StP207 Fischreiher
Most of this StP is being lost to the sea.
But there are at least four of the five Vf58c Tobruks.
StP207 Fischreiher
StP207 Fischreiher
The walk along the cliffs.
StP207 Fischreiher
1 x R612casemate.
2 x R622 twin group shelter.
5 x R621
group shelter.
1 x Geschützstellung LAG + Wellblech.
2 x Wellblech
2 x Feldm.
7 x Vf58c Tobruk´s.
1 x Vf/MG Stand.
1 x 7.5cm F.K.235(b).
1 x 7.5cm F.K.231(f).
1 x 2.5cm Pak 112(f).
1 x Pz.T. tank turret.
7.5cm F.K.231(f).
7.5cm F.K.235(b).
Geschützstellung LAG.
(LAG - anti landing gun).
Pz.T. tank turret.
2.5cm Pak 112(f).
Vf/MG Stand.
StP207 Fischreiher
Route of our walk
StP207 Fischreiher
Plan of the area.
StP207 Fischreiher
Very little has survived due to erosion and other bunkers are covered over.
R622 twin gruppe bunker.
R621 gruppe bunker.
R612 Casemate for an assault gun.
StP207 Fischreiher
Feldmäßig bunker.
Plan of a Vf1 a bit like this Feldmäßig bunker.
StP207 Fischreiher
Possibly an R621 gruppe shelter. All that showing is Tobruk defence and a small piece of the far roof.
R621 gruppe shelter.
This is how it would have looked with the highest point , the Tobruk.
Crew room.
StP207 Fischreiher
Bunkers defence Tobruk.
Tobruk defence with an MG34 and a shield in place.
MG34 fittings for a Tobruk.
StP207 Fischreiher
Aerial fitting.
Aerial fitting.
Aerial cap.
How the aerial would have looked.
StP207 Fischreiher
The view back over Feldlerche a small defence between StP207 & StP211.
StP207 Fischreiher
Defence position of some sort?? Tobruk on the beach.
I think this is the Wellblech Geschutzstellung Lag for a 7.5cm gun.
I think this is the Wellblech
Geschutzstellung Lag for a 7.5cm gun.
StP207 Fischreiher
Vf58c Tobruk 1.
Vf58c Tobruk plan.
StP207 Fischreiher
Bunker remains.
StP207 Fischreiher
Steps down to what.
StP207 Fischreiher
Geschützstellung LAG + Wellblech. (Gun emplacement)
StP207 Fischreiher
Geschützstellung LAG + Wellblech.(Gun emplacement)
My very cold wife.
Geschützstellung plan.
StP207 Fischreiher
Geschützstellung LAG + Wellblech. (Gun emplacement)
This picture gives a good idea of the bombing.
Halifax bombers were used a lot to bomb the Atlantikwall and its gun batteries.
Wellblech bunker.
StP207 Fischreiher
By the 1970´s the layout of a few trenches can be seen and the gun positions.
StP207 Fischreiher
Vf58c Tobruk 2.
StP207 Fischreiher
Vf58c Tobruk 3.
StP207 Fischreiher
Vf58c Tobruk 3.
StP207 Fischreiher
Vf58c Tobruk 4 possibly the Pz.T. tank turret Tobruk.
Pz.T. FT17 type turret
R35 type turret.
StP207 Fischreiher
Part of a second gun position.
StP207 Fischreiher
The view from the top of the cliff.
Geschützstellung plan.
StP207 Fischreiher
Ammunition niche for a F.K. (Field Kannon), the open base for the gun has now been lost..
Handling shells.
StP207 Fischreiher
Part of a trench system.
StP207 Fischreiher
More broken bunkers along the coast.
StP207 Fischreiher
Another R622 twin group shelter nearly completely covered over.
R622 twin group shelter.
StP207 Fischreiher
Another aerial fitting.
Aerial fitting inside an R622.
Aerial slot.
StP207 Fischreiher
© 2013 Richard Drew