Wn10 Riva-Bella
2./Grenadier Regiment 736.
1 x R644 6 embrasure turret bunker.
3 x Vf58c Tobruks.
1 x R626 casemate for a 7.5cm Pak 40 with roof canopy.
1 x 5cm KwK Ringstand.
1 x Vf bunker.
1 x 7.5cm Pak 40.
1 5cm KwK L/60 Pak.
R626 casemate for a 7.5cm Pak 40 with roof canopy.
5cm KwK L/60 Pak gun.
7.5cm Pak 40 shooting.
40P8 six embrasured turret.
R644 six embrasured turret.
Wn10 Riva-Bella
Poste De Secours ------------------ Monument Français Libres.
Wn10 Riva-Bella
Just of the ferry.
Wn10 Riva-Bella
The western flank of Wn10.
5cm KwK L/60.
Wn10 Riva-Bella
Two air photo of the beach showing the second a bit later building work has been started and the regeneration of the area building up.
PRU Spitfire.
Loading in the cameras.
WAAF photo interpreters at RAF Medmenham.
Wn10 Riva-Bella plan.
1 x R644 6 embrasure turret bunker.
3 x Vf58c Tobruks.
1 x R626 casemate for a 7.5cm Pak 40 with roof canopy.
Road block.
Wn10 Riva-Bella
The site of the R626, observation post and anti-tank wall.
Field kitchen.
Wn10 Riva-Bella
R626 casemate for a 7.5cm Pak 40 with roof canopy.
The casemate just showing up behind the beach huts. This is the angle the gun would have fired away to the west and when the landings started it must have been very busy firing at British landing craft and tanks coming ashore.
Wn10 Riva-Bella
R626 casemate for a 7.5cm Pak 40 with roof canopy.
The Tobruk defence of the R626.
R626 casemate for a 7.5cm Pak 40 with roof canopy.
Wn10 Riva-Bella
R626 casemate for a 7.5cm Pak 40 with roof canopy.
The Tobruk defence of the R626.
845P6 steel roof plan.
845P6 steel roof elevation.
Wn10 Riva-Bella
R626 casemate for a 7.5cm Pak 40 with roof canopy.
Steel studs on the roof.
Wn10 Riva-Bella
R626 casemate for a 7.5cm Pak 40 with roof canopy.
The steel studs showing up well on this original picture.
Wn10 Riva-Bella
R626 casemate for a 7.5cm Pak 40 with roof canopy.
Plan showing the steel canopy and where an anti/tank gun would have fitted.
Roof plate elevation.
Roof plate plan.
7.5cm ammunition.
Wn10 Riva-Bella
R626 casemate for a 7.5cm Pak 40 with roof canopy.
Note the flanking wall covers the embrasure.
R626 casemate for a 7.5cm Pak 40 with roof canopy.
Wn10 Riva-Bella
R626 casemate for a 7.5cm Pak 40 with roof canopy.
This is the flanking wall that covered the embrasure from direct fire from the sea.
R626 flanking wall red..
Wn10 Riva-Bella
R626 casemate for a 7.5cm Pak 40 with roof canopy.
Side view.
Wn10 Riva-Bella
R626 casemate for a 7.5cm Pak 40 with roof canopy.
Looking towards the rear.
Wn10 Riva-Bella
Observation post. Not a very pretty one.
Wn10 Riva-Bella
Observation Tobruk.
Tobruk's were not just a defence but also can be used as an observation, a pair of binoculars could be fitted onto the machine gun ring to steady them.
Machine gun ring for a Tobruk.
Wn10 Riva-Bella
Observation post - anti-tank wall - 5cm KwK Pak.
How it looked just after the war when a team of army intelligence officers toured the coast taking pictures of the battlefields. 30 ASU (Commando) was one of these units.
30 ASU (Commando) soldier.
30 ASU (Commando) soldiers.
30 ASU (Commando) soldier.
Wn10 Riva-Bella
5cm KwK Pak L/60.
This is a post capture photo showing the camouflage netting still draped around it. Also a slit trench leads up to the position and the small anti-tank wall on the left side..
Wn10 Riva-Bella
5cm KwK Pak L/60.
This is another interesting point, the slit on the side of casemates were used to store the barrel when under heavy attack to protect it. Also see the camouflage on the barrel and shield. the cracks in the concrete are due to the emplacement being hit by artillery in the landings.
Wn10 Riva-Bella
5cm KwK Pak L/60 .Some moths after its capture.
5cm Ringstand Nr.1694.
5cm KwK Pak L/60.
5cm KwK Pak L/60.
Wn10 Riva-Bella
Allied plan for the the Ringstand.
Wn10 Riva-Bella
Observation and anti-tank wall.
Wn10 Riva-Bella
Wn10 Riva-Bella
R644 with a 40P8 turret.
Now dedicated memorial to the French Commando and its leader Lieutenant Commander Philippe Kieffer.
Lieutenant Commander Philippe Kieffer.
Plan of an R644 with a large crew room, gas lock, close combat, ventilation, ammunition and turret.
Lowering a steel turret into a bunker and then concrete would then be poured.
Wn10 Riva-Bella
R644 with a 40P8 turret.
A six embrasured steel turret where a gunner could sit inside and could fire a fortress mounted Mg34 to any of the embrasures.
40P8 turret.
Machine gunner inside a turret.
Mg34 fortress mount..
Periscope fitting in the centre of turret to allow vision and directing the machine gun.
Wn10 Riva-Bella
R644 with a 40P8 turret.
Wn10 Riva-Bella
Lieutenant Commander Philippe Kieffer.
Lieutenant Commander Philippe Kieffer.
Wn10 Riva-Bella
© 2013 Richard Drew