Wn Lo90 Kermorin
Building a bunker.
Crew servicing the gun.
Wn Lo90 Kermorin
4 x R669.
4 x 7.62cm F.K.39(r).
1 x 2cm Flak30.
Wn Lo90 Kermorin
To get to the Battery there is a new road in the village and at the roundabout with the Cross you take that road and find the Farm track on the right. This only allows you to see into the back of turn 4. That is the closest I could get.
An Army artillery batterie Regiment 265.
Fire plan for the battery.
Route to the battery.
Wn Lo90 Kermorin four R669 casemates.
4 x 7.62cm Field Kannon (Russian).
R669 with attached Tobruk.
7.62cm F.K.(r)
Wn Lo90 Kermorin
An R669 casemate for a field cannon 7.62F.K.(r)
Field gun inside a casemate.
Inside an R669.
R669 at Ozeville, Normandy.
Wn Lo90 Kermorin
These casemates have attached Tobruk's.
Rear view of the casemate showing the main door and the high entrance up to Tobruk which would have possibly had a concrete set of steps up to it.
Tobruk machine gunner.
Inside a bunkers Tobruk..
Tobruk machine gun mounting.
Wn Lo90 Kermorin
The old Breton holy cross at the rond point.
At the batterie position there was a 2cm Flak30 AA gun covering the battery from aerial attack.
2cm Flak 30.
2cm Flak 30.
Range finder..
© 2013 Richard Drew