StP106 Dresden
Batterie MAA 244 a three 17cm S.K.L/40
gun batterie set into the cliff face with an SK (Sonder Konstruktion - special cons.) fire control post. Half the site is in accessible due to it being in a garden, the rest you can see from the cliff top walk or if the tide is out, along the beach. Parking is easy and there is a access to the cliff edge path past the last building in Sangatte.
In the summer 1940 the Kriegsmarine installed 4 17cm average batteries between Waldam and Gris-Nez for the close defense of the Seelöwe Operation to attack Britain.
This is one of the four M batteries, they were named “Coastal batteries M” of the Marine Artillery Abteilung 244.
StP Waldam, Fort Vert M.K.B. MI.
StP Dresden M.K.B. MII.
StP164a Sickingen M.K.B. MIV.
StP Waldam M.K.B. MI.
StP106 Dresden M.K.B. MII.
Wn164a Sickingen M.K.B. MII.
StP106 Dresden
StP106 Dresden
Batterie MAA 244
Commanded by Kapitänleutnant Edelbert Specker with 1 Officer, 24 NCO´s and 106 Men.
2 x M270 Casemates.
1 x SK Fire Control Post (Leitstand).
1 X Wellblech.
1 x SK/Scheinwerfer
2 x Feldm
1 x SK bunker.
3 x Munitionsbunkers.
3 x Vf Machine gun stands.
1 x Wellblech + Flak.
3 x 17cm S.K.L/40
2 x 7.62 F.K.39(r).
2 x 4cm Flak 28.
1 x 2.5cm Pak
2 x 4cm Flak 28 Bofors type.
1 x 2cm Flak 28.
17cm S.K.L/40 guns.
2cm Flak 28.
M270 casemate.
StP106 Dresden
Wellblech/Flak for a 2cm Flak 28 Oerlikon.
2cm Flak 28 Oerlikon.
2cm Flak 28 Oerlikon.
2cm Flak 28 Oerlikon.
StP106 Dresden
Wellblech/Flak for a 2cm Flak 28 Oerlikon
View from the beach.
StP106 Dresden
Wellblech/Flak for a 2cm Flak 28 Oerlikon
Flak tower just gives the gun a bit of height above ground level to see very low flying fighters coming across the channel.
2cm flak 28 Oerlikon.
StP106 Dresden
Wellblech/Flak for a 2cm Flak 28 Oerlikon.
Door into the Wellblech bunker was a 434PO1 type armoured door comes in two halves with a small opening to look out or poke a gun through.
434PO1 door.
StP106 Dresden
Wellblech/Flak for a 2cm Flak 28 Oerlikon.
Going inside.
StP106 Dresden
Wellblech/Flak for a 2cm Flak 28 Oerlikon.
Inside the crew Wellblech bunker.
Wellblech bunker crew.
StP106 Dresden
Wellblech/Flak for a 2cm Flak 28 Oerlikon.
Escape tunnel.
410P9 door that should close off the tunnel.
Emergency escape tunnel.
Door handle.
StP106 Dresden
Wellblech/Flak for a 2cm Flak 28 Oerlikon.
Escape tunnel outside. The Wellblech would be almost covered in earth and a concrete or brick lined tunnel leading out at the top..
A concrete escape tunnel.
The different shaped escapes.
StP106 Dresden
Wellblech/Flak for a 2cm Flak 28 Oerlikon.
The escape and the insets in the wall to take the concrete or brick tunnel, there would also be a set of iron ladders up the wall to climb out.
A set of steel ladders.
StP106 Dresden
Wellblech/Flak for a 2cm Flak 28 Oerlikon.
Flak tower with a couple of layers of brick around the top to give extra cover for the crew. The guns crew could be as little as one man in an emergency to probably three at the gun and one carrying ammunition up to the roof.
2cm Oerlikon Flak 28.
Typhoons attacking after D-DAY..
StP106 Dresden
Wellblech/Flak for a 2cm Flak 28 Oerlikon.
The view with the old hotel.
StP106 Dresden
One of three ammunition bunkers that were on the complete site.
StP106 Dresden
An old Marine style munitions bunker.
StP106 Dresden
A quite small two roomed bunker.
StP106 Dresden
Not sure why a cable run has been cut into the concrete, it may have been done post war??
StP106 Dresden
Usually these bunkers would have had a Marine door say a T8 Marine double ships type door but here there was just a single door with two hinges of unknown type??
T8 type door.
StP106 Dresden
Inside the left room. I do not know if this was for the Flak guns or the main guns. 17cm shells would fill this Munitionsbunker very quickly, so it may have been for the 2cm Oerlikon Flak 28 gun??
2cm Flak magazines and box.
StP106 Dresden
Inside the right room.
StP106 Dresden
Wellblech bunker.
This is an individual Wellblech (Corrugated iron) style bunker just for crew or ammunition, it could be either.
