Fe01 Ferme de la Pastourell.
Fe01 is in the farm which is surrounded by trees. We did not enter the farm but I would imagine that most of the bunkers are still there and some can be seen from Google Earth or equivalent.
R634 Six embrasured turret bunker.
R607 Ammunition bunker II.
R629 Anti-tank gun garage.
Fe01 Ferme de la Pastourell.
1 x R680 Casemate for 7.5cm Pak 40.
2 x R629 Anti-tank gun garage.
1 x R677 Casemate for an 8.8cm Pak 43/41.
4 x R621
Group shelter.
1 x R607 Ammunition bunker II.
4 x R634 Six embrasured turret bunker.
1 x 8.8cm Pak 43/41.
1 x 7.5cm Pak 40.
Fe01 Ferme de la Pastourell.
Plan of Fe01.
R621 group shelter.
R680 Casemate for 7.5cm Pak 40.
Inside an R677 8.8cm Pak 43/41.
Fe01 Ferme de la Pastourell.
Possibly one of the R634 six embrasured turret bunker.
Fe01 Ferme de la Pastourell.
The view today, there was an R634 to the left and the main bunkers in the trees.
© 2013 Richard Drew