RAF Boscombe Down
1940's pill box defence.
Known to us as the Brabazon hangar, but to BD people. The weighbridge hangar.
Main runway.
RAF Boscombe Down
James Nicolson shot down over Southampton and was awarded the VC for his deeds. He had take off from Boscombe Down. A member of 249Sdn. who moved here in August 1940.
RAF Boscombe Down
RAF Boscombe Down
Boscombe Downs original control tower possibly a Perminent Brick 518/40. This one has a two story watch office on its roof. Also note the BD in front of the Signal Square.
RAF Boscombe Down, Wiltshire (under construction)
518/40 control tower.
Signal Square.
1924 design 19a/24 'A' Shed
© 2013 Richard Drew