Wn20 Bunker süd.
1 x R612.
1 x Vf67.
4 x Unterstands.
2 x 5cm KwK ringstands V600v's side by side.
1 x small munitions bunker.
1 x Wellblech.
5cm KwK gun.
Wn20 Bunker süd.
These defence positions were being upgraded constantly from 1942/3 and before capture around September 1944.
Wn20 Bunker süd
The white squares are where there are two understand.
Then on the sand another and a Vf67.
Below an R612 and below again 2 V600v 5cm KwK gun open emplacements and 2 small ammunition bunkers.
This is how the 5cm KwK V600v. Uncannily they look like this one at Berck Nord H.K.B.
Ammunition for a 5cm KwK gun would look like this.
Wn20 Bunker süd is the further of the two positions. The nearer is StP Garde Du Corps.
Two small defences on a vast beach.
Wn20 Bunker süd.
Some information here
OB600e 5cm KwK ringstand.
Vf67 tank turret.
Unterstand plan in the sand dunes.
Wn20 Bunker süd.
The larger R612 with the ammunition bunker for the 5cm KwK ammunition. And the remains of up to two 5cm KwK open emplacements.
5cm KwK ringstand.
Plan of an R612 casemates an assault gun.
7.5cm gun that would have been inside the casemate.
© 2013 Richard Drew