Re303 Batterie M.K.B. 'Graff Spee'.
The deep water port of Brest was large enough to receive battle ships like the Tirpitz. Also a U-boat pen was constructed inside the harbour. That meant that the whole area around the entrance to the Rade de Brest had to be defended.
5./MAA 262. Batterie Marine Kusten Artillery 'Graff Spee'
After the attack on the lock gate at St Nazaire the defence in the area was again increased. A batterie of four 28.0cm SKL/40 guns were placed in three open emplacements and one in a large casemate. These guns were targeted from a very large fire control post (PDT).
One of the 28.0cm guns.
S414 Fire Control Post [PDT]
Re303 MKB 'Graf Spee'.
Plan of the battery.
Re303 MKB 'Graf Spee'.
We parked behind Turm 3 and walked in an anti-clockwise direction.
5./MAA 262.
3 x GeschĂĽtzstellungen [Gun emplacements].
1 x SK/Schartenstand [Pivot stand].
4 x 28cm SK L/40.
3 x M151's crew bunkers.
1 x R622/SK twin group bunker.
1 x R639 large dressing station.
1 x R646 casemate for medium guns of 10.5cm.
2 x R621 group shelter.
2 x L409 emplacement for a 3.7cm Flak.
5 x Small SK/Munitions bunkers.
2 x SK/Munitions bunker.
4 x Wellblech Munitionsbunkers.
1 x SK/Nachrichten (radio room).
1 x Vf/Flakstellung
3 x 7.62cm F.K.391(r).
6 x 7.5cm Flak M32/36(f)
2 x 3.7cm CAD S.K.M35(f)
2 x 2cm Flak28.
2 x 2cm Flak38.
2 x 2.5cm Pak112(f).
R639 large dressing station.
R622 group bunker.
2cm Flak28.
Re303 MKB 'Graf Spee'.
Plan Oct 1942
Re303 MKB 'Graf Spee'.
Plan Oct 1942
A very interesting plan of the battery in its original form with four open emplacements and two towers which could be a sort of scaffolding fire control post before the S414 was built. Possibly assembled plan from information from the French underground.
Scaffold fire control post.
Re303 MKB 'Graf Spee'.
Plan Oct 1946
Post war plan.
A scaffold fire control post.
Re303 MKB 'Graf Spee'.
DEFE44/98 Jib report on selected German coastal batteries in west France
Gun barrel arriving..
Ammunition trolley by the gun..
Re303 MKB 'Graf Spee'.
DEFE44/98 Jib report on selected German coastal batteries in west France
Left the SK/Schartenstand with its small ammunition room and right the above ammunition room with its associated open emplacement.
Building in progress..
Re303 MKB 'Graf Spee'.
First ammunition room.
Each emplacement had two of these small SK ammunition rooms.
The casemate Turm3 and ringstand Turm4 and three SK small ammunition stores..
An air photo.
Re303 MKB 'Graf Spee'.
SK/Schartenstand a casemate with a swivel/pivot gun mounting. Turm 3.
A casemate and two ammunition bunkers each side.
SK/Schartenstand Turm 3.
Both ammunition rooms can be seen on the main picture..
Inside Turm 3's SK ammunition storage room.
Re303 MKB 'Graf Spee'.
The Second Ammunition Bunker.
Each gun had two of these small ammunition bunkers or SK ammunition storage, just a concrete cube to hold shells in one and powder in the other. Hitler ordered all guns to be casemated. This battery was in the process of having the emplacements casemated. The three other ringstands had the foundations and the steel in place for the floor when the area was captured by the Americans.
28cm ammunition.
Powder magazine.
Re303 MKB 'Graf Spee'.
Ammunition Bunker.
We could not get inside these three.
Possibly an 729p3 double armoured door.
Inside Turm1 SK/ammunition storage room.
History : after the capitulation of France in 1940, Brest became an important U-boat base. A large concrete bunker kept the U-boats safe from bombing. The Kriegsmarine needed defence against attack from the sea and this and several other gun batteries were laid out strategically around the port. As bombing increased the open emplacements needed aerial protection and casemates were starting to be built over the guns. This one an SK type ("SK" bunker = (Sonder Konstruction) Special Construction.
Re303 MKB 'Graf Spee'.
SK/Schartenstand. Turm3
The man in red always gets in my pictures.
The large SK casemate rear.
Plan of the SK [Sonderkonstruktion] casemate.
28cm SKL/40 in its casemate.
