Flakstellung ‘7’
Nécropole Militaire Française - Vauxaillon, The national necropolis of Vauxaillon was erected in 1919 and contains nineteen hundred and nine corps of combatants essentially fallen during the battles of the Chemin des Dames. The area above in the woods was a Lazerette or field hospital in WW1. The battles for France went backwards and forwards over these lands several times.
Assault Chemin des Dames.
Flakstellung ‘7’
Führerhauptquartier had 14 small Flak batteries (numbered 1 - 14) and four heavy Flak batteries (numbered A - D). This is Flakstellung ‘7’.
Flakstellung ‘7’
A small batterie of three 3.7cm Flak position. Two searchlight positions. We only managed to visit VX980,293b & 293. When the bunkers were sighted here there were very few trees around. On our visit it was a little bit like a jungle.
Vx 288 - L2 Flakstand 3.7cm Flak.
Vx289 - L2
Flakstand 3.7cm Flak.
Vx 290 - 126A Scheinwerferstand 60cm. 60cm Searchlight.
Vx 291 - 102A Munitionsstand.
Vx 292 - L2
Flakstand 3.7cm Flak.
Vx 293 - 102A Munitionsstand.
Vx 293b - 100A
Unterstand für Maschinesatz 60cm. 60cm Searchlight.
Vx 732 - R504 Pak-Unterstellraum mit Gruppe. Pak garage.
948 - Barracke.
Vx 980 -
feldmäßige Pakstellung. Pak field position.
Vx 988 -
feldmäßige Scheinwerferstellung mit Unterstand. Field position for 60cm searchlight.
102A plan.
R504 Pak garage.
Barracks, pit in the ground was dug out and a wooden hut built inside.
Flakstellung ‘7’ the site of
The Vauxaillon road to Führerhauptquartier, the railway runs to the right, down the valley into the tunnel and out the other side to the Führerhauptquartier.
At the moment I am not sure if this batterie was a 2cm or 3.7cm batterie.
L2 Flakstand 3.7cm Flak.
60cm searchlight.
2cm Flak 30.
3.7cm Flak 18.
Flakstellung ‘7’
The search begins. Send in the Belgium's, some of the finest and intrepid bunker hunters.
Flakstellung ‘7’ VX 293b 100A
The first bunker is found. We passed where the Pak gun position was and worked our way into the woods (jungle).
Route taken.
Luftwaffe gun crew.
Flakstellung ‘7’ VX 293b 100A
VX 293b 100A Unterstand für Maschinensatz 60cm. Shelter for a standby set engine.
Maschinensatz generated enough power to run the two 60cm searchlights.
60cm and standby engine.
60cm searchlight.
Flakstellung ‘7’ VX 293b 100A
Generator room.
Generator room.
100A machinery bunker.
Flakstellung ‘7’ VX 293b 100A
Numbered 293b.
Flakstellung ‘7’ VX 293b 100A
Electrical connection and water pipe.
100A electrical outlets.
Flakstellung ‘7’ VX 293b 100A
Small store room I believe used as a fuel store.
100A store room.
Petrol can.
Flakstellung ‘7’ VX 293b 100A
19P7 door closes off the store room.
19P7 door.
Flakstellung ‘7’ VX 293b 100A
VX 293b 100A from the R504.
Flakstellung ‘7’ VX732 R504
VX732 R504 garage. Note the reinforcement bars show that the entrance was never finished off.
494P2 the type of door that may have been planned to be used here.
3.7cm Pak.
5cm Pak.
Flakstellung ‘7’ VX732 R504
Garage. The far wall are the concrete blocks for the steel runners and the hole in the wall for the muzzle of the gun. To the right are the crew quarters.
Garage showing the gun sat on brick piers and steel runners.
The steel runner with the tyre.
4.7cm gun and garage.
Flakstellung ‘7’ VX732 R504
Bunker number 292.
Flakstellung ‘7’ VX732 R504
The floor of the garage, the floor was also the ammunition storage area.
Flakstellung ‘7’ VX732 R504
Gas lock and passage.
R504 plan.
Flakstellung ‘7’ VX732 R504
Crew room.
Flakstellung ‘7’ VX732 R504
Periscope blanking plug. When a periscope is not fitted a blanking plug filled the empty tube.
the hook is for bunker beds.
Bunker beds.
Flakstellung ‘7’ VX732 R504
Crew room.
R504 plan.
Flakstellung ‘7’ VX732 R504
Written above the embrasure "Close when lamp is on."
422PO1 close combat defence embrasure, this an early type much larger and with a second viewing slot. They were for small machine gun type bunkers. Here only the embrasure is used and the slot is blanked off.
R504 plan.
422PO1 type
Close combat embrasure.
Flakstellung ‘7’ VX732 R504
Door to store room, gas pump, close combat embrasure.
Writing on the wall "Remove the gasket from the wiring harness and insert the room filter."
R504 plan.
Flakstellung ‘7’ VX732 R504
Anti gas pump fitting and filter store. The looped steel ring is to store spare filters.
Gas filter.
Anti gas pump.
Flakstellung ‘7’ VX732 R504
Store room.
R504 plan.
Bunker cupboard.
Food stores.
Flakstellung ‘7’ VX732 R504
Crew room floor showing the drain.
Plan of a drain.
Drain made of zinc.
Bunker drain.
Flakstellung ‘7’ VX732 R504
Electrical/telephone connection. The walls were always painted after fitting out, that’s why there is no paint behind the fittings.
