Ra230 Fort de la Cité d'Aleth. The old French defence of St-Servan-sur-Mer and the left flank of Saint-Malo. A very old defence probably upgraded by Vauban and then by the Germans into the main defence of Festung Saint-Malo.
Z1 : R112a (abri avec cloche blindé type 35P8).
Z2 : R506 (casemate pour Festung-PaK 3.7 cm (t) ).
Z3 : R112a ( abri avec cloche blindé type 35P8 ).
Z4 : R625 ( casemate pour 7.5 cm Pak 40 ).
Z5 : R625 (idem).
Z6 : R621/501 ( blockhaus type 621 couplé a un blockhaus type 501 , abri pour personnel).
Z7 : R114a neu ( abri avec cloche blindé type 20P7).
Z8 : R504 ( abri avec garage pour canon Pak)
Z9 : R105d ( casemate MG ).
Z10 : R114a neu ( abri avec cloche blindé type 20P7).
Z11 : R112a (abri avec cloche 20P7 ).
Z12 : R112a ( abri avec cloche blindé type 20P7 ).
Z13 : R105b (casemate MG).
Z14 : R105 b (casemate MG).
Z15 : inexistant.
Z16 : R105d/105b ( 2 casemates MG couplés entres elles).
Z17 : R105d/105b (2 casemates MG couplés entres elles).
Z18 : R105d/105c / MG stand SK ( 2 casemates MG + MG stand SK couplés avec cloche blindé type 486P2).
Z19 : R105c (casemate MG + cloche blindé type 486P2).
Z20 : R611 ( casemate canon de campagne 10.5 cm le F. H. 16).
Z21 : R611 (idem).
Z22 : R636 (poste directeur de tir).
Z23 : L410a /L410a : abri couplés doté de 2 cuves Flak ( 4 cm Flak 38 Bofors) , une 3e cuve Flak est placé a proximité.
Z24 : Abri pour Mortier automatique M19.
Z25 : R667 (casemate pour 5 cm KWK L60)
From Armuria : Le Passe en Miniature.
Cycle troops.
Reading time.
Ra230 Fort de la Cité d'Aleth. Inside the wall.
We now go inside and look at the defence.
Ra230 Fort de la Cité d'Aleth.
A nice walk from Saint-Malo town across the lock and around the bay at Les Bas Sablons to the yacht marina (Port De Plaisance des Sablons) and then climb the steps up to the fort. Also you can drive through the old roads through St-Servan-sur-Mer and park at the yacht marina. On all my visits I have walked the perimeter and the came back through the main gate and on to the port.
Ra230 Fort de la Cité d'Aleth.
Ra230 Fort de la Cité d'Aleth.
This is a plan of the inside of the fort.
White are the defences.
Yellow the underground (souterrain).
Red the guns.
In the centre is an R633 emplacement for an M19 mortar.
Crew of an M19 5cm automatic mortar. It could fire single shots or barrages of many rounds and very fast showering the enemy.
Ammunition room of an R633.
Ra230 Fort de la Cité d'Aleth
Main gate now rebuilt and looking good.
Ra230 Fort de la Cité d'Aleth
The view through the main gate.
Ra230 Fort de la Cité d'Aleth
The view of the back of the main gate showing the flak bunker on the left with its Bofors gun still there.
Victory, when the fort was captures somebody had a camera and the scene was set.
4cm Bofors AA gun.
Ra230 Fort de la Cité d'Aleth View 1944.
Just after capture with the flag still fluttering in the breeze. The railway lines set into the ground was an anti-glider defence to stop a glider landing inside the fort.
The attack in 1940 of Fort Eben-Emael where German gliders landed on the top of the fort to captured it.
Z.16, 17 & 23.
Z. 14 & 13.
Ra230 Fort de la Cité d'Aleth.
Z. 14 R105b & Z. 13 R105b.
Two R105b's back to back. The main armament is facing outwards along the forts walls, here they could use their close combat defence converted with steel plates and machine guns to cover the centre of the fort with crossfire.
The grass ramp on the left of the picture was to allow cannons to be wheeled up on to the parapet, part of the original fort..
R105b close combat removed and a steel plate put in its place. Possibly a 78P9 Pz Schartsnplatte MG.34.
R105b machine gun bunker in mirror form with the left hand bunker. Crew room, gun room, ammunition store, close combat converted to a defence steel plate..
Machine gun room.
