Menu page - due to the size of this site I have split it into smaller units and numbered them. It is an easy walk around the site, parking either at the museum or on any of the many car parks in the dunes. Mine starts in the Museum car park (1)&(5) and walk along the top of a small ridge (2) to the Fire Control Post (3). Then to a Flak site (4). The four open railway gun emplacements (6) and back to the last two ammunition bunkers (1a).



StP Va300 Plouharnel M.K.B.Hella E.673 Menu page


Marine Artillerie Abteilung 4./264
1 x S487 Fire control post.
4 x SK/Gefechsstand, Geschützstellung. S215 large open emplacements with two ammunition stores.
1 x V229 radar socket for a Würzburg-Riese.
1 x R118b large dressing station (hospital).
3 x Fl242 standard emplacement for medium/light Flak.
2 x S231 ammunition depot.
2 x S381 ammunition depot.
4 x SK/Machinenstand (generator bunkers).
12 x SK/Marine (36 Mann bunker).
1 x SK/Marine (6 Mann bunker).
8 x Flakstellung.
10 x Vf58c Tobruk's.
2 x VF/MG Stand.
1 x 5cm KwK Ringstand.
1 x Gr.W mortar.
1 x Geschützstellung Lag, casemate for field gun.
1 x Feldm bunker.
3 x 34cm K.W.E. 674(f) railway guns. (340mm St-Chamond).
3 x 2cm Flak 28.
1 x 15mm Flak MG.151 Zw.
4 x 2cm Flak Vierl 38.
1 x 5cm KwK38.
8 x 7.5cm Flak M17/34(f).


R118b Hospital bunker.


S231 Ammunition Depot.


34.0cm Railway gun.

StP Va300 Plouharnel M.K.B.Hella E.673 Index page



StP Va300 Plouharnel M.K.B.Hella E.673 Menu page


Site - 1 covers the ammunition bunkers & the hospital bunker.
Site - 2 covers a walk along the ridge line.
Site - 3 covers the fire control post, command post & radar.
Site - 4 covers the flak nord site.
Site - 5 covers the workers camp.
Site - 6 covers the main batterie position.
Site - 1a covers the two ammunition bunkers.


S215 Railway gun emplace.


S487 Fire control post.


Flak 7.5cm M17/34(f).

StP Va300 Plouharnel M.K.B.Hella E.673



StP Va300 Plouharnel M.K.B.Hella E.673


Menu Page
Site - 1 Ammunition & Hospital bunkers.
Site - 2 Along the Ridge line.
Site - 3 Fire Control Post, Command Post & Radar.
Site - 4 Flak Nord site.

Site - 5 The workers camp.
Site - 6 Geschützbettung No.1 (Gun bedding).
Site - 1a two ammunition bunkers.

Va300 Plouharnel M.K.B.Hella E.673



Va300 Plouharnel M.K.B.Hella E.673


Brief History:

Lorient harbour was chosen by the Kriegsmarine as a large U-Boat base, very early on after the area was captured in 1940. Work started on the U-boat pens and also a scheme to defend them from attack by an allied fleet. The Kriegsmarine (the German Navy), were ordered to defend their ports. Four large guns were placed on the Île de Groix in two ex-ships turrets, and these four railway guns here at Bégo. Quiberon peninsular had been decided as ideal for them. Super heavy weapons that could be moved around on large railway carriages. Guns were procured, captured French 34cm guns (340 B St-Chamond)(re named 34cm K.W.E.674(f), and the German Navy had three of them updated by Krupp. Quiberon has excellent railway links with the mainland and ultimately Germany and the in Spring of 1941 the site was cleared and four S215 type emplacements (Geschützstellung), were built plus a large 20m high fire control post, command post, ammunition storage and living accommodation for their troops.
Although the guns were on 360° turntables, but could only effectively fire on 180° of them and only towards the west. By winter of 1942/43 the guns gradually arrive. Three guns turned up and were installed. The fourth used south of Brest U-Boat pens and never ever arrived.
Rommel arrives on one of his major visits to the Atlantikwall. He is very upset about the fact that only three guns are in pace and that they cannot fire 360. He leaves after only two hours.


Heavy batterie positions around Lorient U-boat pens.


Rail links.


S215 plan.


34cm Mle 1912 L47 French railway gun.


Breach block.


Loading a shell.