Wn227 Le Dur Ecu
2 x R667 casemates.
1 x R607
ammunition store.
1 x R622 twin group shelter.
1 x Vf58c Tobruk ringstand Gr. W mortar.
1 x 5cm
Granatwerfer 36.
2 x 5cm KwK L/60 guns.
R607 ammunition store.
R622 twin group shelter.
R667 casemate.
Ringstand Gr. W mortar Vf67.
Wn227 Le Dur Ecu
Wn227 Le Dur Ecu Plan
From the sea - two R667´s with 5cm KwK guns, a Gr. W mortar I think a 5cm Granatwerfer 36.
Next - a Tobruk with a possible Mg.34 which covered the dead ground around the centre of the Wn.
Rear - R607 an ammunition bunker with two passages either side with two rooms running L to R. R622 twin group bunker for 15 to 30 men.
Ringstand Gr. W mortar Vf67.
5cm mortar mounted in a Tobruk.
5cm Granatwerfer 36.
Wn227 Le Dur Ecu Entrée
A tight turn off the D45 into Issue aux Moingnes, parking at the bottom.
Wn227 Le Dur Ecu R667 (i)
The first R667 we came across with a nearly new coat of Star Wars paint.
5cm KwK Pak.
Wn227 Le Dur Ecu R667 (i)
Very interesting that and extra layer of concrete was built onto the seaward side or enemies side to stop shells from getting under the casemate.
Extra flank protection.
How a shell would explode against the concrete and not undermine the bunker.
Wn227 Le Dur Ecu R667 (i)
Early 1960´s post card.
Wn227 Le Dur Ecu R667 (i)
Inside an R667 gun room.
Wn227 Le Dur Ecu R667 (i)
The slot for spent cases to be removed from the gun room.
Inside the gun room is a slot to put spent 5cm shell cases through to remove them from the casemates gun room.
Where the shell case would come out.
Wn227 Le Dur Ecu R667 (ii)
The second R667 casemate.
R667 plan.
Wn227 Le Dur Ecu R667 (ii)
Good view of the rear entrance.
Wn227 Le Dur Ecu R667 (ii)
Wn227 Le Dur Ecu R667 (ii)
Embrasure where the 5cm KwK L/60.
5cm KwK L/60.
5cm KwK L/60.
Wn227 Le Dur Ecu concrete wall
This concrete may be part of a concrete trench system linking with the Vf58c Tobruk 5cm
Granatwerfer 36 mortar.
Wn227 Le Dur Ecu concrete wall
Covered concrete trenches at Wn126 StP Neville MKB Blankensee.
Wn227 Le Dur Ecu end of concrete trench.
Wn227 Le Dur Ecu Vf58c Tobruk ringstand Gr. W mortar.
Plan of this Vf58c Tobruk ringstand Gr. W mortar.
Tobruk plan.
Wn227 Le Dur Ecu Vf58c Tobruk ringstand Gr. W mortar.
This part may have connected to a covered trench.
5cm Mortar.
5cm Mortar bombs.
Mortar crew.
Wn227 Le Dur Ecu R607 on left - R622 on right
R607 ammunition bunker.
R607 ammunition bunker with two entrances and two long ammunition rooms.
R607 passageway.
R607 ammunition room.
R622 twin group bunker.
R622 gas lock.
R622 crew room.
Wn227 Le Dur Ecu
© 2013 Richard Drew