Wn35 Ver-sur-Mer, le Marais
1 x Nr.1694 ringstand.
1 x Lc116 Tobruk.
10 x Feldm.
1 x M.G. stand.
1 x 5cm KwK L/60.
2 x 2cm Flack 30.
Nr.1694 ringstand for a 5cm KwK L/60.
Lc116 Tobruk.
Wn35 Ver-sur-Mer, le Marais
Wn35 Ver-sur-Mer, le Marais
The Unterstands are Feldmässig bunkers that are big enough for about six men and with about ten that were here. The defending reinforced platoon of around 30 to 40 men would have lived in commandeered houses possibly in Ver-sur-Mer and used the Feldmässig as accommodation when on duty. One was an artillery observation bunker and may have spotted for Wn32 La Marefontaine batterie 'Vera' and its 4 x 10cm le.F.E.14/19 (t) guns. A 5cm KwK anti-tank gun in an Nr.1694 ringstand sat out in front to take on any tanks that may land here and to its left a machine gun position was set in a concrete self made (made by the soldiers) bunker. On the right flank a Tobruk defence with all round cover would have had a machine gun installed. Two 2cm Flak 30's were being installed on what I believe were two mounds of earth to make them a bit higher. I am not sure these were ready to use but two concrete ammunition niches had been built and at least one remains. A trench system joins all the important bunkers and a barbed wire and a mine field finished off the the defence.
Wn35 and Mf.74 mine field surrounding it.
10cm le.F.E.14/19 (t).
Wn35 Ver-sur-Mer, le Marais
Remaining are a few bits of the M.G. bunker and some steps, the Nr.1694, an ammunition niche, two small Unterstands and the larger FA unterstand.
The left to right track was a railway line, more a small tramway/railway.
The railway through one of the Calvados villages.
Crossing the Seulles bridge .
M.G.34 in a field position.
Wn35 Ver-sur-Mer, le Marais
1950's air photo
1950's air photo of the area north of Ver-sur-Mer. The road was under construction by the Germans and bomb craters litter the area. An anti-tank ditch covering the north side of Wn33a H.K.B. Ver-sur-Mer batterie.
Lancaster´s. Early in the morning bombers of the RAF and the USAAF.
Marauder bombing.
Wn35 Ver-sur-Mer, le Marais
German Artillery Maps
This is a fire plan of the area with Wn35 in the middle. The plan shows the red named circles Attona, Oedlinburg & Opplin is the 6/1716 batterie Vera targets for saturation fire onto a beach landing. The blue circles are other saturation targets and the blue & red dots are point targets, cross roads, areas where bunching up of attacking forces, etc. This fire plan was actually used on D-Day.
The batterie although heavily bombed between H-30 & H-5 with 500lb & 1000lb bombs fused at 0.025 delay. The casemates and the guns inside were undamaged. All guns fired 25 rounds per gun on D-Day. [Special Observer Party. Beach Report] Wn32 Ver-sur-Mer, La Marefontaine Batterie Vera.
Wn32 Ver-sur-Mer Batterie Vera .
Wn35 Ver-sur-Mer, le Marais
The D514 is now a major route along the coast. The Germans were building this as a route (you could be call it a Military Road) to service their defence along the coast. The British used the old railway line as a route along the beaches.
Red ---- the roads used.
Green - the new German road.
Blitz Wagon.
Bren gun carrier.
Wn35 Ver-sur-Mer, le Marais
The view down to the Wn. Easy parking down the track.
Wn35 Ver-sur-Mer, le Marais
Marais du Bessin.
Wn35 Ver-sur-Mer, le Marais
M.G. bunker
Here the books state there may have been a machine gun position, we do not know what it was but there are some remains on the beach.
Wn35 Ver-sur-Mer, le Marais
M.G. bunker
M.G. bunker cemented stones and bricks that could have been used to camouflage the bunker.
Wn35 Ver-sur-Mer, le Marais
M.G. bunker
M.G. bunker steps leading up into the bunker from a trench.
Plan of what it may have looked like with steps down into a trench at the rear.
