StP356 Auderville Laye H.K.B. (E. Batt 685).
Heeres Küsten Batterie E.685 3./1262.
2 x R502 twin gruppe shelter.
1 x SK/Stab Battery. (HQ bunker).
2 x Vf2a gruppe shelter.
4 x Vf/ammunition.
4 x Vf7a ammunition bunker.
1 x Wasser bunker.
2 x Flakstellung.
2 x Vf58c Tobruk's.
4 x 2cm Flack 30.
2 x 20.3cm K (E) S.K.C/34 railway guns.
2 x 15.5 cm
Vf7a ammunition bunker.
SK/HQ bunker.
StP356 Auderville Laye H.K.B. (E. Batt 685).
Heeres Küsten Batterie E.685 3./1262. ------------------- E = Eisenbahn (railway)
StP356 Auderville Laye H.K.B. (E. Batt 685).
StP356 is the main gun position.
Wn354 is a large barracks area with the remains of four huts.
StP356 Auderville Laye H.K.B. (E. Batt 685).
Plan of StP356 .
There were two 15.5cm s.H.H.414(f) guns forward and two 20.3cm K.(E) railway guns behind set in a small hollow to hide the guns from view. Then a ring of four 2cm Flak30.
We found:
The 15.5cm gun positions are completely removed, the railway gun bases are easy to see and all the bunkers are there.
At least three baraquement (barracks) are there to see and one just the foundations?
We also found one Tobruk and a 2cm Flak position. Animals in fields so we could not investigate any more.
2cm Flak 30.
Railway gun.
Ammunition handling.
StP356 Auderville Laye H.K.B. (E. Batt 685).
From this reconnaissance air photo the battery position is easily discerned. The four huts of the barracks, four 2cm flak positions, 15.5cm twin battery and the main railway gun battery in the centre.
StP356 Auderville Laye H.K.B. (E. Batt 685).
15.5cm s.F.H414 (f) gun battery position.
Two guns and two ammunition stores per gun.
Small ammunition storage.
StP356 Auderville Laye H.K.B. (E. Batt 685).
15.5cm s.F.H414 (f) gun battery position.
After the bombardment.
StP356 Auderville Laye H.K.B. (E. Batt 685).
15.5cm s.F.H414 (f).
A captured French field howitzer gun designed in 1916.
Fuze setter.
British gunners setting fuzes.
Fuze box.
StP356 Auderville Laye H.K.B. (E. Batt 685).
15.5cm s.F.H414 (f) setting up.
15.5cm shells.
Stacked shells.
StP356 Auderville Laye H.K.B. (E. Batt 685).
Inter-service Target No: 9/J/470.
St. Germain Laye:
Below details printed out in the report (remember the Allies were guessing what was here form air reconnaissance and intelligence reports.)
Two ? 280mm (11in) railway guns.
Range ? 40,000yards.
Weight of shell 660lbs.
Rate of fire ? 1 - 2 r.p.m.
Guns mounted on turntables 67ft diameter,
100yds apart.
Accommodation: Concrete shelters.
Secondery armament: Four light AA guns.
The original document.
Vf7b ammunition bunker.
Two entrances each side and a passage running the length, two large rooms to stack shells and powder.
Vf7b ammunition bunker plan.
Shells stacked up.
StP356 Auderville Laye H.K.B. (E. Batt 685).
Vf7b ammunition bunker rear.
StP356 Auderville Laye H.K.B. (E. Batt 685).
Vf7b ammunition bunker.
Blast wall covering the entrance.
StP356 Auderville Laye H.K.B. (E. Batt 685).
Vf7b ammunition bunker.
This looks as though it was going to be a badge of some form on the wall.
StP356 Auderville Laye H.K.B. (E. Batt 685).
Vf7b ammunition bunker entrance.
StP356 Auderville Laye H.K.B. (E. Batt 685).
Vf7b ammunition bunker the long covered passage.
Vf7b ammunition bunker.
Door to the first ammunition store. The door was a 434PO1 armoured door.
434PO1 door.
434PO1 door.
StP356 Auderville Laye H.K.B. (E. Batt 685).
Vf7b ammunition bunker drain in the entrance.
Plan of a drain.
Zinc drain.
Bunker drainage.
StP356 Auderville Laye H.K.B. (E. Batt 685).
Vf7b ammunition bunker.
StP356 Auderville Laye H.K.B. (E. Batt 685).
