Wn Pen05b H.K.B.
Battery 8./H.K.A.R.1252.
1 x R669.
1 x Leitstand.
1 x R607.
7 x Geschütstellung.
2 x Unterstand.
2 x Feldm.
7 x Wellblech.
1 x Latrines.
2 x 2cm Flak 30.
3 x 17cm K.18.
3 x 12.2cm K.380(r)
1 x 8.35cm Flak M22(t).
8.35cm Flak M22(t).
Plan of an R669.
Wn Pen05b H.K.B.
Battery 8./H.K.A.R.1252. H.K.A.R.
H.K.A.R - Heer Kusten Artillery Regiment.
H.K.B. - Heer Kusten Batterie.
The view from across the valley to Pen05b.
Battery site around late 1940s.
Wn Pen05b H.K.B.
le Petit Berneval sitting out on the cliff overlooking the port of Dieppe which its guns would have protected.
Direction of fire of the battery was towards Dieppe Harbour.
Wn Pen05b H.K.B.
R669 casemate for a field gun.
17cm K.18 heavy gun.
12.2cm K390/2(r) this is as close a picture as I can get to what was here - 12.2cm K.380(r)
Battery position out on the very flat top of the cliff.
Only one casemate was built and I believe two were in the process of being constructed and the rest of the battery site was to the left of the road in where a lot of housing has been built. If you wish to, walking through the estate it will throw up lots of odd interesting features. One is a latrine and several small bunkers. Most has been built over now.
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Bunker in a garden.
Sitting on the side of the road is this bunker, there were 2 x Unterstand, 2 x Feldm, 7 x Wellblech and 1 x Latrine.
Red is the R669 and I think yellow is/was the Leitstand (fire control post.
This could be the the Leitstand?? now in the sea.
Bunker in a garden.
Another view.
Inside a Wellblech shelter.
Wellblech shelter.
R669 casemate for a field gun.
There was getting on for 600 of these bunkers built and probably many more planned and starting but not finished.
Construction of a casemate.
From this 1940's photo you can see construction work in progress.
R669 casemate.
Casemate for a field gun. .
12.2cm gun of the type like the three that were here. There were three 17cm K.18 and three 12.2cm K.380(r). (the one in the picture is a K.390/2(r) Russian captured artillery)
R669 rear door.
I am presuming a I cannot find out what guns were going inside that the 12.2cm guns were to be casemated and the 17cm guns being too big would either be withdrawn or continue in open field emplacements in the area.
17cm K18 artillery in open field emplacements in North Africa.
R669 casemate plan.
Ammunition storage in the casemate
R669 gun room now full of water..
Two small ammunition niches each side one the shell room and the other for case and powder bags.
R669 gun room.
I am not sure if this space is big enough for a 12.2cm gun or not?
In fact looking closely at this picture of a 12.3cm gun, the bunker behind looks like a R669? so it may do.
© 2013 Richard Drew