Ra106 Ile Du Guesclin.
1 x 5cm KwK ringstand.
4 x Vf/MG Stand.
1 x Vf/B.Stellen.
1 x 5cm KwK L/42.
5cm KwK ringstand.
Vf/MG Stand.
5cm KwK L/42.
Ra106 Ile Du Guesclin.
The Fort du Guesclin is built on an island, the island of Guesclin accessible at low tide in the Ile-et-Vilaine (Brittany), between Saint-Malo and Cancale. In 1942, during the establishment of the Atlantic Wall, the premises were occupied by the German army. [Wiki]
Fort du Guesclin, Ra106 Ile Du Guesclin.
An ideal defence.
Ra106 Ile Du Guesclin.
Yellow square - is the ringstand of the 5cm KwK l/42 gun.
The yellow circle - is one of the four Vf/machine gun stands.
A Vf/MG stand
5cm KwK l/42 gun.
Loading machine gun belts.
Ra106 Ile Du Guesclin
Anse du Guesclin and a wonderful beach it is.
© 2013 Richard Drew