Wellblech full of sailors.
Empty Wellblech.
StP106 Dresden
Open emplacement.
I believe this was Turm1 the open emplacement. Also another SK/Ammunition store and a Wellblech bunker.
SK/Munitions bunker.
Empty Wellblech.
StP106 Dresden
Turm3 of StP106 Dresden (Sangatte Batterie) 17cm S.K. L/40.
StP106 Dresden
One of the originators of the report.
StP106 Dresden
This is the ramp down to the beach and when the tide is out, you have plenty of time to look at the batterie from the sand.
StP106 Dresden
The Wellblech looking up from the beach.
StP106 Dresden
Unknown bits an pieces, some now vanished and others a mystery??
StP106 Dresden
StP106 Dresden
Unknown bits an pieces,
There may have been one of the machine gun bunkers.
StP106 Dresden
So I wonder what it was?
StP106 Dresden
There are many odd buildings probably built by the crews that manned the defence and could not await official channels, so they got on and made what they wanted.
StP106 Dresden
I have seen it said that it could be the site of a searchlight and there was one on the batterie site??
60cm searchlight.
StP106 Dresden
MG emplacement.
A dug in MG emplacement, probably accessed by a tunnel from behind.
This is exactly the area that Hitler and his Generals expected an invasion to come.
StP106 Dresden
MG emplacement.
Very like some at Omaha beach area.
StP106 Dresden
M270 Casemate.
M270 Casemate designed for the Marines (Navy) and used widely. A large emplacement to house a 17cm S.K.L140 gun with its own shield..
17cm S.K.L140.
Crew at work.
StP106 Dresden
M270 casemate.
This could be before the FCP was built?? Three Belgian gates protecting the batterie from assault from the sea.
StP106 Dresden
M270 Casemate.
M270 120° arc of fire.
M270 Elevation.
M270 gun room.
StP106 Dresden
M270 casemate.
17cm S.K.L/140 gun.
17cm S.K.L/140 gun.
StP106 Dresden
SK Leitstand.
SK fire control post.
StP106 Dresden
SK Leitstand.
It looks to have a higher upper viewing platform with a wider slit than standard models like the
An M162 FCP.
StP106 Dresden
SK Leitstand.
Three levels of viewing.
StP106 Dresden
SK Leitstand.
An odd opening in the lower front of the Leitstand?
StP106 Dresden
SK Leitstand.
Another nice side view showing the added brickwork and concrete to give the lower lookouts more cover, usually added just before D-Day when in the early 1944 a lot of beefing up of emplacements was carried out.
StP106 Dresden
SK Leitstand.
You can see in this close up showing the added brickwork and concrete observation room. Inside would be the computing room where the information seen would be transferred to the guns teams.
StP106 Dresden
SK Leitstand.
An M262 FCP internals.
Plotting room.
StP106 Dresden
SK Leitstand.
StP106 Dresden
M270 casemate.
17cm S.K.L/140 gun.
17cm S.K.L/140 gun.
StP106 Dresden
M270 casemate.
17cm S.K.L/140 gun.
StP106 Dresden
M270 casemate.
You can see how the sea erosion has taken away a lot of the cliff and getting worse.
StP106 Dresden
M270 casemate.
17cm S.K.L/140 gun.
StP106 Dresden
M270 casemate.
17cm S.K.L/140 gun.
StP106 Dresden
M270 casemate.
17cm S.K.L/140 gun.
StP106 Dresden
The Fire Control Tower in the middle with two M270 casemates either side. There was another open emplacement for a the third S.K.L/140 gun somewhere, two 7.62 F.K.39(r) field guns, a 2.5cm Pak 112(f) for anti-tank defence and 2 x 4cm Flak 28 Bofors type.
4cm Flak 28 Bofors.
7.62 F.K.39(r) .
2.5cm Pak 112(f).
StP106 Dresden
17cm S.K.L/140 gun in open emplacement.
This is the original Dresden three gun batterie in open emplacements before the casemates were built.
StP106 Dresden
Unsure of this bunker but it may be another Munitionsbunker or an Vf/crew bunker?
StP106 Dresden
On the top of the cliff several home made bunkers can be found.
StP106 Dresden
Built with local bricks, probably from bombed out houses in Calais.
StP106 Dresden
Escape hatch from an underground bunker.
Emergency escape plan.
StP106 Dresden
A Tobruk which may be part of the western M270 casemate?
StP106 Dresden
Another concrete structure close to the cliff.
StP106 Dresden
Looking along its length.
StP106 Dresden
Now looking back.
StP106 Dresden
This is a bunker just behind the cliff.
StP106 Dresden
Barbed wire hanging out of the cliff.
StP106 Dresden
Whilst laying out StP106 Dresden, I was sailing past StP106 in the P&O cruise ship, Azura bound for Southampton.