Re303 MKB 'Graf Spee'.
SK/Schartenstand. Turm3
The casemate looking around the back.
Plan of Turm 3.
Behind buried in the ground is an M151 Quarters for 28men. The guns crew.
SK casemate for a 28cm gun. SK = (Sonder Konstruction) Special Konstruction.
Re303 MKB 'Graf Spee'.
SK/Schartenstand. Turm3
The left and front. Note the observation on the roof at the rear.
The shield was 5/8inch thick.
Re303 MKB 'Graf Spee'.
SK/Schartenstand. Turm3
Re303 MKB 'Graf Spee'.
SK/Schartenstand. Turm3
Now from the other side close up at the famous horse.
Almost the same angle.
The gun being delivered.
Crane to lower the gun on its mount.
Re303 MKB 'Graf Spee'.
SK/Schartenstand possibly an observation on the rear of the casemate. Turm3
Stuck on the top rear of the casemate is what looks like a small observation . Being the highest point in the battery, it could have been a local lookout for the defenders or as a fire control whilst the main post was being built?
The observation.
Fire control post.
Re303 MKB 'Graf Spee'.
SK/Schartenstand possibly an observation on the rear of the casemate. Turm3
Stuck on the top rear of the casemate is what looks like a small observation . Being the highest point in the battery, it could have been a local lookout for the defenders or as a fire control if the main post was being built?
The observation.
Casemate under construction.
Re303 MKB 'Graf Spee'.
SK/Schartenstand. Turm3
Battle damage.
During the attack on this part of Brittany by the Americans. HMS Warspite was used on several locations to bombard the coast.
Firing on Batterie 'Graf Spee' the battery fired back to such an extent that she had to retire behind a smoke screen.
Re303 MKB 'Graf Spee'.
SK/Schartenstand. Turm3
This loke it was taken just after the gun was fitted in.
Re303 MKB 'Graf Spee'.
Vf bunker.
Vf small office bunker
Between this bunker & turm3 is/was an M151 quarters bunker for 1 officer, 2 sergeants and 24 seamen set under ground, a hole dug, bunker built & covered in earth. This held the guns crew of Turm3 safe from bombing.
Position on plan.
The entrance now very buried.
Re303 MKB 'Graf Spee'.
Vf small office bunker.
This is the hole that I took the above picture of.
Re303 MKB 'Graf Spee'.
Anti-aircraft site.
Here are five SK flak positions and buildings.
Plan of the AA site.
Re303 MKB 'Graf Spee'.
Anti-aircraft site.
Flak control bunker?
I think that a range finder like this one would have stood through the holes.
Range finder computer.
Re303 MKB 'Graf Spee'.
Vf Odd Bunker.
I think this was the ranging position with the holes taken up with men with range finders looking for the aircraft and sending orders to the guns.
A plan of the bunker, note the niche on the side wall and the two hexagonal holes and one square. I am not sure about how the top right corner is designed.
Tobruk type holes.
Inside the bunker.
Re303 MKB 'Graf Spee'.
The Direction of the American Advance.
Looking N/E from the battery where the American advance came from.
Re303 MKB 'Graf Spee'.
Vf Bunker in Hedge
We found this entrance a bit further along and have no idea what it was?
Re303 MKB 'Graf Spee'.
Flak Emplacement
Very none standard design.
Plan of flak site.
7.5cm Flak MLE 32/36.
Ammunition niche.
Re303 MKB 'Graf Spee'.
Flak emplacement steps to crew quarters
Some additional details will go here
The pattern on the stairs wall?
Camouflage wall paint looks as good as new.
Re303 MKB 'Graf Spee'.
Flak emplacement crew room.
Not the original door, second picture is a cable inlet and note where some machinery sat against the wall and was painted around.
Re303 MKB 'Graf Spee'.
Flak emplacement crew room.
Re303 MKB 'Graf Spee'.
Flak emplacement crew room.
Equalisation valve, if there is an explosion close to the bunker, this valve would allow the pressure inside and outside to be equalised.
4ML01 equalisation valve..
Re303 MKB 'Graf Spee'.
Flak emplacement Pos. L409
There are no trains around this area but railway lines were used to strengthen bunker roofs and also in field bunkers to strengthen wooden roofs and then covered in earth. These would have been filled in and ploughed over very soon after the war. There was another flak battery to the east of this site that was built completely of field emplacements.
Plan of Re303.
Plan of Flak site.
