Wn08 Redoute d'Audouville la Hubert.
1 x R501 group shelter.
1 x R622 twin group shelter.
2 x Vf/MG.
2 x Vf58c Tobruk.
1 x
Ic125 mortar Tobruk.
1 x ringstand mortar Tobruk.
2 x ringstands for 5cm KwK.
1 x 4.7cm Pak181(f).
2 x 5cm KwK L/60 guns.
2 x
8cm Mortar Gr.W278(f).
1 x 7.6cm F.K. Lag. Field Cannon
5cm KwK L/60 guns.
4.7cm Pak181(f).
Gr.W278(f) Mortar.
Wn08 Redoute d'Audouville la Hubert.
Wn08 Redoute d'Audouville la Hubert
Uncle Red Beach early Bigot map.
This is where the Americans were supposed to land straight onto Wn08. Although it was not a too stronger defence with only a field gun, a 4.7cm A/T gun, two 5cm KwK guns and two mortars. The main inland artillery batteries target for the beach area was Zinten. The Bigot map is very accurate and can be set against my plan and shows many of of the gun positions.
US senior officers with clearance to Bigot files..
A bigot stamp..
Wn08 Redoute d'Audouville la Hubert
Another Bigot map 12 May 1944.
TOP SECRET until issued for briefing ground troops; thereafter SECRET.
Purple .........NOT Confirmed.
Another Bigot map showing even more detail and I have just noticed the Old Windmill also mentioned on the landings that should have been on the Americans left but could not be seen from Wn05.
Rommel visiting the Normandy beaches in early 1944.
Laying mines on the beach.
Wn08 Redoute d'Audouville la Hubert
Reconnaissance photo of Wn08.
Area..................St. Martine De Varreville.
Taken by ..........16 Sqn. RAF.
Date ..................23-4-44.
Negative No. ....59884.
Photo Reconnaissance Spitfire..
Wn08 Redoute d'Audouville la Hubert.
Ic125 Gr. W mortar Tobruk just outside the Fort.
MD ringstand named after the designer. Gr. W mortar Tobruk inside the Fort
Plan of the Feldmassig. Completely removed.
Wn08 Redoute d'Audouville la Hubert.
R501 Gruppe shelter with added Tobruk and extended wall.
Plan of an R501 with attached Tobruk.
Wn08 Redoute d'Audouville la Hubert
R501 Gruppe shelter.
Steps up to the Tobruk. A nice added extra.
R501 Gruppe shelter.
MKB Bunkertour Plan.
Wn08 Redoute d'Audouville la Hubert
R501 Gruppe shelter.
Inside the Tobruk a niche with a connecting pipe to inside the bunker for a speaking tube.
Mouth piece for the speaking tube screwed onto the pipe.
Inside a Tobruk.
Wn08 Redoute d'Audouville la Hubert
R501 Gruppe shelter.
Entrance into the bunker.
491P2 Gittertür gate closing off the entrance. If attacked the machine gun inside in the close combat embrasure could shoot through the gate.
Wn08 Redoute d'Audouville la Hubert
R501 Gruppe shelter.
Gas lock.
This would have been closed off with a very strong 434P01 door.
434P01 door.
Wn08 Redoute d'Audouville la Hubert
R501 Gruppe shelter.
Periscope fitting.
Periscope in use.
The view.
Wn08 Redoute d'Audouville la Hubert
R501 Gruppe shelter.
Crew room with the door coming in, the escape hatch through the wall and the close combat embrasure, now removed and just a hole left.
Wn08 Redoute d'Audouville la Hubert
R501 Gruppe shelter.
R501 close combat embrasure.
A 483P2 close combat embrasure.
Close combat mountings.
Wn08 Redoute d'Audouville la Hubert
R501 Gruppe shelter.
Escape tunnel which should have a 410P9 door.
410P9 escape door.
At the far end were a set of shutters. All would need to be removed to crawl through.
Plan of an escape.
Wn08 Redoute d'Audouville la Hubert
R501 Gruppe shelter.
This is where the crew lived/slept in bunks hung from the walls and a folding table and chairs. The odd cupboard.
Plan of bunk beds.
Living conditions..
Wn08 Redoute d'Audouville la Hubert
R501 Gruppe shelter.
The escape outside. Usually these are made of bricks but here its been formed in concrete.
The two different types of escapes.
Wn08 Redoute d'Audouville la Hubert
R501 Gruppe shelter.
