StP02 Franceville Ost.
StP02 set between the D514 and the sea, now a camping site and sand dunes.
1./Ost-Bat. 642.
2 x Anti tank walls.
2 x L413 ammunition bunker for a 3.7cm AA battery.
1 x R105b machine gun casemate L/H.
1 x R105c machine gun casemate R/H.
3 x Vf2a's gruppe shelter.
5 x Feldm shelters.
1 x Vf Skoda casemate.
1 x R634 6 embrasured turret bunker.
1 x Vf6a observation post, splittersicher (splinter-proof).
1 x ringstand for 5cm KwK.
1 x Searchlight + Maschinenstand.
6 x Vf58c Tobruk's.
1 x Vf58c/SK.
1 x B.Stellen.
1 x R667 casemate for a 5cm KwK Pak gun..
2 x 5cm KwK L/60.
1 x 4.7 Skoda Pak39 (t).
2 x 3.7cm Flak 18.
2 x Pz.T. FT-MG311(f).
2 x
Pz.T. FT-3.7cm KwK 144(f).
L413 ammunition bunker for a 3.7cm AA battery.
R105b Machine gun casemate.
Vf6a observation post, splittersicher (splinter-proof).
Pz.T. FT-3.7cm KwK 144(f).
Pz.T. FT-MG311(f).
StP02 Franceville Ost
Wn01 to Wn07.
This is a plan of all the Wn/StP's in this area.
5cm KwK L/60.
The view before D-Day.
Skoda gun casemate.
Photo Reconnaissance picture
400/240 15 June 44 F36/12 Task SA/1047/1048 29000 photo:
Possibly a Spitfire passing over taking pictures all the way around the Atlantikwall coast.
PRU Spitfire.
Loading cameras onto a Spitfire.
Medmenham interpreters.
StP02 Franceville Ost
Plan showing where Allied intelligent´s expected beach defences and minefields.
Placing beach hedgehogs.
Teller mines on posts.
StP02 Franceville Ost
Plan of the outer defence. A quite large area to defend and lot a bunkers.
Vf6a observation post.
Observation officers.
R634 6 embrasured turret bunker 20P7 turret/dome for an Mg.34.
Tobruk defence.
Vf68c Tobruk.
20P7 turret/dome for an Mg.34 6 embrasured turret R634 bunker.
R105b & an R667 bunkers attached.
A double bunker with an R105b with only an Mg34 behind a steel plate and added to it an R667 with a 5cm KwK L/60 Pak.
R105b machine gun casemate.
R667 casemate for a 5cm KwK L/60 Pak .
Plan of the double casemate.
A 9P7 dome (turret) the type that may have been on the roof of the R105b.
StP02 Franceville Ost
Inside the defences laid out now in a camping site. I have only visited the Vf 5cm ringstand.
L414 ammunition bunker for 3.7cm Flak.
3.7cm Flak 18.
Skoda bunker.
Ringstand for a 5cm KwK Pak L/60 gun.
Facing due south, this bunker covers the rear of StP02 and the road that runs east/west. D-Day this StP would have probably had to take on a few stray parachutists falling wide of their DZ's. Then watched as Wn01 Merville batterie was bombed-taken-lost and several days later retaken. Before they too were gradually pushed out by Commandos driving up along this road.
48 Commando Royal Marines.
5cm KwK Pak L/60.
5cm KwK Pak L/60
Ringstand for a 5cm KwK Pak L/60 gun.
This ringstand has a lid built over it to give it extra protection from splinters but it stops it being able to fire in all round defence. The niches are for ready ammunition.
5cm KwK Pak L/60.
5cm ammunition.
D-Day early in the morning.
Ringstand for a 5cm KwK Pak L/60 gun.
How it looked in 1945.
StP02 Franceville Ost.
A large anti-tank ditch running behind the defence.
© 2013 Richard Drew