Wn11 Foucarville Mauger
4., Grenadier-Regiment 919
2 x Vf2a
3 x ammunition bunkers
2 x Feldmässig
1 x Bf.58c Tobruk.
1 x Bf.69 mortar ringstand.
1 x 1694 ringstand
2 x U Tobruk ringstands Pz.Drehturm (Turret).
1 x 5cm KwK L/60 Pak.
1 x 3.7cm KwK144(f) FT turret.
1 x M.G.311(f)
FT Turret.
2 x 8cm s.GrW.34
Wn11 Foucarville Mauger
Wn11 Foucarville Mauger U ringstand
The view of Wn11 from the road running north with the first U ringstand for a 7.5mm s.MG311(f) Reibel machine gun.
Renault FT tank turret with a 7.5mm s.MG311(f).
Plan U ringstand.
Side view of a U Tobruk.
Three man crew in a U Tobruk.
Wn11 Foucarville Mauger Plan
Plan of Wn11 showing an overlay plan over today´s fields.
Two FT turrets and U Tobruks were the corner stones of the defence with back up of two 8cm mortars and a 5cm KwK Pak.
Nr1694 ringstand for a 5cm KwK.
Bf69 mortar Tobruk with one ringstand for the 8cm Mortar and one Tobruk for a machine gun and artillery spotter.
Wn11 Foucarville Mauger
Date of Construction.
Wn11 Foucarville Mauger Plan
My plan showing most buildings intact. Barbed wire and mine field Mf.55 covered the rear and a mine field Mf.3 and beach defences out on the sand. Trenches made it easy to get from living bunkers to the fighting positions.
Infantry of the defences building Rommel asparagus.
Wn11 Foucarville Mauger Air Photo
1947 air photo showing the defences still in place.
Wn11 Foucarville Mauger Allied Bigot Map
The German plan of the Wn's in the area and the minefields.
An officer sat next to a map like the one above.
Wn11 Foucarville Mauger Air Photo
GSGS 4347 31/20NE - 3900 Foucarville an allied air photo showing up the defences, the barbed wire can be seen here.
Lightening photo reconnaissance
Wn11 Foucarville Mauger Beach view
The sort of beach defences that may have been placed out in front of Wn11.
Tree trunks with an added old shell attached to the top. The shell would explode on contact with a landing barge.
A shell on a post at Riviere.
Wn11 Foucarville Mauger U Tobruk
U Tobruk for an FT Renault tank turret.
Plan showing where the tanks turret would be bolted down.
Four ammunition niches either side of the passageway into the bunker.
Three man crew of the 3.7cm FT turret.
Wn11 Foucarville Mauger U Tobruk
Anti-tank wall attached to the bunker looking north.
Plan of the layout with a trench entranceway with dwarf walls allowing a safer way in and out.
Wn11 Foucarville Mauger U Tobruk
The view the gunners would have had.
FT turret with the gunner inside.
t turret and crew.
Renault FT turret with a Reibel 7.3mm M.G.311(f).
Wn11 Foucarville Mauger Nr1694 for a 5cm L/60 Pak
An Nr1694 ringstand looking very good in its dominant position with a 360° view. The defenders added sand bags around the front side to give themselves a bit of cover and this could have been done when they were rudely awoken on the morning of D-Day to suddenly find an armada sitting out to sea bombarding them. Also USAAF Marauders flew in and bombed down the beach. We do know they hit Wn05 very hard.
Nr1694 ringstand.
Wn11 Foucarville Mauger Nr1694 for a 5cm L/60 Pak
This is the ringstand with the 5cm KwK L/60 without a shield and a small wall of sand bags built up on the seaward side. The gun has been turned possibly to cover an attack from the rear.
The first two Wn's05/08 were taken on D-Day and as the beach expanded that day Wn's09/10. Then on D+1 the Americans started to attack up the beach. Next was
Wn11 Foucarville Mauger. The 3 Battalion of the 22 Inf. Div. with tanks moved up the road and the infantry skirted through the inundated area and attacked from the back. Supported by fire drome the Navy, mortars and the tanks. They allowed the Americans to get quite close and then opened fire. It turned out to be a very slow and costly battle.
Nr1694 ringstand.
Sherman’s coming ashore..
Moving up the beach.
Destroyer support.
Wn11 Foucarville Mauger Nr1694 and Vf2a
Nr1694 ringstand & the Vf2a from behind.
5cm ammunition.
Wn11 Foucarville Mauger Nr1694 & Vf2a
The Nr1644 ringstand on the left and the entrance to the Vf2a on the right and a trench would have been dug around and sand bagged up.
5cm ringstand and Vf2a.
Wn11 Foucarville Mauger Vf2a
Vf2a shelter for the 5cm KwK crew. The slot in the side of the bunker I believe is where a heater chimney came out.
Vf2a elevation.
