Va01 Etel embouchure rive gauche
The east bank of the River Etel was defeded with mostly 5cm KwK guns and Tobruks. But would have had many mines laid in the sand.
Va01 Etel embouchure rive gauche
Va01 Etel embouchure rive gauche
1 x R667 casemate.
1 x 5cm Ringstand.
1 x R134 ammunition bunker?
3 x Vf38c Tobruk's. Six found.
2 x Vf Bunkers. Three found.
1 x R621
bunker. Not found.
1 x 5cm KwK 38.
R621 bunker.
5cm KwK 38.
Vf78c Tobruk's.
Va01 Etel embouchure rive gauche
Etel town.
Va01 covers the east bank of the riviere dÉtel. From here a lot of sand was removed to make the U-Boat pens at Lorient and many of the bunkers around Lorient.
Va01 Etel embouchure rive gauche
Tobruk 1 Vf58c.
Vf58c Tobruk.
Vf58c Tobruk.
Va01 Etel embouchure rive gauche
Va01 Etel embouchure rive gauche
Tobruk 1 Vf58c.
Va01 Etel embouchure rive gauche
Bunker Vf2a.
Vf2a group shelter.
Va01 Etel embouchure rive gauche
Bunker entrance.
Vf2a group bunker.
Va01 Etel embouchure rive gauche
Bunker escape.
Types of escape.
Plan of an escape.
Va01 Etel embouchure rive gauche
Bunker escape.
Steel ladder.
Va01 Etel embouchure rive gauche
Bunker Vf2a.
Bunker Vf2a.
Va01 Etel embouchure rive gauche
Vf600 5cm Ringstand.
Bundesarchiv picture of a Vf600 Ringstand with a 5cm KwK 38 in place. Very much how it would have looked.
Vf600 Ringstand.
Target information of vulneral points on a Sherman.
Va01 Etel embouchure rive gauche
Vf600 5cm Ringstand.
There would be a trench running up to the Ringstand and you would need to hold the two steel hand holds to climb up to the gun.
Steps up from a trench.
Va01 Etel embouchure rive gauche
Vf600 5cm Ringstand.
Here you can see the trenches each side still showing.
Va01 Etel embouchure rive gauche
Tobruk 2 Vf58c.
Va01 Etel embouchure rive gauche
Tobruk 2 Vf58c.
Va01 Etel embouchure rive gauche
Tobruk 2 Vf58c towards the R667 casemate.
Va01 Etel embouchure rive gauche
Field kitchen.
Va01 Etel embouchure rive gauche
Tobruk I.
Va01 Etel embouchure rive gauche
Vf2a group Bunker.
Vf2a group bunker.
Va01 Etel embouchure rive gauche
Vf2a group Bunker.
The trench entrance, mostly filled in, but gives an idea of what it would have looked like.
Va01 Etel embouchure rive gauche
Vf2a group Bunker entrance.
Va01 Etel embouchure rive gauche
Vf2a group Bunker passage.
Va01 Etel embouchure rive gauche
Vf2a group Bunker inside.
And why did I not take a better photo??
Va01 Etel embouchure rive gauche
Vf2a group Bunker the other entrance.
Va01 Etel embouchure rive gauche
Vf2a group Bunker way out.
Va01 Etel embouchure rive gauche
Vf58c Tobruk II.
Va01 Etel embouchure rive gauche
Vf58c Tobruk II.
Va01 Etel embouchure rive gauche
R667 casemate for a 5cm KwK 38..
Va01 Etel embouchure rive gauche
R667 casemate gun room.
To the left of the rear wall is this square hole. This is where the fired shell case is disposed through to the outside.
5cm Pak shell.
5cm ammunition.
Va01 Etel embouchure rive gauche
R667 casemate view from the embrasure.
Va01 Etel embouchure rive gauche
R667 casemate rear entrance.
The low wall covers the rear entrance.
Rear view of an R667.
Va01 Etel embouchure rive gauche
Attached Tobruk.
Very rare an attached Tobruk, something I have never seen on any R667.
Va01 Etel embouchure rive gauche
Attached Tobruk.
Observation Tobruk.
Air photo.
Va01 Etel embouchure rive gauche
R667 casemate.
Va01 Etel embouchure rive gauche
Bunker on the hill.
Va01 Etel embouchure rive gauche
Plan 3.
Va01 Etel embouchure rive gauche
Vf2a group Bunker and entrance.
Vf2a group Bunker.
Va01 Etel embouchure rive gauche
Bunker escape.
Va01 Etel embouchure rive gauche
Tobruk a.
This could be a 101a type.
101a type.
Va01 Etel embouchure rive gauche
Tobruk a.
Inside the gun room with the metal frames for shelving.
101a type.
One shelf may have a telephone link to the bunker and ammunition for the machine gun.
Va01 Etel embouchure rive gauche
Tobruk a.
One shelf may have a telephone link to the bunker and ammunition for the machine gun.
Va01 Etel embouchure rive gauche
Tobruk a.
Steps from the crew room into the gun room.
101a type.
Va01 Etel embouchure rive gauche
Tobruk a.
Crew room.
101a type.
Va01 Etel embouchure rive gauche
Looking up at the gun ring.
Va01 Etel embouchure rive gauche
Tobruk a.
The way out.
Va01 Etel embouchure rive gauche
Tobruk b.
Va01 Etel embouchure rive gauche
Tobruk b.
Va01 Etel embouchure rive gauche