Wn Trou08 Criqueboeuf plage
Criqueboeuf plage is a small promontory to the east of Villerville and can be accessed from along the beach from Villerville or parking in Criqueboeuf and walking down to the beach.
5cm KwK 39 L/60.
Schnabelstand, (Vf observation).
Skoda 4.7cm gun.
Wn Trou08 Criqueboeuf plage.
Wn Trou08 Criqueboeuf plage.
Plan of most of StP Gruppe Trouville, K.V.A.'G'.
Wn Trou08 Criqueboeuf plage.
The walk from Villerville with debris all over the beach.
Even a fossil.
Barbed wire.
Wn Trou08 Criqueboeuf plage
1 x Vf Skoda bunker (SK Pak).
1 x Schnabelstand, (Vf observation).
1 x R141c.
1 x Vf58c.
1 x NR1694 Ringstand 5cm KwK.
1 x SK. (Bf66)
1 x 4.7 Pak K.36(t).
1 x 5cm KwK L/60 Pak gun.
Vf58c plan.
NR1694 Ringstand.
Wn Trou08 Criqueboeuf plage.
A lovely old side valve engine.
Wn Trou08 Criqueboeuf plage
141c bunker.
A lovely old side valve engine.
Wn Trou08 Criqueboeuf plage
141c bunker on the left and the protective wall on the right. Some may have a Tobruk actually fitted into the wall to protect the rear door.
Wn Trou08 Criqueboeuf plage
141c a closer look at that wall.
Wn Trou08 Criqueboeuf plage
141c entrance with its close combat window and the niche on the right may have held a speaking tube?
Speaking tube.
Wn Trou08 Criqueboeuf plage
141c turning right
Wn Trou08 Criqueboeuf plage
141c 19P8 door.
19P8 steel door with a small glass window and a rubber gas seal.
Wn Trou08 Criqueboeuf plage
141c crew room. The uprights have hooks on to hold bed bunks. There would be steel strips bolted to the wall with corresponding hooks.
Bed in storage.
How the bunk beds looked.
Wn Trou08 Criqueboeuf plage
141c the bolts in the wall to hold the steel uprights.
Bunk fittings.
Wn Trou08 Criqueboeuf plage
The 141c close combat window.
48P8 close combat window.
Wn Trou08 Criqueboeuf plage
Frame of the gas pressure pump to overpressure the air inside the bunker to stop gas entering the bunker. The pump would be hand driven.
An almost complete system.
German gas mask.
Gas filter.
Wn Trou08 Criqueboeuf plage
Behind the 410P9 door is the escape hatch.
410P9 escape door.
Wn Trou08 Criqueboeuf plage
Store room.
141c plan.
Wn Trou08 Criqueboeuf plage
141c showing the steps down into the bunker.
141c elevation.
Wn Trou08 Criqueboeuf plage
141c in the distance.
Wn Trou08 Criqueboeuf plage
Wn Trou08 Criqueboeuf plage
Escape with its steel steps broken away from a bunker.
The different ways of making the escapes.
Wn Trou08 Criqueboeuf plage
SHM plan.
Wn Trou08 Criqueboeuf plage
Ringstand for a 5cm KwK.
How it may have looked.
5cm KwK emplacement.
Wn Trou08 Criqueboeuf plage
Ringstand for a 5cm KwK.
Ringstand for a 5cm KwK and a Vf66 bunker.
Wn Trou08 Criqueboeuf plage
Ringstand for a 5cm KwK.
Bf66 and ringstand.
Ammunition niches all the way around.
Ammunition niche broken away.
Wn Trou08 Criqueboeuf plage
Ringstand for a 5cm KwK.
It may have looked very much like this one at Trou04.
Wn Trou08 Criqueboeuf plage
Ringstand for a 5cm KwK.
5cm KwK Pak L/60.
5cm KwK Pak L/60.
Wn Trou08 Criqueboeuf plage
Wn Trou08 Criqueboeuf plage
Bf66 entrance.
Bf66 plan.
Wn Trou08 Criqueboeuf plage
Bf66 possibly the ammunition room.
Stacked ammunition.
Bf66 ammunition room.
Wn Trou08 Criqueboeuf plage
Bf66 crew room with the escape hatch in the rear wall.
Crew room.
Bf66 plan.
410P9 escape door.
Wn Trou08 Criqueboeuf plage
Schnabelstand, (Vf observation) and SK Pak..
Wn Trou08 Criqueboeuf plage
Schnabelstand, (Vf observation).
Wn Trou08 Criqueboeuf plage
Schnabelstand, (Vf observation). Note the camouflage effect above the main structure.
Schnabelstand, (Vf observation).
Vf Skoda bunker (SK Pak).
Schnabelstand, (Vf observation).
Observation room.
Wn Trou08 Criqueboeuf plage
Schnabelstand, (Vf observation).
Crew room.
Schnabelstand, (Vf observation).
Wn Trou08 Criqueboeuf plage
Schnabelstand, (Vf observation) with the tide coming in.
Observation room.
Wn Trou08 Criqueboeuf plage
Schnabelstand, (Vf observation).
Observation room.
Observation room.
Close up of the camouflaged concrete.
Wn Trou08 Criqueboeuf plage
Schnabelstand, (Vf observation).
During construction.
During construction.
Wn Trou08 Criqueboeuf plage
Schnabelstand, (Vf observation).
Wn Trou08 Criqueboeuf plage
Vf Skoda bunker (SK Pak).
Wn Trou08 Criqueboeuf plage
Vf Skoda bunker (SK Pak). The embrasure with the spent ammunition vat in front to catch the shells from the 4.8cm cannon.
An original picture of the bunker and I have outlined the camouflage effects painted on it.
4.7cm cannon shell.
4.7cm shell case.
4.7cm ammunition.
Wn Trou08 Criqueboeuf plage
Vf Skoda bunker (SK Pak) rear entrance.
Vf Skoda bunker (SK Pak) showing the chicane entrance.
Vf Skoda bunker (SK Pak) showing the chicane entrance.
Wn Trou08 Criqueboeuf plage
Vf Skoda bunker (SK Pak). The main door either its all been removed or it was never fitted??
Wn Trou08 Criqueboeuf plage
Vf Skoda bunker (SK Pak).
Vf Skoda bunker (SK Pak).
Wn Trou08 Criqueboeuf plage
4.7cm Skoda Pak. It was designed to fit inside a bunker and a special steel embrasure set into the concrete of the bunker.
The gun in situ.
Vf Skoda bunker (SK Pak).
Wn Trou08 Criqueboeuf plage
The special steel embrasure set into the concrete of the bunker. .
770P4 steel embrasure.
4.7cm shell case.
Vf Skoda bunker (SK Pak).
Wn Trou08 Criqueboeuf plage
Vf Skoda bunker (SK Pak). The observation slit where the gun commander would shout fire orders to the gunners.
Gun commander viewing through the slit.
Wn Trou08 Criqueboeuf plage
Vf Skoda bunker (SK Pak).
Wn Trou08 Criqueboeuf plage
Schnabelstand, (Vf observation) from SHM. Behind is the 5cm KwK Ringstand and gun.
Wn Trou08 Criqueboeuf plage