Electrical and telephone connections.
Flakstellung ‘7’ VX732 R504
Gas lock passage. The main door here is a 434PO1 double heavy steel type.
434PO1 door.
434PO1 door.
Flakstellung ‘7’ VX732 R504
"In case of gas danger gas alarm
As well as in the airing and shooting
Are the doors with a red ring
The red ring on a door donates that it is an anti gas door and when shut is sealed.
Flakstellung ‘7’ VX732 R504
Close combat embrasure still with its wooden shuttering in place as an added protection. The steel embrasure behind it.
Flakstellung ‘7’ VX732 R504
Bunker number 732.
Flakstellung ‘7’ VX732 R504
Way out.
Flakstellung ‘7’ VX732 R504
Relay box telephone.
Relay box telephone.
Relay box telephone.
Field telephone.
Flakstellung ‘7’
Flakstellung ‘7’ VX732 R504
Periscope fitting.
Flakstellung ‘7’ VX293 102A
102A ammunition bunker although small 3m x 5m it could hold around 3000 rounds.
Red square ---- VX732 R504.
Yellow square - VX293 102A.
102A plan.
102A elevation.
Flakstellung ‘7’ VX293 102A
102A ammunition bunker inside showing the bunker number.
Red square ---- VX732 R504.
Yellow square - VX293 102A.
102A plan.
102A elevation.
Flakstellung ‘7’ VX293 102A
102A ammunition bunker inside the piers to hold a shelf for the ammunition to sit on.
Red square ---- VX732 R504.
Yellow square - VX293 102A.
102A plan.
102A elevation.
Flakstellung ‘7’
The Jungle.
Flakstellung ‘7’
Woodland with what look like trenches.
Flakstellung ‘7’ Vx 298 anti-tank field position
A hollow in the ground facing north covering the road way from Vauxaillon.
3.7cm anti-tank gun.
Flakstellung ‘7’ Vx 298 anti-tank gun field position
The hollow where an anti-tank gun sat. The hollow has two small trench/ammunition trenches each side.
3.7cm anti-tank gun.
Flakstellung ‘7’ Vx 298 anti-tank gun field position
Plan showing where the gun position was set now in woodland but then in open ground. It covered the road from Vauxaillon and the railway tunnel entrance behind.
Flakstellung ‘7’Vx 298 anti-tank gun field position
From here you would be looking down its barrel.
Flakstellung ‘7’
The road is a 70cm concrete road built by a penal unit of soldiers that did not want to fight at Stalingrad. They were guarded by Battle weary soldiers. A good combination.
On the left is Vx288 'a', over the bend on the left is Vx292 'c' and to the right Vx289 'b' three L2 3.7cm Flak open emplacements. [ 'a' 'b' 'c' - my preffix ]
L2 3.7cm Flak open emplacements.
3.7cm Flak .
Flakstellung ‘7’ Vx 288 L2 Flak stand 'a'
Vx 288 sits behind a large hedge and very hard to see into it..
Plan of where the second 102A is situated.
Flakstellung ‘7’ Vx 288 L2 Flak stand 'b'
This is the second L2 easy to find on the right of a small track to a field.
Plan of where the second 102A is situated.
Flakstellung ‘7’Vx 288 L2 Flak stand 'b'
This is the second L2 showing the ammunition niches on the left hand side and the guns ringstand in the centre.
3.7cm Flak ammunition..
Ammunition handler with a magazine of 3.7cm ammunition.
Flakstellung ‘7’Vx 288 L2 Flak stand 'b'
The gun sat on the centre round plinth.
3.7cm Flak 37
Flakstellung ‘7’Vx 288 L2 Flak stand 'b'
Crew niche.
Cable connection 10 pairing.
Remote control.
Cable termination.
Around the outer wall was a V shaped recess and concrete cylinders were placed in them as splinter protection.
Concrete cylinder.
Flakstellung ‘7’Vx 288 L2 Flak stand 'c'
The third L2 slightly to the left of the last one.
Flakstellung ‘7’Vx 288 L2 Flak stand 'c'
This is the crew entrance once the gun had been set up and the large entrance closed off with wooden bulks of timber.
Now the camouflage, wow wonderful. No its not original and may have been added by the French army that trained in this area.
Plan of the L2 Flak stand.
Flakstellung ‘7’Vx 288 L2 Flak stand 'c'
Note the camouflage inside the ammunition niches, well these would not have been painted but wooden boards fitted in to carry ready ammunition..
Flakstellung ‘7’Vx 288 L2 Flak stand 'c'
The entrance where the gun would have entered and the crew entrances either side to allow the crew to get in when the entrance is closed off.
Flakstellung ‘7’Vx 288 L2 Flak stand 'c'
The entrance with slots for bulks of wood to be slid into place.
Flakstellung ‘7’ Vx 291 102A ammunition
102A ammunition bunker entrance.
Flakstellung ‘7’ Vx 291 102A ammunition
102A ammunition bunker entrance.
Flakstellung ‘7’ Vx 291 102A ammunition
102A ammunition bunker with the bunker number. The door hinged outwards against the wall allowing easy access
Flakstellung ‘7’ Vx 291 102A ammunition
102A ammunition bunker and the block piers for the shelf’s.
Flakstellung ‘7’ Vx 291 102A ammunition
102A ammunition bunker and the block piers for the shelf.
Flakstellung ‘7’ Vx 291 102A ammunition
Camouflage paint is still on the entrance walls.
Flakstellung ‘7’
The woodland today.