Vf7b ammunition bunker.
StP356 Auderville Laye H.K.B. (E. Batt 685).
Vf7b ammunition bunker.
The second room. I have just noticed that the two doors (yes its taken this long??). There are left and right?? (two different doors of the same design for one bunker --- why)??. All the way around I have realised that most German bunkers that use 434P01 doors use a left and a right opening door. Which seems rather odd. I must check on my next visit to see if a 434P01 door is reversible. I have the answer. I asked on a forum and was kindly informed what the typology is.
434PO1 doors.
434PO1 doors left & right hinged..
StP356 Auderville Laye H.K.B. (E. Batt 685).
This area would have been stacked full of ready ammunition, possibly fused (not set) for a quick reaction if the battery was needed to fire. If there was continuous fire then ammunition could be brought in from the other bunkers either side.
StP356 Auderville Laye H.K.B. (E. Batt 685).
Vf7b ammunition bunker.
StP356 Auderville Laye H.K.B. (E. Batt 685).
Vf7b ammunition bunker.
Looking back along the passage.
StP356 Auderville Laye H.K.B. (E. Batt 685).
Vf7b ammunition bunker.
Back outside after a scrabble to get out.
StP356 Auderville Laye H.K.B. (E. Batt 685).
Vf7b ammunition bunker.
Looking back.
StP356 Auderville Laye H.K.B. (E. Batt 685).
Naval & Army officers visiting the site. The second Vf7b ammunition bunker on the left, the first behind.
StP356 Auderville Laye H.K.B. (E. Batt 685).
The second Vf7b ammunition bunker.
The second Vf7b ammunition bunker plan.
StP356 Auderville Laye H.K.B. (E. Batt 685).
Delivering a gun going past the second Vf7b ammunition bunker.
20.3cm K.(e) railway gun.
StP356 Auderville Laye H.K.B. (E. Batt 685).
The second Vf7b ammunition bunker.
It looks as though the drains are not working here. This one has a different entrance arrangement.
Plan of the second Vf7b.
StP356 Auderville Laye H.K.B. (E. Batt 685).
The second Vf7b ammunition bunker.
StP356 Auderville Laye H.K.B. (E. Batt 685).
The second Vf7b ammunition bunker.
The two Vf's.
StP356 Auderville Laye H.K.B. (E. Batt 685).
Looking into the open emplacement of the railway gun.
The tin hut would have been on the left of the main picture.
StP356 Auderville Laye H.K.B. (E. Batt 685).
20.3cm K.(E) railway gun.
N°919176 was the western gun and N°919177 the eastern one. The guns were towed up on low multi wheeled RW 60 Gotha trailers by two Kaeble lorries. The guns arrived by train at Carteret and then placed on trailers and drawn by the two powerful Kaeble tractor units all the way up here. A railway line was laid between the two turntables and the guns trundled off by hand as it looks.
20.3cm K.(E) railway gun.
Kaeble tractor unit of the Reichsbahn that towed the guns.
Black line: Railway line.
Red line : By road.
StP356 Auderville Laye H.K.B. (E. Batt 685).
Plan of the turntable. The gun sat on rails and they sat on a large turntable.
The in its emplacement after the battle.
StP356 Auderville Laye H.K.B. (E. Batt 685).
Ammunition soute. Nice camouflage.
The ammunition soute can be seen in this picture.
StP356 Auderville Laye H.K.B. (E. Batt 685).
Ammunition soute. The view inside.
StP356 Auderville Laye H.K.B. (E. Batt 685).
Ammunition soute. Inside wall looks as though there was an explosion inside.
StP356 Auderville Laye H.K.B. (E. Batt 685).
Ammunition soute.
StP356 Auderville Laye H.K.B. (E. Batt 685).
Vf2a Gruppe shelter. An interesting design, much stronger than a typical Vf2a seen along the Atlantikwall.
Plan of Vf2a here.
StP356 Auderville Laye H.K.B. (E. Batt 685).
Vf2a Gruppe shelter camouflage.
Camouflage added made of possibly asbestos wool mixed with cement.
StP356 Auderville Laye H.K.B. (E. Batt 685).
Vf2a Gruppe shelter passageway.
.StP356 Auderville Laye H.K.B. (E. Batt 685).
Vf2a Gruppe shelter 434P01 Steel armoured door.
434PO1 door.
StP356 Auderville Laye H.K.B. (E. Batt 685).
Vf2a Gruppe shelter.
