StP107 Neuss M.K.B. Lindemann FCP
Batterie Lindemann was a massive complex with not only three huge S262 casemates for a 40.6cm gun but a FCP (Fire Control Post) S100 type which we are more interested here as the batterie site has been covered over by the slurry from the making of the Channel Tunnel.
In March 1942 the guns & equipment of Battery “Schleswig-Holstein” brought to Sangatte to make a three gun batterie.
The range of the batterie was 42.8km (26mls.) with a standard shell 1030 kg, or 56 km (35 mls.) with the special 600 kg (1,300 lb) long range shell called the Adolf-shell.
Propaganda photo.
Under construction.
Bombarding Dover.
StP107 Neuss M.K.B. Lindemann FCP
6 M.A.A. 244.
1 x S100 FCP. This is what is being covered here.
The full site: -
1 x S174 ammunition depot for a 38/40.6cm batterie.
1 x R118b dressing station.
1 x M151 Quarters.
3 x S262 casemates.
1 x R658 water (Wasser) supply bunker.
30 x Vf58c Tobruk´s.
1 x SK/Beobachtungstand, (observatory).
1 x Wellblech + Beobachtungzimmer, (observation room).
1 x V229 radar plinth.
2 x 5cm KwK L42 Ringstands.
2 x Vf Unterstand.
3 x 40.6cm S.K.C./34 guns.
3 x 4cm Flak 28 Bofors.
3 x 2cm Flak 28.
2 x 7.62cm F.K.30(r).
1 x Würzburg See Riese Fu.MO214 radar.
StP107 Neuss M.K.B. Lindemann FCP
Here we have just driven up this track as far as the FCP position on the left.
Marine troops.
Kapitän zur See Ernst Lindemann captain of Bismark.
StP107 Neuss M.K.B. Lindemann FCP
The entrance t the batterie in 1944 with hundreds of Belgian Gates linked together as an anti-tank defence.
Belgian gates linked together.
Moving a Belgian gate.
A sign on the barbed wire here Beware Electric Fence.
StP107 Neuss M.K.B. Lindemann FCP
A page from WO 196/27 file showing a plan of the area.
Sailors n the gun.
Gun being placed in its cradle.
StP107 Neuss M.K.B. Lindemann FCP
No.541 Squadron was a photographic reconnaissance unit with Supermarine Spitfire XI aircraft.
Supermarine Spitfire XI aircraft.
Cameras being fitted at RAF Benson in Oxford.
StP107 Neuss M.K.B. Lindemann FCP
Plan of 6 Marine Kusten Batterie Lindemann.
6 Marineartillerieabteilung 244 (MAA 244).
The three gun casemates in yellow and the small red dots are the 30 Vf58c Tobruk´s behind the wire and minefield defence.
Fregattenkapitän M.A. der Reserve Heinrich Garde from May 1943 to the end.
318 men (4 officers/ 34 NCO´s /280 men)
1st Company of Reserveinfanterieregiment 26.
6th Company/West (Flottillenstammabteilung West): 118.
Plan of a Vf58c.
Laying a minefield.
StP107 Neuss M.K.B. Lindemann FCP
541 Sqn. 3 November 1943 close up of the S100 area.
S100 lower floor.
S100 upper floor.
S100 under construction.
StP107 Neuss M.K.B. Lindemann FCP
Plan of the defences of the Calais west positions.
StP107 Neuss M.K.B. Lindemann FCP
Plan of the S100 FCP on two levels.
bunker toilets here at Lindemann.
Loading a piece of machinery into this S100 when it was built.
StP107 Neuss M.K.B. Lindemann FCP
No idea what this is or was, made of Formstein Concrete blocks, cemented together built both sides of the steel reinforcement and then concrete is poured.
Formstein concrete blocks.
Formstein blocks built in Normandy.
Formstein blocks and steel reinforcement.
StP107 Neuss M.K.B. Lindemann FCP
Formstein concrete blocks.