Re303 MKB 'Graf Spee'.
Flak emplacement
There are no trains around this area but railway lines were used to strengthen bunker roofs and also in field bunkers to strengthen wooden roofs and then covered in earth. These would have been filled in and ploughed over very soon after the war. There was another flak battery to the east of this site that was built completely of field emplacements.
Plan of Re303.
Re303 MKB 'Graf Spee'.
Flak emplacement.
Camouflaged flak emplacement.
Re303 MKB 'Graf Spee'.
Flak emplacement L409
This emplacement is a lot clearer and can be seen better.
Stairs to crew room.
L409 elevation.
Re303 MKB 'Graf Spee'.
Flak emplacement.
Gun platform with remains of iron that would have been used in a Toll Metro (Wellblech) shelter or even an earth emplacement/ bunker.
A Toll Metro (Wellblech) [corrugated iron] bunker, were used for storage, living, radio room, in fact any use you can think of also ammunition bunkers for Flak..
Re303 MKB 'Graf Spee'.
Flak emplacement.
Mike looking at the scrap value of the old iron.
Note the ready ammunition lockers. They would have had double steel doors to each locker to protect the ammunition from splinters flying around.
Crew room.
L409 Plan.
Re303 MKB 'Graf Spee'.
View back across the site.
I have just noticed the thin concrete wall to these emplacements compared to later models of flak stands.
6 x 7.5cm Flak M32/36(f).
Re303 MKB 'Graf Spee'.
Entrance to the Nachrichten
Hidden under the pile of woodland is an Nachrichten communications bunker. Nachrichten (translates to 'News') radio room & an M151 bunker.
Plan of AA site.
Plan of site.
Re303 MKB 'Graf Spee'.
Nachrichten Entrance.
Very overgrown but can be entered.
Where we are now at the entrance to a passage. Left to the M151 crew bunker & right to an Nachrichten.
Re303 MKB 'Graf Spee'.
Nachrichten entrance.
Centre of radio communications, all radio & local telephone lines would come through here. Note there was a piece of machinery screwed to the wall & painted around.
A plan of the Nachrichten.
Re303 MKB 'Graf Spee'.
Nachrichten entrance
Two aerial slots in front, on the right wall with the pipe a speaker tube to the outside and the other recess may be for a lamp to light the bunker in emergencies (if it had electric lighting).
The two vertical insets into the far wall are for telescopic radio aerials and here is a plan of how they looked.
An aerial in a slot.
Bunker lamp, some were battery, others carbide and then there is the inevitable candle.
Re303 MKB 'Graf Spee'.
That does look like a light switch and its cable going up the wall. The door may have been a 19P7 steel door with a rubber seal (air tight), a small glass window at eye height.
19p7 steel door.
Bunker light switch.
Re303 MKB 'Graf Spee'.
The back wall and a niche for a lamp. A fitting on the left and an air vent or chimney outlet on right.
Carbide light.
Light switch.
Re303 MKB 'Graf Spee'.
Cable ducts coming inside the bunker.
Fittings on the wall.
How the cable connections looked.
Re303 MKB 'Graf Spee'.
Thermo plastic tiled floor.
Re303 MKB 'Graf Spee'.
Radio Room.
How the wall may have looked.
Re303 MKB 'Graf Spee'.
19P7 door.
Where we are.
Re303 MKB 'Graf Spee'.
Tunnel to M151 Quarters.
This is the entrance to quite a long tunnel from the Nachrichten to the M151 quarters bunker that is been sunk quite deeply into the ground.
M151 quarters bunker plan.
Plan of where we are.
Re303 MKB 'Graf Spee'.
Note the change in colour on the walls, the yellow/brown is the original camouflage colour. Also the lamp niches in the walls either side.
Re303 MKB 'Graf Spee'.
Washing area one large sink.
Taken from the other direction.
Re303 MKB 'Graf Spee'.
Quite a big drain in the floor
Re303 MKB 'Graf Spee'.
This is where the tunnel does a 90deg turn.
Re303 MKB 'Graf Spee'.
M151 quarters bunker entrance.
The steps down into the M151 quarters bunker.
Re303 MKB 'Graf Spee'.
M151 quarters bunker
Close combat defence.
This is a 57P8 close combat defence embrasure (position arrowed above). Anybody coming down the steps would be covered by a soldier with a rifle or a machine pistol and below the embrasure from the other side.
57P8 close combat defence window.
57P8 close combat defence window.