Escape hatch.
410P9 escape door.
Vf2a Gruppe shelter.
410P9 door.
StP356 Auderville Laye H.K.B. (E. Batt 685).
Vf2a Gruppe shelter.
410P9 door with the rubber gas tight seal still in place..
StP356 Auderville Laye H.K.B. (E. Batt 685).
Vf2a Gruppe shelter.
The escape tunnel, first you open the door, then take out several metal slats. Here it looks as though the slats have been replaced by bricks. The escape would go up the outside of the bunker. This would be filled with gravel or sand and had to be cleared out and only then could you crawl out.
Metal slats.
Emergency escape.
Escape hatch and steel ladders running up the side of a bunker.
StP356 Auderville Laye H.K.B. (E. Batt 685).
Vf2a Gruppe shelter.
StP356 Auderville Laye H.K.B. (E. Batt 685).
Vf2a Gruppe shelter.
Niche in both sides, I would like to know what they were used for?
StP356 Auderville Laye H.K.B. (E. Batt 685).
Vf2a Gruppe shelter.
StP356 Auderville Laye H.K.B. (E. Batt 685).
Ammunition soute 2.
This piece of concrete must have moved by a massive explosion.
StP356 Auderville Laye H.K.B. (E. Batt 685).
Ammunition soute 2 434PO1 door.
434PO1 door.
StP356 Auderville Laye H.K.B. (E. Batt 685).
Ammunition soute 2.
StP356 Auderville Laye H.K.B. (E. Batt 685).
Ammunition soute 2.
StP356 Auderville Laye H.K.B. (E. Batt 685).
Open turntable for a railway gun. Looking back towards the entrance.
This gun being positioned into place.
StP356 Auderville Laye H.K.B. (E. Batt 685).
There would have been a railway line running between the two emplacements.
StP356 Auderville Laye H.K.B. (E. Batt 685).
St. Germain Laye - 2 guns on turntables.
(Not rail served).
G.S.G.S. 4347 - 28/24 N.W. 9231. (Details at the bottom of the photo).
StP356 Auderville Laye H.K.B. (E. Batt 685).
Now very overgrown path to the bunkers and HQ building..
StP356 Auderville Laye H.K.B. (E. Batt 685).
R502 Infirmary.
Another style of camouflage on the wall.
R502 plan.
R502 infirmary.
StP356 Auderville Laye H.K.B. (E. Batt 685).
R502 Infirmary entrance.
StP356 Auderville Laye H.K.B. (E. Batt 685).
R502 entry voice speaking tube.
Sprachrohr mouthpiece
StP356 Auderville Laye H.K.B. (E. Batt 685).
R502 close combat defence covering the entrance.
StP356 Auderville Laye H.K.B. (E. Batt 685).
R502 entrance recess.
This may have had anti-gas shower or a sink to wash in.
Bunker sink set into a recess.
StP356 Auderville Laye H.K.B. (E. Batt 685).
R502 entrance.
StP356 Auderville Laye H.K.B. (E. Batt 685).
R502 entrance interesting grill.
StP356 Auderville Laye H.K.B. (E. Batt 685).
R502 gas lock..
Entrance passage and gas lock with two 434PO1 armoured doors. Also note that the left hand wall is cut back allowing casualties on stretchers to manoeuvre around.
434PO1 door.
Stretcher and bearers.
StP356 Auderville Laye H.K.B. (E. Batt 685).
R502 entrance gas lock.
Details of painting on the walls.
StP356 Auderville Laye H.K.B. (E. Batt 685).
R502 entrance gas lock. Same gas lock in 2002 and the same John.
StP356 Auderville Laye H.K.B. (E. Batt 685).
R502 left room.
You can see the bed hook fittings on the wall and ceiling fittings for attaching chains to hook on the outsides of the bunks.
bunker beds hung on hooks on the wall and chains from the ceiling.
Bunker bunk plans.
StP356 Auderville Laye H.K.B. (E. Batt 685).
R502 chimney outlet. This one looks rather damaged.
Plan of the heating pipes.
Bunker heating.
19P7 steel door closed off the inner room, it was not armoured but quite strong, with a gas tight seal around the edge and a small glass window.
StP356 Auderville Laye H.K.B. (E. Batt 685).
Two close combat defence windows and anti-gas fittings.
Gas filters.
Plan of the air pump.
Pump being used.
StP356 Auderville Laye H.K.B. (E. Batt 685).
