Louis Pasteur Hopital SK/Sanitätbunker
In the middle of Cherbourg there are many Sanitätbunkers still around and probably the only one actually used on a regular basis today (2017) is the Centre Hopitalier Louis Pasteur Hopital, Rue Trottebec, Cherbourg-Octeville.
Louis Pasteur Hospital SK/Sanitätbunker
Louis Pasteur Hopital Sanitätbunker
Looking into the front of the hopital, the Sanitätbunker can be seen in the jumble of modern units and passages through the archway.
Hôpital Louis Pasteur, Cherbourg, France. Photo taken after the German occupation but exactly what date I do not know.
This picture was taken by Unteroffizier Hinz when he was stationed here in 1941 at StP277 M.K.B. York..
Louis Pasteur was a French chemist and microbiologist renowned for his discoveries of the principles of vaccination, microbial fermentation, and pasteurization, the last of which was named after him.
Louis Pasteur Hopital SK/Sanitätbunker
Looking down the side of the hospital, the Bunker SK/Sanitatbunker can be seen in the jumble of modern units. It has now has been re-covered in modern cladding.
Herta Wist and other German nurses captured in the Battle of Cherbourg
Lee Millers photo of captured German nurses possibly in Cherbourg.
Louis Pasteur Hopital SK/Sanitätbunker
Looking at the back of the SK/Sanitätbunker at the Out Patients entrance.
Louis Pasteur Hopital SK/Sanitätbunker
This is one of the original entrances.
MKB Bunkertour plan of an R118 Sanitätbunker.
Louis Pasteur Hospital SK/Sanitätbunker
In most hospital or casualty clearing/dressing station Bunker SK/Sanitatbunkers, the corners of the passageways has been cut back to allow stretcher cases access..
Louis Pasteur Hopital SK/Sanitätbunker
Details around the inner door.
Louis Pasteur Hopital SK/Sanitätbunker
This is where the Bunker SK/Sanitätbunker has been mated to the older hospital.
Louis Pasteur Hopital SK/Sanitätbunker
Original vents still in place.
Louis Pasteur Hopital SK/Sanitatbunker
Another vent cover.
Louis Pasteur Hopital SK/Sanitätbunker
© 2013 Richard Drew