Vf2a plan.
Plan of a bunker heater.
Wn11 Foucarville Mauger Vf2a
Vf2a. The black is a tar paint to stop the ingress of water when the bunker was covered in earth and turfs.
Vf2a plan.
Wn11 Foucarville Mauger Vf2a
Vf2a passage.
Wn11 Foucarville Mauger Vf2a
Crew room. There are two pipes one in the back wall and the other in the right hand wall may have been for a heater.
Wn11 Foucarville Mauger Bf69
Bf69 mortar Tobruk. The large ringstand is for an 8cm Gr.W.34 French captured mortar. There was also a second mortar in a field mortar pit.
Bf69 mortar Tobruk.
8cm Gr.W.34 (f).
The Tobruk was used as an observation for the mortar and/or a machine gun position.
Wn11 Foucarville Mauger Bf69
A second mortar in a field mortar pit.
8cm mortar bombs.
8cm Gr.W.34 (f).
8cm mortar bombs.
Wn11 Foucarville Mauger Bf.58c
A Bf.58c Tobruk covering the southern rear side. This was very open ground ans the next defence south is quite a long way away. Earth would have covered the roof of the Tobruk with the ringstand clear and a trench connecting it to the other bunkers.
Bf.58c Tobruk.
Wn11 Foucarville Mauger Ammunition
Two rooms, one larger and one smaller. A trench reached here and being in the middle could be accessed from all the Wn easily.
3.7cm ammunition..
Wn11 Foucarville Mauger Ammunition
Vf ammunition bunker.
Small arms ammunition boxes.
7.9mm \ammunition.
Wn11 Foucarville Mauger Ammunition
Looking inside with the main room and a second room at the far end.
Wn11 Foucarville Mauger Vf kitchen
Just inside the door on the left another store area.
Wn11 Foucarville Mauger Vf
An entrance with a stronger front face. A bunker for around six men.
Wn11 Foucarville Mauger Vf
Looking inside where six men may have slept and lived.
Wn11 Foucarville Mauger Vf Kitchen
It is now very hard to enter this bunker but our first visit it was very easy, I have lost the original picture (full size) and only have the smaller pictures here
Peeling potatoes.
Wn11 Foucarville Mauger Vf Kitchen
Trench entrance.
It is now very hard to enter this bunker but our first visit it was very easy, I have lost the original picture (full size) and only have the smaller pictures here like this one as a barn has been built around it.
Wn11 Foucarville Mauger Vf Kitchen
The passageway.
Wn11 Foucarville Mauger Vf Kitchen
Above the door is a Swastika and the date 1943.
Either side of the entrance are two plates with 'Zur Atlantik-Klause'. This translates to The Atlantik Cell, German humour of the troops here that they felt they were imprisoned here.
Wn11 Foucarville Mauger Vf Kitchen
The two niches each end of the bunker as a plinth for a kitchen stove.
Fire with the coffee on the top.
Wn11 Foucarville Mauger Vf Kitchen
Wn11 Foucarville Mauger Vf bunker.
Small Vf bunker.
Wn11 Foucarville Mauger Vf bunker.
Looking inside at the rubbish put in.
Wn11 Foucarville Mauger U ringstand
U ringstand for a 3.7cm FT turret behind the road sign and the hut is a later addition.
Landing craft under fire.
American advance.
Wn11 Foucarville Mauger U ringstand
U ringstand for a 3.7cm FT turret behind the road sign and the hut is a later addition.
3.7cm FT turret.
Three man crew of the 3.7cm FT turret.
Wn11 Foucarville Mauger U ringstand
U ringstand for a 3.7cm FT turret.
Plan showing where the tanks turret would be bolted down.
Four ammunition niches either side of the passageway into the bunker.
Wn11 Foucarville Mauger U Tobruk for a 3.7cm FT
A U Tobruk for a 3.7cm FT turret at Wn5 just down the coast.
Wn11 Foucarville Mauger U Tobruk for a 3.7cm FT
View from the waters edge, the hut would not have been there.
Wn11 Foucarville Mauger Bigot
The Allied plan of Wn11 of what the intelligence had managed to make of the defences.
Wn11 Foucarville Mauger US Navy approaches
American troops leaving their mother ships to head for the beach.
Tank landing ship.
Wn11 Foucarville Mauger US Army landing
US troops coming ashore.
Wn11 Foucarville Mauger Map
The landing in the south immediately joined up with the 101st & 82nd Airborne. Then move inland and then move north.
Wn11 Foucarville Mauger US Army advances
Walking through the inundated area.
Wn11 Foucarville Mauger US Army advances
Troops advancing. Checking for mines.
Wn11 Foucarville Mauger
Relaxing after battle and repairing a wound.
Beach party.
Wn11 Foucarville Mauger
The beach today.
Wn11 Foucarville Mauger