StP131 Paderborn, St Inglevert
A batterie of 10.5cm guns inside four R699 casemates which originally was a 15cm batterie in open emplacements, replaced by the 105cm batterie and then the guns were put into casemates.
StP131 Paderborn, St Inglevert
StP131 Paderborn, St Inglevert
4 x R669 casemates
1 x Vf2a
3 x Vf
4 x 10.5cm le.F.H.325(f)
2 x 2cm Flak 30.
They could have been a horse drawn batterie.
15cm sfh18-40 possibly the type of gun that were here earlier on.
R669 casemate.
StP131 Paderborn, St Inglevert
The Army batterie is set back 5kilometers from sea.
Field Kannon in a casemate.
StP131 Paderborn, St Inglevert
First on the left were four 15cm guns in open emplacements, then they were removed and a batterie of 10.5cm le.F.H.325(f). These were then placed inside casemates type R669 in 1944.
15cm guns.
Plan of the 15cm batterie.
StP131 Paderborn, St Inglevert
After the 15cm guns were removed and a batterie of 10.5cm le.F.H.325(f) replaced them.
10.5cm batterie layout.
StP131 Paderborn, St Inglevert
15cm ringstand (OB), ammunition niches and parts of the concrete base of the open ringstand for the heavy guns.
15cm batterie layout.
15cm batterie.
Plan of an open emplacement that were here for both 15cm and 10.5cm guns.
StP131 Paderborn, St Inglevert
10.5cm ringstand (OB) these are I think earth revetments and only concrete ammunition niches and bunkers built around the outside.
10.5cm batterie layout.
10.5vm batterie shoot.
StP131 Paderborn, St Inglevert
R669 casemate Turm1
Turm1 R669 casemate rear view.
R669 casemate.
StP131 Paderborn, St Inglevert
R669 casemate Turm1
Small added ammunition niche. These were added after the casemate was constructed as an after thought.
Boxed ammunition.
StP131 Paderborn, St Inglevert
R669 casemate Turm1
Stahlrost 200mm grill allowing gases from the gun out of the bunker.
StP131 Paderborn, St Inglevert
R669 casemate Turm1
The rear door.
Cleaning rods.
Cable connection box.
If rear doors had been fitted, this is how they may have looked.
StP131 Paderborn, St Inglevert
R669 casemate Turm1
I think this could be Turm 1 in 1944 after its capture.
StP131 Paderborn, St Inglevert
R669 casemate Turm1
I think this could be Turm 1 in 1944 after its capture.
StP131 Paderborn, St Inglevert
R669 casemate Turm1
You can see where the gun sat at the far end.
Martian Allied Report plan of an R669 casemate.
StP131 Paderborn, St Inglevert
How a 10.5cm howitzer could be set up inside a casemate.
StP131 Paderborn, St Inglevert
R669 casemate Turm1
Extraction of foul gases given off when the gun fires. In this space shared with ammunition is where a large extraction fan. Air sucked from above the gun is taken by pipes, through the fan and out via the Rost 200mm grill at the rear.
Plan of the extraction pipes.
The type of fan fitted to an R669.
Rost 200mm grill.
StP131 Paderborn, St Inglevert
R669 casemate Turm1
The ammunition room for shells viewed from the extractor fen space.
10.5cm shells and case.
Stacked shells.
StP131 Paderborn, St Inglevert
R669 casemate Turm1
This is the other side of the rear door, the case room.
Case store.
Case store.
Shell case.
StP131 Paderborn, St Inglevert R669 casemate Turm1
Gun room.
StP131 Paderborn, St Inglevert
R669 casemate Turm1
I think this could be Turm 1 in 1944 after its capture.
St - on the inside wall stands for “Bunker with at least 2m thisk reinforced concrete” its a method of telling anybody entering how well built each bunker is.
StP131 Paderborn, St Inglevert
R669 casemate Turm1
Guns embrasure. There should have been doors fitted, usually made of wood and from old farm barns in the area..
This is the only steel doors I have ever seen.
Wooden front doors.
StP131 Paderborn, St Inglevert
R669 casemate Turm1
Grass on the roof and earth piled up on both sides to add to protection and also camouflage.
Sides earthed up.
StP131 Paderborn, St Inglevert
R669 casemate Turm1
I think this could be Turm 1 in 1944 after its capture.
StP131 Paderborn, St Inglevert
R669 casemate Turm 2
Rear view.
StP131 Paderborn, St Inglevert
R669 casemate Turm 2
As these casemates were probably being made frantically after Hitler´s orders to casemate ALL artillery. these were being built in 1944 and unfinished when the Canadians came through here, so that is why the 200mm steel vent was not fitted.
200mm steel vent.
StP131 Paderborn, St Inglevert
R669 casemate Turm 2
Gun room.
StP131 Paderborn, St Inglevert
Open emplacement
15cm OB.
StP131 Paderborn, St Inglevert
15cm OB
Underground ammunition bunkers as I see them.
StP131 Paderborn, St Inglevert
R669 casemate Turm 4
Turm 4 R669 embrasure.
StP131 Paderborn, St Inglevert
R669 casemate Turm 4
Turm 4 looking back at the 15cm and 10.5cm batteries positions.
StP131 Paderborn, St Inglevert
R669 casemate Turm 4
Good view of the gun room and two ammunition rooms either side.
StP131 Paderborn, St Inglevert
R669 casemate Turm 4
Gun room.
StP131 Paderborn, St Inglevert
R669 casemate Turm 4
Extraction vents above the gun. Extracted foul gases would be drawn through these pipes out of the 200mm steel vent in the rear.
Plan of pipe work.
Extractor fan.
200mm vent.
StP131 Paderborn, St Inglevert
R669 casemate Turm 3
StP131 Paderborn, St Inglevert
Open emplacement
Part of a 10.5cm ringstand.
StP131 Paderborn, St Inglevert
R669 casemate Turm1
I think this could be Turm 1 &2 in 1944 after its capture.
StP131 Paderborn, St Inglevert
R669 casemates
Batterie position.
StP131 Paderborn, St Inglevert