Berck carrefour.
1 x Kabelbrunnen. (Kabelschalstelle).
1 x Pz.T. 3.7cm KwK 144(f).
1 x Vf67?.
Pz.T. 3.7cm KwK 144(f) variant.
Berck carrefour.
Berck carrefour.
Situated just south of the aerodrome and once was a major road crossing with the east bound side continuing on to Rang-du-Fliers. Here was a cable bunker and a tank turret Tobruk to protect it and the crossing.
Berck carrefour.
View looking due east to where the road would have carried on to the next village (it is now blocked off due to road widening).
Berck carrefour.
The view west towards the sea and the Atlantikwall defences.
Cables may have come down the side of the road from the Atlantikwall bunkers, gun batteries and command posts and joined up with the north south cable.
The possible network of cables from the red circles the gun batteries and the defence areas to the main north south cable and probably connected into the railway cable network (black line).
From Korpsnachrichtenführer LXVII Armeekorps
(January - June 1944)
18 March the HQ connections in the Korpsausweichgefechtsstand Naours were completed. The telephone lines were supplied by the army.
20 March discussions were held with the Feldnachrichtenkommandantur 3 on the suspension of civil telephone communications in case of attack and the arrest of the employees of the telephone company. Also, talks with the Stopi on measures to cause floodings in the area of the 344ID conclude there are no problems for the fortress cable constructions.
Found on the web.
A piece of armoured cable .
Berck carrefour.
Kabelbrunnen KSB.
Cable connector box.
Bunker phone.
Communications post..
Berck carrefour.
Sorry about the shadows in the photo.
Kabelbrunnen plan.
An allied plan of a Kabelbrunnen.
Berck carrefour.
Vf67 Pz.T. 3.7cm KwK 144(f) variant.
This Pz.T. 3.7cm Tobruk is a variant with an entrance in the top and a set of steel ladders rungs down into the crew/ammunition room and a heavy manhole cover as a door. The turret came from a French tank based on a WW1 model and updated into the 1920's and 30's but still a very old type.
Vf67 Pz.T. 3.7cm KwK 144(f) variant elevation.
Vf67 Pz.T. 3.7cm KwK 144(f) variant plan.
Pz.T. 3.7cm KwK 144(f) tank turret of the type that was here.
Berck carrefour.
Vf67 Pz.T. 3.7cm KwK 144(f) variant.
Vf67 Pz.T. 3.7cm KwK 144(f) variant plan.
Pz.T. 3.7cm KwK 144(f) tank turret of the type that was here.
© 2013 Richard Drew