La Maison Rouge nord.
There are no details as to what may have been here. I think this and Mason Rouge were fill in defences between the larger Wn's of Wn21 Chateau de Quineville and Wn23 Aumeville Lestre plage.
La Maison Rouge nord
The view north towards La Maison Rouge nord just in front of the buildings straddling the road.
La Maison Rouge nord
An Allied Tactical Target photo 5th January 1944 showing the two small defences.
La Maison Rouge nord
We found concrete rubble in the corner of a field.
La Maison Rouge nord
The concrete remains and then the aerial photo shows up a trench system not seen on the ground. Also the buildings now a sea food plant may have covered some other remains.
La Maison Rouge nord
A concrete water trough??
La Maison Rouge nord
A section taken from the Bigot map made by the Allies before they landed and its their interpretation of what they thought was here.
D-Day planners.
La Maison Rouge nord
Quineville to the south was the main Stützpunkt 18 for the area (an amalgamation of several Wiederstandnester) and defending the StP was 8.Kp./Gren.Rgt.919 (Oberlt. Dettmer). and covering the four kilometer gap between Wn21 to Wn25 was 7.Kp./Gren.Rgt.919 (Lt. Kuniss) . Here they had no heavy weapons but would have relied on their reserves inland and the mortars of Wn23. There was also a batterie of four casemated 10.5cm K.331 guns in R671 casemates behind them on the hill, Wn22 Quineville Mt Coquerel H.K.B.
R671 casemate.
10.5cm K331[f]
Two of the four R671 casemates.
La Maison Rouge nord
© 2013 Richard Drew