Wn25 Morsalines la Redoute
A rather well defended point that was a French Redoute or small fortification in the 1000's again to keep out the English. As Wn25 it had two casemated 8.8cm anti-tank guns. I cannot see why any Allied army would want to land there with or without the defence. When the tide is out, its just a mudflat and no acccess to vehicles as at Utah Beach.
Wn25 Morsalines la Redoute
Wn25 Morsalines la Redoute
2 x R677 casemates.
1 x Vf Skoda
2 x Vf58c Tobruk's.
2 x Vf2a bunkers.
6 x Unterstands.
1 x Ringstand for 5cm KwK.
1 x Pz.T
Ft17 U Tobruk.
1 x 4.7cm
Pak K36(t).
1 x 5cm KwK Pak L/42.
2 x 8.8cm Pak 43/41.
SHM plan showing the 3 & 9 R677 casemates for 8.8cm Pak's. 5 the Pz.T tank turret. 6 was the 5cm Ringstand. 7 the two Tobruk's. 2 was a water cisterne. 4 some of the Vf bunkers and the star of the position 8, a flak position which would have been 2cm.
R677 plan.
Skoda casemates
vf58c Tobruk.
Wn25 Morsalines la Redoute
Two 8.8cm casemates covering north and south, a powerful defence and then with a Pz.T Ft17 U Tobruk. between them firing directly out to sea. With 5cm KwK Ringstand firing 360° covering behind the main guns.
U Tobruk for a French Ft 1917 turret.
5cm KwK L/42 Ringstand.
Wn25 Morsalines la Redoute
R677 casemates for 8.8cm Pak 43/41.
Wn25 Morsalines la Redoute
2 x Vf58c Tobruk's but this one looks a bit of a Vf8?
Vf58c Tobruk.
Wn25 Morsalines la Redoute
R677 casemates for 8.8cm Pak 43/41.
The sea wall was built as an anti tank wall as well. Its breaking up lately with the weather changes.
R677 plan.
Wn25 Morsalines la Redoute
R677 casemates for 8.8cm Pak 43/41.
The guns embrasure set very low and would be hard to hit from the seaward side.
Wn25 Morsalines la Redoute
R677 casemates for 8.8cm Pak 43/41.
Closer look at the embrasure.
Wn25 Morsalines la Redoute
R677 casemates for 8.8cm Pak 43/41.
Rear entrance and view down the beach.
Wn25 Morsalines la Redoute
R677 casemates for 8.8cm Pak 43/41.
Rear entrance.
Wn25 Morsalines la Redoute
R677 casemates for 8.8cm Pak 43/41.
You can see the guns trail fittings set into the concrete on the side.
8.8cm Pak 43/41 trails.
Wn25 Morsalines la Redoute
R677 casemates for 8.8cm Pak 43/41.
Embrasure quite low on the high tide. In front is an
Eisenpfahel probably still in place from wartime use.
Eisenpfahel barbed wire fence post.
Two rows of barbed wire with mines in between.
Wn25 Morsalines la Redoute
R677 casemates for 8.8cm Pak 43/41.
The remains of the extractor fan still in place, with the ammunition niche behind and the slots in front for the guns trail.
Extractor fan.
R669's extraction pipe work.
Wn25 Morsalines la Redoute
Ft17 U Tobruk.
There was a turret ring bolted down to the concrete and then the turret set on top.
Turret ring.
Turret ring.
Pz.T Ft17 turret.
Wn25 Morsalines la Redoute
Ft17 U Tobruk.
You can see the turret ring mounting bolts.
Turret ring.
Turret ring hold fast bolt.
U Tobruk with an entrance at the rear for the gunner and a second man passing ammunition in.
Wn25 Morsalines la Redoute
Vf2a bunker and entrance.
Vf2a bunker.
Wn25 Morsalines la Redoute
Vf2a bunker.
Wn25 Morsalines la Redoute
Possibly the second Vf2a bunker.
Wn25 Morsalines la Redoute
Ringstand for the 5cm KwK L/42.
Nr`694 plan which this may have been.
5cm KwK L/42.
Wn25 Morsalines la Redoute
Wn29 Fort de la Hougue the French fort across the bay.
Wn25 Morsalines la Redoute
© 2013 Richard Drew