StP14 Ouistreham
Stab I./Grenadier-Regiment 736.
1 x R634 six embrasured turret.
3 x Bf58c Tobruk's.
1 x R667 Small 5cm KwK casemate (planned or under construction to replace the Nr1694).
1 x Nr1694 Ringstand for a 5cm KwK gun.
1 x Vf69 Heavy mortar position.
7 x Unterstands (small field bunkers not reinforced).
2 x Feldmässig a concrete none standard bunker/shelter..
1 x 5cm KwK 5cm Pak L/60.
1 x 81mm mortar.
1 x 2cm Flak 30.
5cm KwK Pak gun.
81mm Mortar.
Tobruk defence.
StP14 Ouistreham
StP14 Ouistreham
R634 is still in place a six embrasure steel turret bunker. A steel dome set into the concrete with six openings to allow a fortress mounted machine gun to be moved to any of the openings (embrasures). Each embrasure has a closing so that when not in use it can swing and lock closed to stop the ingress of an bullets/shrapnel.
Seen from above.
R634 plan.
R634 elevation.
StP14 Ouistreham
Stab I./Grenadier-Regiment 736.
Plan of the HQ - Stab I./Grenadier-Regiment 736. This is where the HQ would control the Wn's and StP's along the coast and fight the battle as it progressed. They would have had a telephone net with wires in armoured sheaths snaking out to all the defence posts and to the main HQ behind. Also a radio room to use is the land lines went down.
Bunker phone.
Wehrmacht Feldfernsprecher FF33 1935 original Feldtelefon Bakelite.
Field radio.
StP14 Ouistreham
R634 six embrasured turret.
It can just be seen from the air.
StP14 Ouistreham
I walked up between these trees and you can just see the bunker on the right..
The first arrows is where I walked. The second the photos.
StP14 Ouistreham
R634 six embrasured turret.
The first arrows is where I walked. The second the photos.
StP14 Ouistreham
The R634 close up of the entrance.
The first arrows is where I walked. The second the photos.
StP14 Ouistreham
The R634 close up of where the turret would have been.
The first arrows is where I walked. The second the photos.
StP14 Ouistreham
Plan of an R634 with a large crew room, gas lock entrance, a ventilation room, a fighting turret and a close combat defence room to cover the rear door.
40P8 turret would have been used here.
Lowering a turret into place.
Ventilation gas filters. The hand pump would be turned and fresh air sucked in through pipes into the bunker, filtered through charcoal filters. The doors would be sealed and an over pressure inside meant gas could not enter.
StP14 Ouistreham
R634 six embrasured turret elevation.
A crew room.
Under a turret.
Inside a turret.
StP14 Ouistreham
Nr1694 Ringstand for a 5cm KwK L/60.
The only real heavy gun protecting this HQ was a 5cm KwK L/60 with its muzzle break.
Bigot plan of the defences.
The German artillery fire plan for the beach areas defended by Stab I./Grenadier-Regiment 736.
StP14 Ouistreham
The route taken by the 2nd E Yorks. Supported b y the 76th Field Regt. RA.
The 2nd E Yorks landed on D-Day morning around 7.20am and advanced into very heavy machine gun fire. Many were killed and wounded. They managed by advancing as fast as they could to overwhelm the enemy and with the help of tanks that should have landed first but due to circumstances could not. After clearing the beach the 2nd E York move to the left as the inland was flooded then advanced across country. Again tanks had not been able to keep up, their FOO officer (Forward Observation Officer) was killed and so they had no naval support. Luckily the 76th Field Regt. RA had managed to get some self propelled guns ashore and supported the Yorks.
76th Field Regt. RA Sextant 25pndr artillery.
Sextant crew.
DD Sherman tanks coming ashore.
StP14 Ouistreham
Sword Beach Queen Red sector where the 2nd E Yorks landed.
Plan of Sword Beach red sector.
Sword Beach.
Sword Beach.
StP14 Ouistreham
The advancing Infantry following a DD Sherman.
StP14 Ouistreham
Giving covering fire.
StP14 Ouistreham
The 2nd E Yorks advanced towards StP14 and came under heavy machine gun fire. There was a Tobruk on the forward left flak with a machine gun and also the turret of the R634 had a machine gun covering the forward area. There was also the 5cm KwK and a 2cm Flak 30 but these may have been disabled by the artillery fire.
A set piece attack was ordered, something they would have practiced in England and with the support of the 76th Field Regt. RA Sextant 25pndr artillery and the HQ was taken..
Machine gun positions.
Mf09 minefield almost surrounded the position.
StP14 Ouistreham
The follow up.
© 2013 Richard Drew