R502 close combat embrasure.
483P2 type close combat embrasure. A gunner could cover the steps down into the bunker from enemy attack.
Shooting through an embrasure.
StP356 Auderville Laye H.K.B. (E. Batt 685).
StP356 Auderville Laye H.K.B. (E. Batt 685).
R502 right hand room.
StP356 Auderville Laye H.K.B. (E. Batt 685).
R502 right hand room and another 483P2 type close combat embrasure.
StP356 Auderville Laye H.K.B. (E. Batt 685).
R502 right hand room.
Paint on the walls painted around the fittings.
It is possibly where a telephone fitted to the wall.
StP356 Auderville Laye H.K.B. (E. Batt 685).
R502 right hand room.
Store room to the left of the anti gas pump fittings. The iron loop
Bunker gas pump handle.
Anti-gas pump.
StP356 Auderville Laye H.K.B. (E. Batt 685).
R502 store room.
In a normal situation this type of bunker would have had a periscope in this room, but as this is an infirmary it does not need one.
StP356 Auderville Laye H.K.B. (E. Batt 685).
R502 Infirmary.
StP356 Auderville Laye H.K.B. (E. Batt 685).
R502 close combat outside.
StP356 Auderville Laye H.K.B. (E. Batt 685).
R502 gas lock.
StP356 Auderville Laye H.K.B. (E. Batt 685).
R502 and way out.
StP356 Auderville Laye H.K.B. (E. Batt 685).
R502 entrance.
This looks like an after thought, it maybe that somebody forgot to set the speaking tube pipe inside the concrete??
Sprachrohr mouthpiece.
StP356 Auderville Laye H.K.B. (E. Batt 685).
R502 entrance.
Another interesting detail is the door.
StP356 Auderville Laye H.K.B. (E. Batt 685).
R502 air breather vent and its not set straight in the concrete again.
StP356 Auderville Laye H.K.B. (E. Batt 685).
Back outside and looking into the second railway gun ringstand.
This is how it finished up.
StP356 Auderville Laye H.K.B. (E. Batt 685).
Another view from above.
StP356 Auderville Laye H.K.B. (E. Batt 685).
Allied Bigot map of the area showing what the Allies thought was there..
Planning on board a US transport.
StP356 Auderville Laye H.K.B. (E. Batt 685).
Small ammunition soute.
StP356 Auderville Laye H.K.B. (E. Batt 685).
Small ammunition soute.
434PO1 armoured door
StP356 Auderville Laye H.K.B. (E. Batt 685).
Small ammunition soute.
StP356 Auderville Laye H.K.B. (E. Batt 685).
Small ammunition soute.
StP356 Auderville Laye H.K.B. (E. Batt 685).
The second ammunition soute. A bit of a bank here. A large shell may have come in from the land side and almost blown the roof off.
US Long Tom heavy gun.
StP356 Auderville Laye H.K.B. (E. Batt 685).
The second ammunition soute.
StP356 Auderville Laye H.K.B. (E. Batt 685).
The second ammunition soute. The roof has moved quite a bit.
StP356 Auderville Laye H.K.B. (E. Batt 685).
Where the gun sat.
StP356 Auderville Laye H.K.B. (E. Batt 685).
After capture, the guns were bombarded by sea and air as they could fire on the advancing Americans all the way up the peninsular and when taking Cherbourg.
Vf2a he same design as the other emplacement.
Vf2a plan.
StP356 Auderville Laye H.K.B. (E. Batt 685).
Right hand entrance. Might even be a bit of camouflage paint but no concrete added camouflage??.
StP356 Auderville Laye H.K.B. (E. Batt 685).
Vf2a passage.
Vf2a the 434PO1 door.
434PO1 door.
StP356 Auderville Laye H.K.B. (E. Batt 685).
Vf2a inside the room.
StP356 Auderville Laye H.K.B. (E. Batt 685).
Vf2a escape.
Bunker escape.
Vf2a exit.
StP356 Auderville Laye H.K.B. (E. Batt 685).
Patiently waiting, In Red.
StP356 Auderville Laye H.K.B. (E. Batt 685).
Part of the turntable.
Close up of the turntable.
More detail of the turntable.
StP356 Auderville Laye H.K.B. (E. Batt 685).
I think this was to be the site of a new bunker, it was excavated but never finished.
StP356 Auderville Laye H.K.B. (E. Batt 685).