StP107 Neuss M.K.B. Lindemann FCP
Searchlight emplacement. There were also two 2cm Flak 28 guns either side (not found).
150mm searchlight.
150mm searchlight.
StP107 Neuss M.K.B. Lindemann FCP
The small square is the where a man could stand and look out of the three glass windows.
The periscope dome.
StP107 Neuss M.K.B. Lindemann FCP
In front of the Range finder was a steel viewing cupola with three slots and a steel hooded periscope.
StP107 Neuss M.K.B. Lindemann FCP
Armoured cupola of the guns direction finder.
Zies 10m range finder “Lange Stereo-Entfermungsmesser”
Camouflage being painted onto the main guns.
Using a rangefinder.
Another large rangefinder.
StP107 Neuss M.K.B. Lindemann FCP
Range finder hold fast ring where the steel armoured cupola would have sat.
Armoured cupola.
Plotting or computing room underneath.
StP107 Neuss M.K.B. Lindemann FCP
Behind the rangefinder is a socket V229 for a Würzburg See Riese Fu.MO214. A navalised version of the Luftwaffe´s radar, used to locate ship targets out at sea and aircraft. The radar was probably shot out before the Canadian Army attacked the area.
Würzburg See Riese Fu.MO214.
Typhoon aircraft with eight rockets.
StP107 Neuss M.K.B. Lindemann FCP
V229 plinth for a Würzburg See Riese Fu.MO214.
V229 plan.
Würzburg See Riese Fu.MO214.
StP107 Neuss M.K.B. Lindemann FCP
Würzburg See Riese Fu.MO214.
After capture these photos were taken. The dish has been blown off and cannot be seen. The cabin on the back housed all the controls and screens. The Würzburg could rotate 360° and the dish could look up and down.
Inside a cabin.
Inside a cabin.
StP107 Neuss M.K.B. Lindemann FCP
V229 plinth for a Würzburg See Riese Fu.MO214.
Still has its earth strip for lightening.
StP107 Neuss M.K.B. Lindemann FCP
V229 plinth for a Würzburg See Riese Fu.MO214.
Looking inside the plinth, often there are cables and cable ducts that can be seen.
StP107 Neuss M.K.B. Lindemann FCP
An Allied Rhubarb target.
Rhubarb Target: -
Fighter or fighter- bomber sections, at times of low cloud and poor visibility, crossing the English Channel and then dropping below cloud level to search for opportunity targets such as railway locomotives and rolling stock, aircraft on the ground, enemy troops, and vehicles on roads. (and radars).
Low level Spitfires
Typhoons in D-Day stripes.
StP107 Neuss M.K.B. Lindemann FCP
An Allied Rhubarb target.
A low flying PRU Mosquito with cameras in the two extra fuel tanks in the wings, could take very low level head on photos in stereo and viewed through stereoscopic viewer.
Medmenham interpreters.
Medmenham interpreter.
Stereoscopic viewer.
StP107 Neuss M.K.B. Lindemann FCP
Rhubarb targeting details.
StP107 Neuss M.K.B. Lindemann FCP
S100 Fire Control Post lower floor. Quarters and living areas.
StP107 Neuss M.K.B. Lindemann FCP
S100 Fire Control Post top floor. Working areas.
Telephone room.
StP107 Neuss M.K.B. Lindemann FCP
This is the rear entrance now covered over and I believe its not accessible nowadays. There seems to be a lot of ´Tidying Up´ in the area.
StP107 Neuss M.K.B. Lindemann FCP
Brick air vents coming out of the back of the bunker.
StP107 Neuss M.K.B. Lindemann FCP
Brick air vents coming out of the back of the bunker. They probably had air conditioning inside this bunker and these were the vents for it.
StP107 Neuss M.K.B. Lindemann FCP
Plan of the rear entrance and I have coloured in the brick chimney.
StP107 Neuss M.K.B. Lindemann FCP
Halifax bombing.
StP107 Neuss M.K.B. Lindemann FCP