Ra230 Fort de la Cité d'Aleth.
Z. 19 R105c machine gun casemate.
R105c machine gun casemate which had a 486P2 infantry observation cupola fitted to it with access in from the tunnel system.
R105c machine gun casemate with a cupola.
The cupola.
R105 gun room.
Ra230 Fort de la Cité d'Aleth.
Z. 19 R105c machine gun casemate.
Ra230 Fort de la Cité d'Aleth.
The view across the yard.
In the middle is an R633 emplacement for an M19 mortar. It would of showered any American attack with a 360deg ark of fire.
R633 bunker with a crew room, ammunition, ventilation, close combat and the M19 mortar turret.
Type 633 dome underneath is the M19 automatic 5cm mortar.
M19 mortar under its turret.
Ra230 Fort de la Cité d'Aleth.
The view across the yard.
In the middle is an R633 emplacement for an M19 mortar. It would of showered any American attack with a 360deg ark of fire.
R633 bunker with a crew room, ammunition, ventilation, close combat and the M19 mortar turret.
Type 633 dome underneath is the M19 automatic 5cm mortar.
M19 mortar under its turret.
Ra230 Fort de la Cité d'Aleth.
The view across the yard.
In the middle is an R633 emplacement for an M19 mortar. It would of showered any American attack with a 360deg ark of fire.
R633 bunker with a crew room, ammunition, ventilation, close combat and the M19 mortar turret.
Type 633 dome underneath is the M19 automatic 5cm mortar.
M19 mortar under its turret.
Ra230 Fort de la Cité d'Aleth.
Z .16 40mm Bofors AA position looking from outside.
Below the flak emplacement is an R105 machine gun emplacement.
BAU Report No.30 St Malo
Us troops planting a flag on the Bofors.
R105 d or b.
Range finder.
Ra230 Fort de la Cité d'Aleth.
Z .16 40mm Bofors AA position looking from outside.
The 7P7 metal plate from one of the R105's.
BAU Report No.30 St Malo
Gun room.
Inside a crew quarters.
Gun cleaning.
Ra230 Fort de la Cité d'Aleth.
Z.16,17 and 23.
The view along the wall with the 40mm Bofors.
40mm Bofors.
40mm Bofors.
Z.23 with two L410d & b.
Z.16, 17 & 23 on the right & Z.18 on the left.
Lots of bunkers on different levels.
Ra230 Fort de la Cité d'Aleth.
Flak quarter.
Three flak positions sitting on about two bunkers each.
I don't have the details of all the flak guns just that we know there was at least one 4cm Bofors because it is there.
Ra230 Fort de la Cité d'Aleth.
R105 x 2.
There was an extra metal plate to the left and a 7P7
7P7 metal plate.
Ra230 Fort de la Cité d'Aleth.
L410A x 2.
Two L410's used as defence bunkers with one flak on the top.
4cm Bofors.
It could also have been a 3.7cm Flak? They used the larger round bases.
Ra230 Fort de la Cité d'Aleth.
R105d & b stacked up again with a empty flak position on the top.
BAU Report No.30 St Malo 23 January 1945
Highly adapted to fit into the defence here.
Ra230 Fort de la Cité d'Aleth.
The Fort before bombardment or even before the war.
Ra230 Fort de la Cité d'Aleth.
Ra230 Fort de la Cité d'Aleth.
R105 machine gun bunker.
Machine gun tool kit.
Ra230 Fort de la Cité d'Aleth.
The 434P01 door.
With this door they could access the moat from the main fort.
434P01 Door.
Ra230 Fort de la Cité d'Aleth.
Z.18 R105d/105c/Machine gun Stand S.K. such a complete mix of bunkers.
Plan of the R105.
Ra230 Fort de la Cité d'Aleth.
Mix of French original and German bunkers.
Ra230 Fort de la Cité d'Aleth.
One of the entrances.
There was a lot of bombing so this could be a lot of shrapnel.
The lovely Lee Millers photo of the bombing
Another Lee Miller photo of the capitulation.
An American officer talking to captured German nurses. Lee Miller.
Ra230 Fort de la Cité d'Aleth.
Main keep.
Lee Miller must have been in the right place at the right time.
A Lee miller photo again after the liberation of St-Malo.
David E. Sherman after the German surrender at St Malo. Lee Miller.
Ra230 Fort de la Cité d'Aleth.
Ra230 Fort de la Cité d'Aleth.