On the left is the Central Radio SK bunker.
On the right R502 twin gruppe bunker.
Both we did not enter but we did find a very interesting Tobruk.
StP356 Auderville Laye H.K.B. (E. Batt 685).
Central Radio SK bunker. R656
.A very early Tobruk open defence/observation position. Possibly for a guard to stand.
Inside and there is several inches in water and there are many removed fittings on the walls and a telephone exchange, again removed and just the fittings showing where it was. A nice construction number 73 on a wall. Aerials were used as the cabling and earthing strips are extant.
Central Radio SK bunker. Basically an R656.
Bunker aerial slot.
Bunker cabling.
Marks remaining on a bunker wall.
Central Radio SK bunker.
A very odd Tobruk or an open defence/observation position. Possibly for a guard to stand.
StP356 Auderville Laye H.K.B. (E. Batt 685).
TOn the right R502 twin gruppe bunker
This may be a crew bunker or used as a command bunker. It looks to be very like the R502 Infirmary bunker.
StP356 Auderville Laye H.K.B. (E. Batt 685).
On the right R502 twin gruppe bunker and a row of Eisenpfahel barbed wire fence posts. There are so many still on this peninsular.
StP356 Auderville Laye H.K.B. (E. Batt 685).
Vf58c plan Tobruk.
StP356 Auderville Laye H.K.B. (E. Batt 685).
Heavy steel Screw Picket set into the Norman wall.
Screw Picket.
StP356 Auderville Laye H.K.B. (E. Batt 685).
Another Eisenpfahel again in the Norman wall.
StP356 Auderville Laye H.K.B. (E. Batt 685).
Vf7b ammunition bunker for the western gun.
Vf7b plan.
The next Vf7b ammunition bunker for the western gun.
There were either small narrow gauge railway lines laid to carry the ammunition on small railway trucks. Or a concrete roadway and a four wheeled truck pulled by the gunners.
Plan of a Vf7b.
Four wheeled truck pulled by the gunners.
StP356 Auderville Laye H.K.B. (E. Batt 685).
With rain over Alderney. These guns were to cover the gap between the Cherbourg peninsular and Alderney. Laye guns and a battery on Alderney were to cover the gap. When eventually the batteries on Alderney were shelled in June 1944 by HMS Rodney. She sat in the lee of the peninsular and fired right over Cherbourg to Alderney.
The two batteries covering the straights.
HMS Rodney firing.
Rodney firing on Alderney.
StP356 Auderville Laye H.K.B. (E. Batt 685).
StP356 Auderville Laye H.K.B. (E. Batt 685).
My plan of the baraquement. The plan is from memory and may not be exact.
A hole was dug and a flat roofed baraquement was built and the roof covered with turf as camouflage. There was one entrance that I could find and a toilet. I am reasonably sure there was a toilet as that is the way I entered through its window. Oh what fun we bunker hunters have.
StP356 Auderville Laye H.K.B. (E. Batt 685).
Baraquement (barracks). As you slide into the toilet, this is what presents itself.
StP356 Auderville Laye H.K.B. (E. Batt 685).
Baraquement (barracks). detail of the end wall.
StP356 Auderville Laye H.K.B. (E. Batt 685).
Baraquement (barracks) the toilet.
StP356 Auderville Laye H.K.B. (E. Batt 685).
Baraquement (barracks) detritus on the floor.
StP356 Auderville Laye H.K.B. (E. Batt 685).
Baraquement (barracks) this is the long rear passage.
StP356 Auderville Laye H.K.B. (E. Batt 685).
Baraquement (barracks) the end room and this also has painting on the walls.
Painted wall.
StP356 Auderville Laye H.K.B. (E. Batt 685).
Baraquement (barracks).
StP356 Auderville Laye H.K.B. (E. Batt 685).
Baraquement (barracks).
StP356 Auderville Laye H.K.B. (E. Batt 685).
Baraquement (barracks).
Baraquement (barracks) window on the left and door on the right.
StP356 Auderville Laye H.K.B. (E. Batt 685).
Baraquement (barracks).
StP356 Auderville Laye H.K.B. (E. Batt 685).
Baraquement (barracks) the roof of the baraquement circled in red.
StP356 Auderville Laye H.K.B. (E. Batt 685).
R502 completely covered over..
StP356 Auderville Laye H.K.B. (E. Batt 685).
StP356 Auderville Laye H.K.B. (E. Batt 685).