Re303 MKB 'Graf Spee'.
M151 quarters bunker corridor..
This is the central passage through the bunker with rooms left & right. The main door here was a 434p01 double steel door..
M151 plan.
434p01 double steel door.
Re303 MKB 'Graf Spee'.
M151 quarters bunker
The first room - M151 Quarters for 6men.
About 12 men would share this space with three tiers of bunks which could fold away to allow more room and a few wooden cupboards a table and chairs. Home from home.
Crew room.
Crew room plan.
Crew inside a bunker.
Re303 MKB 'Graf Spee'.
M151 quarters bunker
The first room - M151 quarters room for 12men. View from the other way and a small wall has been added, note the bolts on the left wall to hold the bunk beds up.
Behind the wall.
Re303 MKB 'Graf Spee'.
M151 quarters bunker
Officers room door. A hole above the door is unusual and it looks like cables came through them? so they may have used these rooms as offices.
A naval officer.
Re303 MKB 'Graf Spee'.
M151 quarters bunker
The Officers room where he would have a bed, a cupboard, a table and chair.
Marine officer.
Another 19P7 door may have been used here.
Re303 MKB 'Graf Spee'.
M151 quarters bunker
Officers room.
An electric light fitting would have been attached to the wire and set in a small recess in the wall. Note also the two tone paintwork with a colour border/dado around the room.
A bunker light switch set into a small recess.
Re303 MKB 'Graf Spee'.
M151 quarters bunker
Room for two non-commissioned officers. Probably two single beds, one either side, their cupboards and a writing desk.
Plan of bunker.
A Petty Officer Bootsmannsmaat.
Re303 MKB 'Graf Spee'.
M151 quarters bunker
Room for two non-commissioned officers.
Electrical wire fittings still in place.
Re303 MKB 'Graf Spee'.
M151 quarters bunker
Exit from the NCO's quarters would have been another 19P7 door.
19P7 door.
Yellow doors were 19P7's and red were 434Po1 armoured doors.
434Po1 armoured door.
Re303 MKB 'Graf Spee'.
M151 quarters bunker
The second way out/In.
Another 19P7 door and a lamp recess.
Re303 MKB 'Graf Spee'.
M151 quarters bunker
Second way out/In.
Steps up and into the exit corridor which has a close combat embrasure covering the exit. This exit has been filled in with earth.
Re303 MKB 'Graf Spee'.
M151 quarters bunker
Quarters for another 12 men.
The second crew room with the close combat embrasure and a lamp recess.
Re303 MKB 'Graf Spee'.
M151 quarters bunker
Second crew room.
Room plan.
48p8 close combat window.
Re303 MKB 'Graf Spee'.
M151 quarters bunker
Second crew room with a centre support probably for three bunks to fit on..
Bunker beds.
Re303 MKB 'Graf Spee'.
M151 quarters bunker
Way back out along the tunnel.
Re303 MKB 'Graf Spee'.
M151 quarters bunker
The way out sunlight at last.
The M151 is underground and the radio bunker is semi submerged.
Bunker position.
Re303 MKB 'Graf Spee'.
Ammunition bunker for Turm2
Plan of Turm2. Green - M151 complex. Red - ammunition bunker. Blue - Turm2 gun position. Yellow - Offices.
Re303 MKB 'Graf Spee'.
Ammunition bunker for Turm2 a heavy 434Pp1 door.
Plan of Turm2. Green - M151 complex. Red - ammunition bunker. Blue - Turm2 gun position. Yellow - Offices.
Ammunition bunker with an armoured 434p1 door.
Ammunition Bunker for Turm2.
Re303 MKB 'Graf Spee'.
Ammunition bunker for Turm2.
Wooden shuttering on the roof looks in very good condition.
The entrance to this bunker.
How it may look with all the undergrowth removed.
Re303 MKB 'Graf Spee'.
Looking back at the Flak battery. The sun came out but the wind was cold and then ten minuets later it pelted down with rain.
Re303 MKB 'Graf Spee'.
Possible site of Turm 2? or a rubbish tip.
I am not to sure what this is but it could be part of the outer parts on Turm 2 gun emplacement.
One of the Term's. (Term = gun position).
One of the three guns in open emplacements.
Re303 MKB 'Graf Spee'.
Camouflage netting over the gun.
The red arrow showing where it could be on the plan.
Shells being moved to the gun.
Re303 MKB 'Graf Spee'.
Second ammunition bunker for Turm 2. Camouflage is very good around here.
