Va08 , Saint-Valéy-en-Caux
I have very little information of Va08, it certainly has some very different bunkers. One an R628 Groupe bunker with forward apron, well thats what one site says was/is it there??
R628 Groupe bunker with forward apron.
M134 Ammunition bunker.
R610 HQ for a strengthened company plan.
Va08 , Saint-Valéy-en-Caux
Va08 , Saint-Valéy-en-Caux
1 x R610 HQ for a strengthened company plan.
1 x R134
Ammunition bunker.
1 x FA Munitions
1 x R628 Groupe bunker with forward apron plan.
2 x Tobruk's. Vf8?
Va08 , Saint-Valéy-en-Caux
No.4 is down in the fold of the hill and No.7 may have been built over or in a garden. The French army Officers that checked out all the remains in 1946, seem to have missed the other items in the field??
SR9 Periscope.
Va08 , Saint-Valéy-en-Caux
Tobruk out in the field.
Yellow circle on plan.
Tobruk Vf8.
Va08 , Saint-Valéy-en-Caux
The second Tobruk, maybe a Vf8
Yellow circle on plan.
Va08 , Saint-Valéy-en-Caux
The second Tobruk, maybe a Vf8.
Va08 , Saint-Valéy-en-Caux
This building is intriguing, it may have nothing to do with Va08 and more to do with a radar, radio guidance, ??
Va08 , Saint-Valéy-en-Caux
A 1954 picture of this building, it looks as though it did not have a room above. So the steps just take you up to the roof.
Luftwaffe troops.
Va08 , Saint-Valéy-en-Caux
A close up of the building, zoomed in it shows they are not windows but are slits. So although not built to normal bunker standards it certainly looks as though its a wartime building, possibly something to do with radar in the area?
Va08 , Saint-Valéy-en-Caux
The top of the field showing how it runs down the hill, the R628 is down to the left, the R134 is slightly to the right in the field but again down the slope and the R610 is to the right side of the picture in the trees. The Tobruk's seem to cover this area if attacked.
The arrows show the areas covered by the Tobruk machine guns.
Va08 , Saint-Valéy-en-Caux
R628 Groupe bunker with forward apron plan.
Va08 , Saint-Valéy-en-Caux
R628 from above. This is what I feel this bunker is, hard to find but it does have an R621/R622
R621 Gruppe shelter.
R622 twin Gruppe shelter.
Va08 , Saint-Valéy-en-Caux
R610 HQ for a strengthened company plan.
Top left side: Commander.
Bottom left: Crew.
Top right: Storage.
Bottom Right: Non Commissioned Officers.
Close combat defence at the entrance and a Tobruk observation and defence.
Also it may have a periscope.
How the inside crew room may have looked with all the connections to the defence positions and the field telephones.
Va08 , Saint-Valéy-en-Caux
R610 showing up in this 1964 air photo, the Tobruk defence is showing up well.
Va08 , Saint-Valéy-en-Caux
Plan of an ammunition bunker, a corridor through and two rooms for ammunition storage.
The main corridor of an R134 in Normandy showing the where the two ammunition rooms are to the left.
Va08 , Saint-Valéy-en-Caux
A 1964 air photo of the R134, probably still accessible.
Two photos of the R134.
Va08 , Saint-Valéy-en-Caux
Va08 , Saint-Valéy-en-Caux
© 2013 Richard Drew