Gi02 Ronce-les-Bains 'Luneburg'
The defence of the north side of the Gironde river starting at la Route Neuve, the road to the ferry north was Gi01. Now there is a large bridge to Ronce-les-Bains making it very easy to get too. So we start here at Gi02, now almost smothered in housing, but things can be found.
The bridge to Ronce-les-Bains.
Gi02 Ronce-les-Bains 'Luneburg'
Gi01 & Gi02 Ronce-les-Bains 'Luneburg'
1 - Casemate pour canon 47mm.
2 - Casemate pour canon 75mm.
3 - Tobruk avec lance-grenade et mitrailleuse.
4 - Tobruk pour mitrailleuse.
5 - Abri Pour personnel.
6 - Abri ou soute âmunitions.
7 - Mur anti-char.
8 & 9 - Plateforme pr mitrailleuse Legere D.C A. M.G. Flak.
Gi02 Ronce-les-Bains 'Luneburg'
1 x R501 group bunker with flanking walls.
1 x R506 casemate with a 4.7cm fortress Skoda gun.
1 x R612 casemate for F.K.5/8(t).
1 x Vf58c Tobruk.
1 x Vf69 mortar Tobruk.
1 x 4.7cm Pak K.36(t).
3 x
7.5cm F.K236(b).
1 x 7.65cm F.K.5/8(t).
7.5cm F.K236(b).
8.14cm Gr.W278(f)
Gi02 Ronce-les-Bains 'Luneburg'
An IGNF air photo taken in September 1946 that really shows the bunkers up well.
Gi02 Ronce-les-Bains 'Luneburg'
Wasser bunker, when you have 30/40 men in a small area,. They will need a lot of water. So water bunkers were added to the defence. Usually just small room with one or two concrete tanks of water.
Gi02 Ronce-les-Bains 'Luneburg'
R501 Group Bunker.
R501 small group bunker with what looks like an attached Tobruk? as it has two doors on the rear wall.
Tobruk defence.
R501 with added Tobruk and two protective flanking walls.
Gi02 Ronce-les-Bains 'Luneburg'
R501 Group Bunker
You can just see the two flanking walls sticking out.
R501 with added Tobruk and two protective flanking walls.
Gi02 Ronce-les-Bains 'Luneburg'
R506 was an early 1939 design casemate with a 4.7cm fortress Skoda gun.
Skoda 4.7cm fortress gun.
A. Gun room.
B. Ammunition.
C. Crew room.
D. Gas lock.
Gi02 Ronce-les-Bains 'Luneburg'
A contemporary picture of the god times..
Gi02 Ronce-les-Bains 'Luneburg'
R504 Casemate for a 4.7cm A/T gun (t).
Now converted to some form of living accommodation and a house built on the top.
This is a slightly different one to the plan and has a close combat defence added to the rear door here.
Gi02 Ronce-les-Bains 'Luneburg'
Camouflage concrete extra covering.
Gi02 Ronce-les-Bains 'Luneburg'
R504 Casemate for a 4.7cm A/T gun (t).
The close combat embrasure has been replaced by a larger double window.
The 4.7cm Skoda embrasure to the left side.
Skoda 4.7cm.
Gi02 Ronce-les-Bains 'Luneburg'
R504 Casemate for a 4.7cm A/T gun (t).
A very nice house with great views.
Gi02 Ronce-les-Bains 'Luneburg'
A delegation to revue the defences..
Gi02 Ronce-les-Bains 'Luneburg'
R504 Casemate for a 4.7cm A/T gun (t).
How the embrasure would have looked.
Skoda guns armoured window that can be raised or lowered.
Gi02 Ronce-les-Bains 'Luneburg'
1960's view of the beach.
Gi02 Ronce-les-Bains 'Luneburg'
R504 Casemate for a 4.7cm A/T gun (t)
The gun a 4.7cm Skoda fortress gun. There would be a periscope in the gun room to help aim the gun and a viewing slot for the guns commander.
Periscope in the gun room
Guns commanders vision slit.
4..7cm shell case.
Gi02 Ronce-les-Bains 'Luneburg'
A very peaceful time.
Gi02 Ronce-les-Bains 'Luneburg'
The killing ground for the 4.7cm gun.
There was an anti-tank ditch covering the defence in the front and western side.
The veiw from the top of the bunker.
Beach defences.
Yellow is the anti-tank ditch.
A German plan of a ditch.
Gi02 Ronce-les-Bains 'Luneburg'
Vf69 mortar Tobruk.
Vf69 mortar Tobruk.
Vf. For V (erstärkt)
f. (eldmä§ig (er).
Cut away of a mortar gun room.
81mm mortar in a mortar Tobruk.
Gi02 Ronce-les-Bains 'Luneburg'
R612 casemate for an assault gun
R612 plan.
Gun room.
Gi02 Ronce-les-Bains 'Luneburg'
Water Tower
Possibly the water tower could have been used as a fire control for the guns here?
Gi02 Ronce-les-Bains 'Luneburg'
© 2013 Richard Drew