La319 Pleherel pointe aux Chevres.
40km west of St Malo is Frehel Pleherel is on the western side of Cape Frehel, 5km back from the lighthouse. Wn La319 is the small point at the southern end of the plage.
La319 Pleherel
3 x R501 group shelter.
1 x R667 casemate for a 5cm KwK.
1 x R669 casemate for a 7.5cm F.K.
1 x R600b/OB600E Schartenstand.
2 x R600b/OB600E.
1 x Vf67.
1 x Vf58c.
1 x Pz.T.F17.
1 x 7.5cm
2 x
5cm KwK.
1 x 2.5cm Pak112(f)
and many trenches.
La319 Pleherel.
Plan: Yellow are the first bunkers and open emplacements that we found and red the casemates and trenches found.
R501 group shelter.
Lookout on the beach.
5cm KwK Pak & ringstand.
La319 Pleherel
The road leading away from Cap Frehel and at this corner you can see a small R600b/OB600E type ringstand for a 5cm KwK Pak gun . Just in front of the Vf600v is a Renault tank turret Tobruk which looks more like a manhole cover from here.
A Pz.T.F17 tank turret.
OB600E ringstand.
5cm KwK.
7.5cm F.K.
La319 Pleherel Plage.
The view from the hill just above the R667.
The view in 1918 from a post card.
La319 Pleherel
Le pointe.
L/R: A concrete building? R667 casemate. Trenches & open 5cm R600b/OB600E. Renault tank turret. 5cm R600b/OB600E. 1 x Vf for personnel. Two R501 group bunkers. R669 7.5cm assault gun. Vf for 5cm KwK casemate.
La319 Pleherel
Pz.T.F17 Tank Turret.
A French WW1 type tank turret set on a concrete bunker for one to two men with ammunition for a machine gun and or a 4.7cm cannon.
Pz.T.F17 tank turret.
Pz.T.F17 tank turret.
La319 Pleherel
Vf67 for a Pz.T.F17 Tank Turret. These small self contained Tobruk’s had a rear entrance to a small ammunition magazine, spaces for ready ammunition and then the turret/gun room.
Vf67 for a F.T. Tank Turret.
La319 Pleherel
R600b/OB600E was an open emplacement for a 5cm KwK Pak gun. Ready ammunition niches all around the wall.
R600b/OB600E ringstand.
La319 Pleherel
R501 Rather Damaged. Its a badly damaged bunker probably filled with all the munitions lying around and then blown up. WumpF.
The site if the bunkers, the yellow square are the open emplacements on the hill and the red square the casemate bunkers..
La319 Pleherel
The Second R501 Group Bunker.
A small group bunker with a periscope hole in its roof.
R501 group bunker.
La319 Pleherel
The Third R501 Group Bunker. Photo down the periscope tube.
Periscope hole inside a bunker.
La319 Pleherel
Old Chapel.
The remains of an old chapel and inset a photo of what it looked like, I am sure the remains were used as some form of defence for this Wn.
The house.
The old lady that lived here.
La319 Pleherel
Vf for KwK Gun Casemate.
Set just below here is a 5cm R600b/OB600E open emplacement and a top has been placed over it to make it into a small Vf casemate.
La319 Pleherel
Vf for KwK gun Casemate.
A very expertly made top for this open emplacement, even with a lip at the front to stop water running down the front.
La319 Pleherel
Vf for KwK Gun Casemate.
The view inside, the large square hole at the back may have been extra ammunition space? and
inset : is the entrance now blocked. There seemed to be no signs of any fighting around this Wn. Maybe the US troops in the area captured the centre parts of the peninsular first and made this position unattainable?
La319 Pleherel
Vf for KwK Gun Casemate
A view from the casemate at the beach.
La319 Pleherel
An R669 casemate for a 7.5cm field gun set into the rocky face of this small cliff. Able to shoot the full length of the beach, this gun would have dominated a seaward approach but as the Americans came from the right rear it made this whole Widerstandsnest superfluous.
7.5cm Field Kannon.
La319 Pleherel
R669 Casemate.
As I said it has been dug into the rocky face of the cliff and steps down to the rear entrance. Now there are doors fitted to the rear and the front is closed off too. There is a small (French Military) guard post made of thin concrete to the left of the door and the remains of a flag pole base so the area may have been used as a firing range after the war?
R669 Casemate.
La319 Pleherel
R669 Casemate.
Very interesting rear entrance to get a 7.5cm field gun down and up.
7.5cm Field Kannon.
7.5cm HE.
La319 Pleherel.
There are many trenches and fox holes dug into the hillside here, some out of solid rock. (the area was used as quarries for the pink colour rocks so there would have been no shortage of quarrymen to dig out trenches & gun pits).
La319 Pleherel
Trench & Fox Holes.
A good infantry position facing the beach with flanking fire and a pathway cut through solid rock to take the 7.5cm gun down to its bunker.
This area is now a toilet for holiday makers BEWARE?
La319 Pleherel
5cm Open Emplacement R600b/OB600E. A trench leading into the emplacement.
La319 Pleherel
The third R600b/OB600E ringstand. Open Emplacement with a Good View of the Beach.
5cm KwK 39 L/42.
5cm kampfwagenkanone.
5cm R600b/OB600E ringstand.
La319 Pleherel
R667 Casemate for a 5cm KwK gun. The same gun as in the last open emplacements but now in a full casemate especially designed for this gun.
Plan of an R667 casemate.
Plan of an R667 casemate.
5cm ammunition.
La319 Pleherel
R667 Casemate for a 5cm KwK gun.
Inside the gun room looking to the rear with the door to the left, a vent pipe to allow foul gases to escape and a shoot to place fired shell cases down to get them out of the gun room and keep the fighting area clear.
R667 casemate.
La319 Pleherel
R667 Casemate for a 5cm KwK gun.
Now the gun room looking forward with on the right a space for ammunition storage.
5cm rounds.
Guns crew.
La319 Pleherel
R667 Casemate for a 5cm KwK gun.
The view the gunners would have had.
La319 Pleherel
R667 Casemate for a 5cm KwK gun. There is quite a lot of damage internally.
La319 Pleherel
R667 Casemate for a 5cm KwK gun.
The slit in the sloping wall is where the command wires were fed in to a trench and on to the command post. From the slit to the two small holes into the bunker the wires continued inside to a bunker phone.
Command post.
Bunker phone.
La319 Pleherel
R667 Casemate for a 5cm KwK gun & 'Ecole De Voile'.
It just shows how enthusiasm catches you out. I thought this could be an R701 an assault gun garage.
It looks like there was only ONE made in the whole of the AOK7 area and this is not the one. Oh well I will keep looking. But it could be???
La319 Pleherel
Casemates Three.
Vf for KwK - R667 - R669.