Fitting for a radio antenna mast.
How the telescopic aerial fitted through the bunker.
This is an aerial still fitted into a bunker.
Wn08 Redoute d'Audouville la Hubert
Two mortar Tobruk's. One inside the Mud Fort and this one outside.
Plan of the MD Tobruk ringstand inside the Fort.
Ic125 mortar Tobruk. This one.
8cm Mortar Gr.W278(f).
Wn08 Redoute d'Audouville la Hubert
Ic125 mortar Tobruk.
The entrance is behind the small tree.
Wn08 Redoute d'Audouville la Hubert
Ic125 mortar Tobruk.
Ammunition and gun room.
80mm mortar ammunition.
Wn08 Redoute d'Audouville la Hubert
Ic125 mortar Tobruk.
Looking into the gun room with the entrance in front and niches around the wall for ready ammunition.
Wn08 Redoute d'Audouville la Hubert
R622 twin Gruppe shelter.
R622 twin Gruppe shelter.
Wn08 Redoute d'Audouville la Hubert
R622 twin Gruppe shelter.
Left entrance and look at the photographer.
Wn08 Redoute d'Audouville la Hubert
R622 twin Gruppe shelter.
Gas lock. On the left and right are the aerial fittings then a 19P7 gas tight door with a small glass window.
19P7 door.
Wn08 Redoute d'Audouville la Hubert
R622 twin Gruppe shelter.
Gas lock looking into two entrances. One has a 19P7 door on the right and left a 434P01 heavy armoured split door.
434P01 heavy armoured door on the left.
19P7 door on the right.
Wn08 Redoute d'Audouville la Hubert
R622 twin Gruppe shelter.
The left hand crew room to take one Gruppe of soldiers with bunk beds around the walls.
Wn08 Redoute d'Audouville la Hubert
R622 twin Gruppe shelter.
Left hand crew room.
Wn08 Redoute d'Audouville la Hubert
R622 twin Gruppe shelter.
Inter joining 19P7 door.
19P7 door.
Wn08 Redoute d'Audouville la Hubert
R622 twin Gruppe shelter.
Wn08 Redoute d'Audouville la Hubert
R622 twin Gruppe shelter.
Right hand crew room.
Wn08 Redoute d'Audouville la Hubert
R622 twin Gruppe shelter.
422P01 close combat embrasure.
422P01 close combat embrasure.
Wn08 Redoute d'Audouville la Hubert
R622 twin Gruppe shelter.
Gas lock and way out.
Wn08 Redoute d'Audouville la Hubert
R622 twin Gruppe shelter.
Entrance to the Tobruk defence.
Wn08 Redoute d'Audouville la Hubert
R622 twin Gruppe shelter.
The Tobruk defence and also hooks for a camouflage net to hang.
Fittings to hold a machine gun in a Tobruk.
Wn08 Redoute d'Audouville la Hubert
R622 twin Gruppe shelter.
Wn08 Redoute d'Audouville la Hubert.
Now walking up the sand dune to the right flank of the defence. Probably through a mine field.
Wn08 Redoute d'Audouville la Hubert
Ringstand for a 5cm KwK L/60 gun.
The first defence should be a Tobruk but we did not find it. This gun would have had a good view of D-day. That is if they had survived the bombing, shelling and rocket fire. This is where D-day should have started but as i commented I Wn05 due to the tide and mines they drifted south and hit Wn05 fair and square.
5cm KwK L/60.
5cm KwK L/60.
Ammunition boxes.
Wn08 Redoute d'Audouville la Hubert
Ringstand for a 5cm KwK L/60 gun.
With a 5cm gun the defenders here would have been hard pressed to hit very much landing at Wn05. But anything drifting this way would have taken a few rounds..
This is the Wn05 gun but its the sort of view that would have been seen from here.
Wn08 Redoute d'Audouville la Hubert
Wn08 Redoute d'Audouville la Hubert
Continuing north.
Wn08 Redoute d'Audouville la Hubert
Vf/MG Pilz.
Pilz is German for 'mushroom'. A small pillbox defence.
Vf/MG Pilz in northern Cotentin.
Wn08 Redoute d'Audouville la Hubert
Vf/MG Pilz.
Looking down into the entrance.
Wn08 Redoute d'Audouville la Hubert
Vf/MG Pilz.
Looking in to the entrance. This is as far as I got but others have noticed painting on the roof donating target information.
