StP Waben.
Battery 1./H.A.A.1146.
4 x R669 Casemates.
4 x
Geschützstellung open emplacements.
4 x 12.2cm s.F.H.369(r).
1 x Kablebrunnen.
12.2cm s.F.H.369(r).
R669 casemate.
StP Waben.
StP Waben.
The air photo showing four R669 casemates and several ancillary buildings (bunkers) behind. The four casemates show up as well possibly two Geschützstellung.
This site is now a gravel pit and all the casemates are still here but I am not sure about any other buildings.
A pair of R669 casemates at another battery site.
StP Waben
Batterie picture SHM
A post war view of the four Waben casemates across the fields now dug out for gravel extraction.
The 12.2cm s.F.H.369(r) guns would have covered the Berck to Fort Mahon.
Fire direction.
StP Waben
R636a Fire Control Post at
StP Berck Nord (it has now been removed)
R636a a command post for an army (Heers) coastal batterie. The Officers & man that were inside this post, would be the lookout for for the batterie and when when they saw a target. They would compute all the information and then send it via a buried armoured telephone cable or in an emergency, by radio. The guns would receive all their information to fire on the targets within range.
R636a FCP plan and elevation..
Plotting room.
Armoured cable.
Armoured cable junction box..
StP Waben
R669 Turm 1
R669 casemate Turm 1.
An R669 front view.
StP Waben
R669 Turm 2
R669 casemate Turm 2.
R669 gun room.
StP Waben
R669 Turm 3
R669 casemate Turm 3
Rear view of two R669's on another battery.
StP Waben
R669 Turm 4
R669 casemate Turm 4 attached to the new building.
plan of an R669.
Waben Kablebrunnen
Now we move on to a cable bunker we found in a field just west of Waben.
Waben Kablebrunnen
The bunker is in the field on the right.
Waben Kablebrunnen
This cable box could have been a connection the north south cable with cables coming in from the west?
Waben Kablebrunnen
It has these three holes in the front and the extension on the right has another hole.
I am absolutely unaware of what happened inside this Kablebrunnen so its all guesswork.
Armoured cable.
Waben Kablebrunnen
An entrance.
Field telephone.
Waben Kablebrunnen
Inside now half full of water. It looks as though tubes/pipes came through the holes and you can see the shapes in the concrete above.
I wonder if it was like this??
Waben Kablebrunnen
Almost a key hole where a pipe/cable came through.
Cable linesmen.
Waben Kablebrunnen
The other end with the three holes out.
Waben Kablebrunnen
This is a sort of extension adding another cable from three to four.
Waben Kablebrunnen
The extension on the side.
Wet concrete was moulded around the cable.
These spikes held the cable in place.
This is where the extended cable went out.
StP Waben & Waben Kablebrunnen
© 2013 Richard Drew