bunker bed..
Bunker beds hooked up in place.
Crew room.
Führerhauptquartier ´Wolfsschlucht 2´
Margival Ma388 SK MG casemate
Crew room gasschutztür 19P7 door.
Führerhauptquartier ´Wolfsschlucht 2´
Margival Ma388 SK MG casemate
Continuing on into the bunker Another close combat embrasure possibly a 505 type.
Führerhauptquartier ´Wolfsschlucht 2´
Margival Ma388 SK MG casemate
Door in the gas room/store a 19P7 type.
19P7 door 1935 model Gasschutztür.
Führerhauptquartier ´Wolfsschlucht 2´
Margival Ma388 SK MG casemate
Gas filter room.
Bei Gasgefahr Verbindungsstuck -- At risk of gas connecting pieces
mit rotem Ring herausnehinen ------- remove with red ring
und Raumfilter einschrauben --------- and screw in the room filter.
Anti gas filtration system.
S1,2 is a Dust Filter.
G1,2 is a Gas Filter.
Führerhauptquartier ´Wolfsschlucht 2´
Margival Ma388 SK MG casemate
Gun room. 78P9 Pz-Schartenplatte, a 1936 model..
78P9 Pz-Schartenplatte with fittings.
MG34 fortress mount in a 78P9 plate..
A steel plate being fitted into a bunker.
Führerhauptquartier ´Wolfsschlucht 2´
Margival Ma388 SK MG casemate
Details of the metal plate a 78P9 Pz-Schartenplatte..
Führerhauptquartier ´Wolfsschlucht 2´
Margival Ma388 SK MG casemate
Here were special fittings to view through and could also be closed off if under attack.
A viewing slot on the outside of a plate.
Führerhauptquartier ´Wolfsschlucht 2´
Margival Ma388 SK MG casemate
This is where the MG mounting would be placed.
MG34 fortress mount in a 78P9 plate..
MG34 fortress mount in a 78P9 plate..
Führerhauptquartier ´Wolfsschlucht 2´
Margival Ma388 SK MG casemate
Gas room/fresh air and ammunition chamber.
Here would be a second gas filtration system and if no gas was used but the gun had to fire, the system would suck out the foul gases from the gun and blow it outside. Adding an extra man to the gun crew. About four or five crew would be here, one for the gas, a gunner, gun commander and two ammunition handlers.
Gas filtration.
Ammunition boxes.
Führerhauptquartier ´Wolfsschlucht 2´
Margival Ma388 SK MG casemate
This is a bolt to hold the metal plate in position when under construction.
Führerhauptquartier ´Wolfsschlucht 2´
Margival Ma388 SK MG casemate
Looking into the front of the bunker..
Führerhauptquartier ´Wolfsschlucht 2´
Margival Ma388 SK MG casemate
The field of fire of the gun..
Führerhauptquartier ´Wolfsschlucht 2´
Margival 108A type ammunition shelter
Here on the left a 108A/SK ammunition bunker. Two passageways down each side and two large rooms for ammunition. This area is still a French Army ammunition storage but it was a quarry and in WW1 it was used for all sorts of things from ammunition, hospital (Lazerette), HQ of units in the area, sleeping for soldiers going and coming from the front. So in WW2 it was an obvious choice for ammunition storage and then post war probably a NATO storage.
108A type ammunition store.
Passage way in (Wn01 Le Grand Vey, K.V.Gruppe Marcouf).
Passage way in (Wn01 Le Grand Vey, K.V.Gruppe Marcouf).
Ammunition room (Wn01 Le Grand Vey, K.V.Gruppe Marcouf).
Probably it was full of Flak ammunition.
Führerhauptquartier ´Wolfsschlucht 2´
Margival : -
Ma386 ----- 99A stand mit Drelschartenturm.
Ma387 ----- R501 group shelter.
I have not actually visited them but I did drive past, several times.
99A stand mit Drelschartenturm.
R501 group shelter.
Führerhauptquartier ´Wolfsschlucht 2´
Margival : -
Ma386 ----- 99A stand mit Drelschartenturm.
Ma387 ----- R501 group shelter.
99A stand mit Drelschartenturm.
Führerhauptquartier ´Wolfsschlucht 2´
Margival : -
Ma386 ----- 99A stand mit Drelschartenturm.
You can just see the Drelschartenturm - three embrasured steel dome.
Machine gunner.
MG port.
Führerhauptquartier ´Wolfsschlucht 2´
Margival : -
Ma386 ----- 99A stand mit Drelschartenturm.
The machine gun covered a wide valley.
Viewing slot.
Constructing a bunker with its dome.
Führerhauptquartier ´Wolfsschlucht 2´ Margival