Pen01 Mesnil Val, StP.Gruppe Penly
Stab II./A.R.348.
2 x Leitstand/Vf.
2 x Vf58c.
4 x Munitionsbunker.
5 x Fieldm.
Leitstand/Vf it may have looked like this?.
Tobruk Vf58c plan.
Pen01 Mesnil Val, StP.Gruppe Penly
From the centre at 2 Route Touristique, one ammunition bunker is in the Av. du Val Coquet (there is a yellow star on the map). The next is Av. du Golf (The other yellow star on the map) is another ammunition bunker and down on the coast looking NE along the beach there are two Vf command posts on the beach where they have fallen down of the cliff.
Pen01 Mesnil Val, StP.Gruppe Penly
Along the cliff are the two Vf Leitstand's.
Pen01 Mesnil Val, StP.Gruppe Penly
Now with the tide in.
Pen01 Mesnil Val, StP.Gruppe Penly
The beach at Mesnil Val.
Pen01 Mesnil Val, StP.Gruppe Penly
Vf ammunition bunker
Av. du Val Coquet.
Ammunition cart.
Plan 1.
Pen01 Mesnil Val, StP.Gruppe Penly
Vf ammunition bunker
Set into the residential area of the town.
Plan of the bunker.
Pen01 Mesnil Val, StP.Gruppe Penly
Vf ammunition bunker entrance
Two blast walls to shelter the entrance.
Pen01 Mesnil Val, StP.Gruppe Penly
Vf ammunition bunker
The passage in with my mentor..
Pen01 Mesnil Val, StP.Gruppe Penly
Vf ammunition bunker
Ignore anything inside, this as been placed here as a children's play area with no health and safety officers written report.
Image Caption
Pen01 Mesnil Val, StP.Gruppe Penly
Vf ammunition bunker
There is no upstairs its just the play area.
10.5cm ammunition.
Mixed ammunition from mortars, hand grenades & bullets.
Boxes of bullets.
Pen01 Mesnil Val, StP.Gruppe Penly
Vf ammunition bunker
The passage out.
Small arms ammunition.
Pen01 Mesnil Val, StP.Gruppe Penly
Vf ammunition bunker
Could this be a light switch??
Light switch.
Carbide bunker light.
Pen01 Mesnil Val, StP.Gruppe Penly
Vf ammunition bunker at Av. du Golf
Another small Vf ammunition bunker set into the bank.
Plan 2..
Pen01 Mesnil Val, StP.Gruppe Penly
Vf ammunition bunker at Av. du Golf
View from the road.
Pen01 Mesnil Val, StP.Gruppe Penly
© 2013 Richard Drew