Wn08 Redoute d'Audouville la Hubert
Ringstand for a 5cm KwK L/60 gun.
The second ringstand covering the gap in the sand dunes and it was to become Exit 4.
5cm KwK L/60 gun.
Map of the area.
You can see how important Wn08 was. Right on the start of Exit 4 it was to become a very important route inland..
Wn08 Redoute d'Audouville la Hubert
Very well camouflaged with only the lip showing, if it survived the initial bombardment, this machine gun could have done a lot of damage.
Tobruk plan.
Wn08 Redoute d'Audouville la Hubert
There were five Tobruk's here in Wn08.
Wn08 Redoute d'Audouville la Hubert
The Mud Fort.
This is on D-Day (and a windmill now gone) what the Americans were looking for 'The Mud Fort'. The word Mud is the American way of saying earth. The Fort was an old 18c. French fort protecting with the many others along this coast to stop the English, the enemy at the time from invading. As If.
Wn08 Redoute d'Audouville la Hubert
For October what a day.
Wn08 Redoute d'Audouville la Hubert
Anti Tank sea wall.
The real Atlantikwall. This wall ran along miles of this beach from north to south and like here sand has blown over it and protected it. Now the sea has started to wash it away.
Wn08 Redoute d'Audouville la Hubert
Damage done around D-Day.
USS Tuscaloosa one of the bombarding ships.
Wn08 Redoute d'Audouville la Hubert
Anti Tank sea wall.
The wall looking north.
Wn08 Redoute d'Audouville la Hubert
This may be an emplacement for the 4.7cm Pak 181(f).
4.7cm Pak 181(f).
Wn08 Redoute d'Audouville la Hubert
The view south.
This is a plan of the concentration areas of the assault units for Utah Beach. The camps that they were sealed in prior D -2, the day they all started to move forward to the loading hards and board landing craft and assault ships.
S.P.I. ..........................Concentration areas.
A..................................Assembly areas.
A.2. .............................Box in Assembly Area (Nos.1&2 Reception 3,4,&5 Marshalling Boxes).
T.2...............................Transit Areas.
Red doted circle.........Reserved for Operation Troops.
Red Flag......................Assembly Areas H.Q.
The camps were sealed with nobody going in or out. The troops were given some of the best food they had ever had in the army. They were allowed to rest, relax and do not marching. Plans, maps, photos of their targets were in a special hut or tent where any soldier at any time could go in and see the area they were to land and attack. The organisation was exceptional and roads were made one way to stop traffic jams. Then when they departed the moved to 'Hards' where they were loaded onto their craft from TLS, Assault ships to Landing Craft. Due to leave on the 4th June for a D-Day on the 5th June, but due to the weather, they left on the 5th June for D-Day on the 6th.
Sealed inside a D-Camp somewhere in the South of England..
70th Tank battalion loading at Kingswear Ferry, Devon.
Rame Head embarkation onto LST for Utah Beach.
Infantry loading in Plymouth.
Wn08 Redoute d'Audouville la Hubert
The D-Day beach markings laid out on this air photo.
Infantry and tanks working up the coast.
The attack.
Wn08 Redoute d'Audouville la Hubert
The American advance north up the coast and inland.
The 3rd Battalion of the 22nd Infantry --- 3/22 moved north and was assigned the task of reducing the enemy beach strong points. The Battalion moved north past les Dunes de Varreville and Exit 4 (Wn08) and reached the southern edge of Hamel de Cruttes by night fall. (Utah Beach to Cherbourg). So that means they took Wn08 & StP09 on D-Day.
Infantry and tanks working up the coast.
The attack.
Wn08 Redoute d'Audouville la Hubert
Utah Beach Gooseberry
The Gooseberry a code name for sunken ships on Utah beach to create a sort of harbour for landing craft running in and out of the beach. The ships were redundant time served.
The layout of the Utah Gooseberry, the sinking of several ships to act as a harbour on the beach.
The SS West Honiker a surplice transport sunk onto the sea bed.
Wn08 Redoute d'Audouville la Hubert
Utah Beach Gooseberry
An air view of the Gooseberry.
The layout of the Utah Gooseberry, the sinking of several ships to act as a harbour on the beach.
Wn08 Redoute d'Audouville la Hubert
Utah Beach Gooseberry
An air view of the Gooseberry.
Wn08 Redoute d'Audouville la Hubert