StP Moritz, Les Huttes d'Oye plage ouest
One of the defences that covered the gap between Calais and Dunkirk that if there had been an invasion, the Allies would have landed here and then come around the back of two of the major ports on the French north coast. This of course did not happen.
Plan of the defence.
Troops in the dunes.
StP Moritz, Les Huttes d'Oye plage ouest
K.V.U.A: Oye-Plage
Stützpunkt: Moritz
1 x 10cm light field howitzer 14/19(t).
1 x 7.5cm Kanone.
1 x 5cm KwK.
1 x 3.7cm 311(f).
1 x 3.7cm 144(f).
1 x 4.7cm 181(f) Pak.
1 x 4.7cm 36(t) Pak.
1 x 2.5cm 112(f) Pak.
1 x 3.7cm Flak.
2 x 2cm Flak.
1 x 13.9mm Panzerbüchse (armoured rifle)
1 x M.G. 311(f).
1 x
M.G. 156(f).
1 x M.G. 37(f).
1 x M.G. 08/15.
1 x L.M.G 26 (t).
1 x L.M.G 28 (p).
2 x L.M.G 15.
1 x L.M.G 34.
1 x S.M.G 34.
1 x 5cm L.Gr.W.
36 Mortar.
2 x 8.1cm S.Gr.W. 36
23 x Karabiner 98K Rifles.
3 x Gew.Gr.
Gerät alt (old).
3 x Gew.Gr.
Gerät neu (new). G.G.P.40.
3 x 0.8mm Pistol.
12 x 7.65mm Pistol.
3 x Leuchtpistole (flair guns).
6 x M.P. 38/40.
2 x Flammenwerfer (Abwehr)
Flame throwers for (defence).
2 x Zwillingstockel
(twin socket).
1 x Fa§nebelzerstaüber (Fog atomizer) or smoke machine.
1 x Handscheimwerfer
(hand held lights [search light?]).
28 x Seitengewehr
(Side gun).
3 x Zielfemrohrgewehre
(telescopic sights for rifles).
49 x Heer (army).
2 x Marine (navy).
This diversity of weapons from all over Europe. Ammunition would have been individual to each weapon. Three anti-tank guns, two French one Czech. Five Kanone, two French, two German and one Czech. Machine guns about seven, three French, one Polish and one Czech.
Geheime Kommandofache - Secret Command Operation record of what weapons were here.
StP Moritz, Les Huttes d'Oye plage ouest
An anti-tank wall runs the complete length of this defence.
StP Moritz, Les Huttes d'Oye plage ouest
On the German 1944 plan.
Most of the defences along this part of the coast were prefaced with StP (Stützpunkt) where as in other areas they would be Wn's (Widerstandsnest).
StP Moritz, Les Huttes d'Oye plage ouest
You can see the anti-tank wall closed off the track.
7.5cm Kanone.
4.7cm 181(f) Pak.
8.1cm S.Gr.W. 36 Mortar.
StP Moritz, Les Huttes d'Oye plage ouest
The anti-tank wall.
Flammenwerfer (Abwehr) Flame throwers for (defence).
Vf5b Neu garage.
Vf2a group shelter.
StP Moritz, Les Huttes d'Oye plage ouest
The anti-tank wall with a Vf MG-Pilz set into the angle of the wall. Behind the Pilz is a Vf2a.
MG Pilz.
M.G. 311(f).
2.5cm Pak 112(f).
StP Moritz, Les Huttes d'Oye plage ouest
Vf MG-Pilz able to use about three embrasures for its machine gun.
10cm light field howitzer 14/19(t).
StP Moritz, Les Huttes d'Oye plage ouest
This is a Pilz further west showing one that is not attached to a tank wall.
Inside a Pilz.
IVf5b Neu garage bunker for a 2.5cm Pak 112(f)..
StP Moritz, Les Huttes d'Oye plage ouest
The original track was cut by the anti-tank wall.
Michelmannstand MG emplacement.
Vf2a Gruppe shelter.
Vf5b Neu gun garage.
StP Moritz, Les Huttes d'Oye plage ouest
PZM Panzermauer
The tank wall continuing west. The sea came almost up to the wall in 1944 now its quite away back.
Plan of how an anti-tank wall should be made.
StP Moritz, Les Huttes d'Oye plage ouest
PZM Panzermauer
There were railway lines set into the wall probably about a meter high and strung between them would be barbed wire.
Anti-tank wall showing the railway line uprights and barbed wire entanglement.
StP Moritz, Les Huttes d'Oye plage ouest
Vf2a Doppel.
Vf2a Doppel plan. A common entrance and two escapes each side.
StP Moritz, Les Huttes d'Oye plage ouest
At the rear of the StP is a Vf58c Tobruk covering landward side of the defence.
Vf58c Tobruk.
Tobruk under construction.
StP Moritz, Les Huttes d'Oye plage ouest
© 2013 Richard Drew