Wn Trou030 Pont de Trouville.
Pont de Trouville is the bridge between Deauville and Trouville over the River La Touques. Trou30 was what is now a Rond Point.
Wn Trou030 Pont de Trouville.
2 x Ringstands.
2 x 5cm KwK L/60.
1 x Bf66 ammunition bunker.
Wn Trou030 Pont de Trouville.
Trou30 with its two ringstands in the middle of the road and the guns could cover the bridge and all the roads to it.
Bf66 ringstand.
5cm KwK 39 L/60.
5cm KwK 39 L/60.
Wn Trou030 Pont de Trouville.
The two 5cm KwK L/60 ringstands with an Bf66 ammunition bunker between the two.
Bf66 ringstand.
5cm KwK 39 L/60.
Wn Trou030 Pont de Trouville.
Plan of the positions of the guns and magazine.
Wn Trou030 Pont de Trouville.
One of the two 5cm KwK guns.
Wn Trou030 Pont de Trouville.
The Brigade took Villers-sur-Mer and Deauville on 22 August, and Trouville-sur-Mer and Honfleur at the mouth of the Seine on 24 August. This picture could have been around the 21st August 1944. The two helmeted soldiers were members of the "Brigade Piron". You can also see a captured German soldier, the local Gendarme, members of the Pompiers with their silver helmets and members of the public all stood around one of the 5cm ringstand.
Early insignia of the "Brigade Piron".
1st Belgian Infantry Brigade (Piron).
Jean-Baptiste Piron
After the capitulation of Belgium on 28 May 1940 the military officer Jean-Baptiste Piron was interned He escaped and in April 1941 he succeeded in reaching England. There he joined the Belgian army in reconstruction in January 1942. Almost a year later Piron was called to London by the Belgian Prime Minister in exile Hubert Pierlot. In London he was informed about the definitive plans for the reorganization of the Belgian Ground Forces. Piron was appointed commander and soon thereafter lieutenant-colonel of the 1st Belgian Infantry Brigade, a new Belgian unit. The unit consisted of 2,500 soldiers and was trained in Wales. .
Wn Trou030 Pont de Trouville.
Wn Trou030 Pont de Trouville today, many of the original houses survive.
Wn Trou030 Pont de Trouville.
The patisserie.
Wn Trou030 Pont de Trouville.
The bridge in 1947 with the British Armies Bailey bridge still in place.
Wn Trou030 Pont de Trouville.
© 2013 Richard Drew