Ca06 Cayeux Plage Sud
1 x R612.
1 x R667.
1 X 600.
4 x Feldm.
1 x V67.
1 x 7.5cm F.K.231(f).
1 x Pz. T 3.7cm 144(f).
2 x 5cm KwK 39 L/42.
7.5cm F.K.231(f).
5cm KwK 39 L/42.
Pz. T 3.7cm 144(f).
Ca06 Cayeux Plage Sud
Ca06 Cayeux Plage Sud R667
R667 casemate for a 5cm KwK L/60 very well camouflaged in the car park of a small business.
R667 casemate.
5cm KwK 39 L/42.
5cm ammunition.
Ca06 Cayeux Plage Sud R667
As you see the camouflage is excellent.
5cm KwK 39 L/42.
R667 casemate.
Gun room.
Ca06 Cayeux Plage Sud R667
There you are just able to see it behind that bush.
Ca06 Cayeux Plage Sud
R667 casemate for a 5cm KwK 39 L/42. and here it is and look at that camouflage made of a outer coat of concrete.
Ca06 Cayeux Plage Sud
Three visiting Americans to the bunker. It looks as though the barrel has bee blown off..
5cm KwK L/42..
Ca06 Cayeux Plage Sud
The rear entrance. There is a small square hole in the wall, its where spent cartridge cases could be thrown out of the casemate, to be cleared up later.
Ca06 Cayeux Plage Sud
This is the square hole in the inside. A case could easily be passed down it and outside.
Ca06 Cayeux Plage Sud
The gun room, the large embrasure (now bricked up) and the ammunition shelf to the right side set into the wall.
Open boxes of ammunition could be stored here..
Ca06 Cayeux Plage Sud
Added camouflage to the walls..
Ca06 Cayeux Plage Sud R667
A view of behind at the rear entrance.
View from above showing the rear entrance.
Ca06 Cayeux Plage Sud R667
MKB Bunker tours plan of the R667.
Ca06 Cayeux Plage Sud R667
R667 casemate for a 5cm KwK 39 L/42.
This is the view south/west down the beach the sea is on the right side but this gun had to cover a large area.
The area the gun covers this would have been cleared of all buildings and vegetation to allow the gunners free fire zone..
1947 air photo showing with red square is the R667 and the yellow square is the factory.
Ca06 Cayeux Plage Sud or town hall?
A pre war pre cast concrete town hall.
Showing how casemate was in the front of the town.
1935. 1966.
Ca06 Cayeux Plage Sud R612
R612 casemate for an assault 7.5cm F.K.231(f) gun.
Ca06 Cayeux Plage Sud R612
R612 casemate for an assault 7.5cm F.K.231(f) gun.
7.5cm F.K.231(f).
Ca06 Cayeux Plage Sud R612
Now set into the houses but when it was built only the house behind was there.
Showing how casemate was in the front of the town.
1947 air photo.
View out of an R612 embrasure.
Ca06 Cayeux Plage Sud R612
The the rear door to allow a cannon access to the bunker.
R612 casemate plan with gun room and ammunition niches at the rear.
The flanking wall covers the gun from the seaward side.
Ammunition storage.
Ca06 Cayeux Plage Sud R612
This is a photo taken around November 1945 showing the flanking wall on the left and the embrasure for the gun to fire through. The gun may not have been left here but removed early and retreated north.
Look at the house behind as its still here. Interesting camouflage to this casemate.
It may have been pulled back by a team of horses.
An old horse drawn 7.5cm F.K.231 that may have been used here.
or a later version towed by a lorry with rubber tyres fitted to it. Both are French captured guns and re used.
Ca06 Cayeux Plage Sud R612
The view from the beach defences and the nice camouflage painting on the side and a nice wall around the roof matching the house behind. The beach defences are knife rest type defences, two X shape legs and a centre beam with barbed wire rapped around them making it a very difficult for infantry to pass.
Ca06 Cayeux Plage Sud R612
Another view showing the flanking wall.
R612 plan.
Ca06 Cayeux Plage Sud
The view down the beach where the gun was covering.
© 2013 Richard Drew