Ra157 la Broussette 6./A.R.177.
6./A.R.177 = 6th Artillery Abteilung 177.
R669 casemate.
10.5cm le.F.H. 18.
2cm Flak 30.
Ra157 la Broussette 6./A.R.177.
4 x R669 casemates.
2 x 2cm Flak 30.
4 x 10.5cm le.F.H. 18.
Ra157 la Broussette 6./A.R.177.
You can park in the stables on the right.
The battery straddles the road to Dinard.
R669 casemate with a 60degree angle of attack. Two small ammunition niches either side of the rear door.
R669 casemate being built.
Front view of an R669 at Ozeville, Normandy.
Ra157 la Broussette 6./A.R.177.
Four R669 casemates in a neat row.
Guns crew.
Guns crew.
Ra157 la Broussette 6./A.R.177.
These guns were directed at an attack in the Dinard area.
Officer inspection.
10.5cm artillery.
Somewhere on the coast would have been a fire control officer to direct the guns via a cable or a radio.
Ra157 la Broussette 6./A.R.177.
A bad picture taken from Ra236 I Pleurtuit Pontual Belle entree.
Turm 2 & 1 within the stables R669 casemates.
Ra157 la Broussette 6./A.R.177.
Turm 2.
A slightly better long distance photo of Term 2 showing up its rear door.
Inside an artillery casemate.
Ra157 la Broussette 6./A.R.177.
Term 4.
Horses, horses everywhere. R669 casemates.
German horse artillery.
Ra157 la Broussette 6./A.R.177.
Term 4 casemate R669 casemates.
Term 4 rear exhaust vent 200mm.
R669 firing its gun.
When the gun fired smoke would fill up the casemate and in the roof pipes could extract the gases via a pump in the left side ammunition niche and then out of the grill in the rear.
Extraction fan inside an ammunition niche.
Ra157 la Broussette 6./A.R.177.
Term 3 R669 casemates.
2cm Flak 30.
2cm Flak 30.
2cm Flak 30.
Ra157 la Broussette 6./A.R.177.
Term 3 R669 casemates.
Term 3.
The square hole to take the exhaust vent, probably this casemate was still being built and the large metal vent had not been fitted. Or it may have been removed by scrap men.
Cordite powder bags for 10.5cm guns.
15.5cm case and shot.
200mm vent
Ra157 la Broussette 6./A.R.177.
10.5cm le.F.H. 18.
Ra157 la Broussette 6./A.R.177.
Turm 2.
This one still has its vent and note the rainwater lip around the top of the rear door.
Rear door that should have been fitted here.
494P2 door.
Ra157 la Broussette 6./A.R.177.
Turm 2.
It does look as though the doors were never fitted.
Ammunition niche.
Ammunition niche with shelving for either shells or cases.
10.5cm ammunition in a box.
Ra157 la Broussette 6./A.R.177.
Turm 3.
Damage done probably by an American gun when they attacked from inland. Or an air attack from a Mustang fighter.
This could be a cannon shell or .50 calibre M2 Browning bullet from a Mustang.
Ground attacking Mustangs.
.50 calibre ammunition.
Ra157 la Broussette 6./A.R.177.
© 2013 Richard Drew