The red arrow showing where it could be on the plan.
This is how it would have looked with the gun in front & the two ammunition ready bunkers either side behind.
Re303 MKB 'Graf Spee'.
Ammunition bunker the view under the canopy.
434P1 double door.
Re303 MKB 'Graf Spee'.
Second ammunition bunker for Turm 2 inside.
Ammunition trolleys.
Ammunition being moved around.
Shell storage.
Re303 MKB 'Graf Spee'.
Second ammunition bunker for Turm 2.
Re303 MKB 'Graf Spee'.
Strengthened offices.
Re303 MKB 'Graf Spee'.
Strengthened offices.
The view as far as we could see.
Re303 MKB 'Graf Spee'.
The next bunker is a Wellblech Toll Metro Fuze store.
Re303 MKB 'Graf Spee'.
Toll Metro (Wellblech) Fuze store. I am presuming this is a Fuze store as it is so well made?
A very well made floor area.
A Fuze of a 1918 shell standing outside a cafe in Ypres not that different to the ones that would have been stored here away from the shells in their own storage area.
Re303 MKB 'Graf Spee'.
Fiery Sunset.
Re303 MKB 'Graf Spee'.
Western SK ammunition bunker.
The ramp down into the large ammunition bunker.
A plan of this SK ammunition bunker.
Re303 MKB 'Graf Spee'.
Western SK ammunition bunker.
Me looking at the ammunition rooms on the left.
A very large amount of ammunition could be stored here.
Re303 MKB 'Graf Spee'.
Western SK ammunition bunker.
Looking into the corridor.
Re303 MKB 'Graf Spee'.
Western SK ammunition bunker.
Two large & two smaller rooms all with two entrances.
The view from inside the room with a lamp recess at the centre rear & front. The blast damage could have been the Americans after capture blowing up small arms ammunition or letting off hand grenades. If they had exploded the main ammunition, this building would have just been a large hole in the ground.
The yellow lines on the plan are showing where the overhead rails went to unload/load the rail carts of shells and case..
Re303 MKB 'Graf Spee'.
Western SK ammunition bunker.
Overhead rail ammunition handling.
Re303 MKB 'Graf Spee'.
Western SK ammunition bunker.
One of two of the smaller rooms.
Re303 MKB 'Graf Spee'.
Western SK ammunition bunker.
Overhead ammunition handling.
Overhead ammunition handling.
Re303 MKB 'Graf Spee'.
Western SK ammunition bunker.
Re303 MKB 'Graf Spee'.
Western SK ammunition bunker.
The doors have all been removed.
Doors may have been fitted to close off the space and could have looked like these.
Overhead gantry system.
Re303 MKB 'Graf Spee'.
Western SK ammunition bunker.
Looking back with the railway lines showing up, these would be of the narrow gauge type carts.
Ammunition being moved on a small railway carts.
Re303 MKB 'Graf Spee'.
Western SK ammunition bunker.
As you see its quite a massive structure.
Railway lines.
Shell on a small railway truck that would be hand pushed.
Re303 MKB 'Graf Spee'.
Road block.
All roads in the area would have been blocked to stop civilians finding out what was there. BUT the troops needed feeding so maybe the baker delivered bread or a farmer some Calvados. So it went on and the local population passed on all these little details to the local French underground. They passed it either by radio, boat or light plane back to England.
Road block from another angle.
Where the road block is situated.
Re303 MKB 'Graf Spee'.
Road block.
Showing how it may have looked.
Another way of blocking the road was to use a Belgian gate. It could link into the fittings on the concrete posts.
Re303 MKB 'Graf Spee'.
Small office?
T - Tobruk.
A - Ammunition.
TM - Toll Metro (Wellblech).
Small office behind Turm1.
Re303 MKB 'Graf Spee'.
Small office? inside with a nice window.
Re303 MKB 'Graf Spee'.
The entrance.
Re303 MKB 'Graf Spee'.
Odd Tobruk H622 Twin Group Bunker.
R622 has a Tobruk, as this R622 is underground the odd shaped Tobruk could have been added above ground to replace it.
How it may have looked.
2cm Oerlikon situated around here somewhere.
Re303 MKB 'Graf Spee'.
A very odd Tobruk??
The last Tobruk on the perimeter.
Re303 MKB 'Graf Spee'.
Re303 MKB 'Graf Spee'.
During the battle of Brest.
Re303 MKB 'Graf Spee'.