Wn219/2 Drossel 2 Hove château d´eau
Wn219 Drossel comes in three parts, we just visited one bunker hidden in sand dunes and hard to see clearly.
7.5cm F.K.
7.5cm Pak 40.
Wn219/2 Drossel 2 Hove château d´eau
Wn219/2 Drossel 2 Hove château d´eau
German map
The three positions of Wn219 Drossel.
Wn219/2 Drossel 2 Hove château d´eau
Plan of the area
Wn219/1 Drossel 1 Slack sorte est ------ 1 x R680, 1 x 7.5cm Pak 40.
Wn219/2 Drossel 2 Hove château d´eau - 1 x R612, 7.5cm F.K.
Wn219/3 Drossel 2 Nord de la Ronville --- 1 x R612, 7.5cm F.K.
Wn219/2 Drossel 2 Hove château d´eau
R612 casemate
R612 casemate for a field Kannon. A 1943 model casemate using 385m° of concrete. This is looking into the embrasure or front face. The large piece of concrete sticking out in front is part of the glacis plate to protect the front of the casemate.
Glacis plate hashed in red.
Wn219/2 Drossel 2 Hove château d´eau
R612 casemate
This is the rear of the casemate where the gun would enter the gun room.
Wn219/2 Drossel 2 Hove château d´eau
R612 casemate
Along the top are the hooks to hold a camouflage net.
Wn219/2 Drossel 2 Hove château d´eau
R612 casemate
© 2013 Richard Drew