Wn35 Ver-sur-Mer, le Marais
Nf.1694 ringstand.
5cm KwK L/60 Pak.
5cm KwK L/60 Pak at Wn61 Omaha Beach.
Wn35 Ver-sur-Mer, le Marais
Nr.1694 ringstand
Nr.1694 ringstand for a 5cm KwK L/60 Pak. The rear entrance steps.
Nf.1694 ringstand.
5cm KwK L/60 Pak.
Wn35 Ver-sur-Mer, le Marais
Nr.1694 ringstand
The steel handle grips to help you up the steps into the ringstand.
The trench and the two handles each side.
Steel ladder rungs can also be used as hand rails.
Wn35 Ver-sur-Mer, le Marais
Nr.1694 ringstand
The sea now has washed away all the sand and earth around this gun.
In the centre the gun would have been tied down by a ring of bolts., The gun then used a chain and gears to turn the gun in a 360°.
L/60 gun still bolted down.
The base plate and hold-fast of the gun fitting into the square hole on the emplacement.
Wn35 Ver-sur-Mer, le Marais
Nf.1694 ringstand
Ready ammunition could be stored in three small niches around the wall. The niche would have a wooden box the same size inserted and then filled with the 5cm rounds.
5cm ammunition at Wn61 Omaha Beach.
Wn35 Ver-sur-Mer, le Marais
Nr.1694 ringstand
How the gun may have looked. Very low silhouette with a camouflage net to hide its stark outline, some had a roof of tin or wood made to give extra camouflage effect from above. Note the aperture on the left of the gun shield for the sights to look through and a hinged cover, open on this one.
Wn35 Ver-sur-Mer, le Marais
Nr.1694 ringstand
This looks to be a direct hit on the ringstand.
Destroyers came in very close and fired at almost point blank range.
DD Sherman tanks came ashore with the infantry at around 7.30am with the main armour support so any could have have fired on the ringstand and put it out of action.
Sherman Crab mine clearing tank could still use its main gun.
Wn35 Ver-sur-Mer, le Marais
More remains.
Wn35 Ver-sur-Mer, le Marais
A small stone/brick wall and some concrete niches.
Wn35 Ver-sur-Mer, le Marais
Concrete niche maybe from a bunker or used as a slit trench??
Wn35 Ver-sur-Mer, le Marais
VF Unterstand 1
VF Unterstand, the concrete roof with possibly a hole for a chimney.
The troops here in Spring 1944 would have been very busy laying extra mines to the minefield , more barbed wire and placing beach defences like Hedgehogs and poles with an old shell attached to damage and dissuade a planing craft.
Wn35 Ver-sur-Mer, le Marais
VF Unterstand 1
VF Unterstand, the concrete roof has been strengthened with concrete I beams.
Wn35 Ver-sur-Mer, le Marais
VF Unterstand 1
VF Unterstand - Feldmässig.
Wn35 Ver-sur-Mer, le Marais 2
VF Unterstand - Feldmässig.
Wn35 Ver-sur-Mer, le Marais
VF Unterstand 2
VF Unterstand - Feldmässig.
Wn35 Ver-sur-Mer, le Marais
VF Unterstand 2
VF Unterstand - Feldmässig. A small blast wall or concrete trench wall around the entrance.
Wn35 Ver-sur-Mer, le Marais
VF Unterstand 2
VF Unterstand - Feldmässig. A very small space.
Wn35 Ver-sur-Mer, le Marais
VF Unterstand 3
VF Unterstand - Feldmässig. This one is still set into the bank on the shore and looks to be a full concrete bunker.
Wn35 Ver-sur-Mer, le Marais
VF Unterstand 3
VF Unterstand - Feldmässig roof.
Wn35 Ver-sur-Mer, le Marais
VF Unterstand 4
VF Unterstand - Feldmässig this one has a blast wall around three sides.
Wn35 Ver-sur-Mer, le Marais
VF Unterstand 4
Plan of the VF Unterstand showing the small bunker with trench blast walls around it.
Details supplied by MKB Bunkertour [Facebook].
Wn35 Ver-sur-Mer, le Marais
VF Unterstand 4
VF Unterstand damaged at some time??
Wn35 Ver-sur-Mer, le Marais
VF Unterstand 4
VF Unterstand.
Wn35 Ver-sur-Mer, le Marais
VF Unterstand 4
VF Unterstand.
Wn35 Ver-sur-Mer, le Marais
VF Unterstand 4
VF Unterstand looking inside.
Wn35 Ver-sur-Mer, le Marais
VF Unterstand 4
VF Unterstand entrance to the bunker.
Wn35 Ver-sur-Mer, le Marais
VF Unterstand 5
VF Unterstand.
Wn35 Ver-sur-Mer, le Marais
VF Unterstand 5
VF Unterstand entrance and small stone wall linking it to a trench.
Wn35 Ver-sur-Mer, le Marais
VF Unterstand 4
VF Unterstand bunker.
Wn35 Ver-sur-Mer, le Marais
Ammunition niche
Ammunition niche for one of the 2cm Flak 30 guns.
2cm Flak ammunition.
Wn35 Ver-sur-Mer, le Marais
Ammunition niche
Ammunition niche for one of the 2cm Flak 30 guns.
Wn35 Ver-sur-Mer, le Marais
Ammunition niche
Ammunition niche for one of the 2cm Flak 30 guns.
Boxes and magazines
2cm magazines.
2cm Flak 30.
Wn35 Ver-sur-Mer, le Marais
The track behind the beach was in 1944 the railway line (tramway) between Courseulles and Asnelles.
Courseulles station.
Wn35 Ver-sur-Mer, le Marais
The view West.
Wn35 Ver-sur-Mer, le Marais
The view East.
Making barbed wire defences.
Laying mines.
Eisenpfahel [iron stake].
Wn35 Ver-sur-Mer, le Marais
Now we move from Defence to Attack.
D-Day the planning and here a map of Wn35 showing the what the Allies thought was there.
Combined Operations HQ.
Southampton Docks prior to D-Day.
Wn35 Ver-sur-Mer, le Marais
Plan of the beaches and the 50th (N) Division landing beaches.
Tyne Tees Div.
Wn35 Ver-sur-Mer, le Marais
The boats to land at King and Jig sectors.
King first wave - 6th, 8th & 9th Durham Light infantry plus attached troops.
Jig first wave --- 2nd Glosters, 2nd South Wales Boarders, 2nd Essex plus attached troops.
Wn35 Ver-sur-Mer, le Marais
The Battle
King sector landing was very good, the enemy in Wn35 did not put up a very good fight and either died, made prisoner or melted away. You cannot blame them they were Ukrainian volunteers here not general German soldiers. The advance carried forward onto the Meuvaines ridge and then into the hinterland. Backup troops continued to land, engineers, signals, RAF radar units, airfield construction builders, etc. RASC ammunition, fuel and food. With them the second, third and fourth wave pouring in with infantry artillery and tanks needed to continue the advance.
The 716.Infantry Division was literally annihilated on the day and units that could retreat away from the coast some went to Douvres and the radar station that held out for a few more days and others back to their second and third lines. These lines were laid out but Allied troops were moving too fast and were only stopped along the Carentan to Caen highway the N13 which became the MLR for many weeks. But build up was relentless. Airfields were built and fighter squadrons moved in, air transport brought in supplies and took away wounded. You could be shot at 9am and be in England and a General Hospital that evening.
Wn35 Ver-sur-Mer, le Marais
post D-Day
104 Beach Sub Area showing roads and direction of travel along them and dotted lines are new roads (by passes), also where their respective HQ were and ammunition dumps.
Wn35 Ver-sur-Mer, le Marais
Gold Beach the build up continues, tanks and lorries coming ashore.
Sherman Crab.
Wn35 Ver-sur-Mer, le Marais
King sector, Gold Beach.
Wn35 Ver-sur-Mer, le Marais
Thanks also to Pete Forman for his help.